
Harbinger of Chaos?

A cool breeze gently caressed Demian's face; he slowly opened his eyes while rubbing his head as his memory was a bit fuzzy. He sat down while concentrating and trying to remember what happened.

'The last thing I remember Anyo was about to skewer me.' Demian muttered to himself.

'Ahh! So you are awake, sorry for knocking you out.' a voice came from behind Demian.

Demian was startled as he quickly got up and turned around. A man was sitting on a rock while smoking a pipe; he was the same man who had just saved Demian from Anyo. A hood no longer covered his face, he had silver hair which formed a ponytail, and he also had a thick beard. His eyes were shut, and there were numerous scars around his eyes, it was as if something had tried clawing them out. There was a gentle smile on his face.

'Who are you?' asked Demian like a scared little kid.

'Bhahahaha!! No need to be so scared, I won't harm you, but I doubt that'll suffice as an assurance after what you have just been through.' Replied the old man while taking a puff out of his pipe. He further said 'I am afraid we do not have time for small talk right now, Bann will arrive here any moment, and currently I am not strong enough to face him, I still need some to reach my true strength. Till then we can only run away and hide.' The old man stood up and turned his head towards where Demian was standing. Although his eyes were closed, it was as if he could look straight through your soul.

Demian looked at the man with a confused expression.

'I know, this is too much for you to handle right now, but right now your safety is only what matters to me.' said the old man while walking towards Demian. 'You will have your answers when the time is right. For now, you just have to take it all in and accept it as it is.' By now the man had reached Demian, he placed his hand on Demian's shoulder and said while smiling 'We will meet again, boy.' Dark energy started covering Demian and the old man. The old man took a puff out of his pipe and said' 'Lord Kronos, it has finally begun.' he then smiled at Demian Meaningfully.


Both the Old man and Demian disappeared from the spots they were standing on, gravel was flying around as if something had just crushed the nearby ground, four footprints were clearly visible on the ground.


A thunderbolt landed near the area where Demian and the old man had been standing before. A man walked out of this thunderbolt, he wore blue pants and carried a khakkhara in his left hand which now rested on his shoulder.

'Seems like I was a bit late.' said the man in a serious voice, his voice reverberated like thunder, sparks flew off his body, he slammed his khakkhara on the ground.


Another thunderbolt landed right next to this man. The Thunderbolt dissipated as a figure appeared who was sitting on one knee. It was Anyo.

'Lord Bann, punish me as you deem fit, I have failed as one of your heralds.' said Anyo in a serious manner.

'It's not your fault, I never imagine that he would break free from that place so quickly, he is a greater threat than I Imagined.' said Bann.

'However, if this is the game he wants to play, I don't mind. There is no fun if the prey is too weak.' A sinister smile appeared on Bann's face. He looked at Anyo and said 'Blow the horn of Bedlam, I will play a little game of my own.' said Bann.

'Yes my Lord.' replied Anyo complacently.




Demian reappeared on the stage inside the ancestral hall; dark energy was fluttering around him, he looked around and saw that everyone was looking at him in a confused manner. He was holding a hilt made of rocks, from the size it appeared as if it was the hilt of a greatsword.

'Demian, why were you in the Realm of gods for so long?' asked his father.

'Ehhh...How long was I in there for?' asked Demian.

'Around 12 minutes.' replied his father. (Remember, the disciples that went in previously came out in a couple of seconds, each second in the mortal world was like a couple of days inside the Realm of gods, time worked differently in both places.)

'Ahhhh..Okay.' replied Demina coolly. *BANG* A fist landed on Demians Head as a voice shouted 'What do you mean by 'okay'? Do you even have any idea How tensed me and your father were?'

Demian looked at his mother and rubbed his head.

'Calm down Martha. Let's see what he got.' said Demian's father.

'Alright.' replied Martha while rolling her eyes.

'Demian, show us your weaver.' said his father.

Demian was speechless, he could not tell his parents that a weaver did not accept him as a master, but before he could say anything, the crystal behind them started to shake violently as it turned extremely dark and cracks started appearing on it. Something came out of the crystal with extreme speed and hit The Hilt Demian was holding. The collision emitted numerous strong shockwaves as Demian flew off the stage and landed on a nearby wall. The shockwaves were strong enough to put huge cracks on the walls of the ancestral hall. Demian tore through the wall as landed on the nearby pavement with his back on the grand. The sword hilt was emitting a black light as it absorbed what seemed like black sludge which formed a layer beneath Demian. However, even after such a powerful collision Demian was completely fine, there was not even a single scratch on him.

'That thing just saved me.' he thought with his eyes wide open, as he was looking at the hilt he held.

People rushed towards the ruble where Demian was lying on his back; his father helped him get up.

Martha came forward and asked Demian whether he was okay or not; Demian nodded and said that he was fine.

His father's eyes fell on the hilt Demian was holding in his hand. He was disappointed; he never expected that a broken sword would accept his son as its master. He hesitantly asked Demian 'Is this your weaver?' he tried to hide the disappointment in his voice. Demian was clearly able to tell that his father was upset; he just nodded as an answer.

'The next chief won't be from the main family I guess.' Someone said while hiding in the crowd. This initiated a chain of taunts targeted at Demian. Many people were jealous of him due to the natural talents he possessed.

'Who said that?' Marthas voice roared as scarlet colored flames erupted from her body.

'Mother, It's okay.' said Demian while looking at Martha.

Martha calmed Down and hugged Demian.

Suddenly, there was the sound of a horn blowing that reverberated throughout the world. Thunderclouds started appearing in the sky out of nowhere, and in mere seconds the cloud cover became so thick that not even a single ray of sunshine was able to penetrate through it, the wind started rushing violently, and the clouds began to rumble, it was as if it was the end of the world. Numerous lightning strikes formed and struck each other at a single point. From the collision arose a face made of electricity. The family ancestors on realizing who it was got down on their knees as one of them said timidly 'The descendants of Harmon Greet his Liege Lord Bann.' hearing this everyone in the vicinity got down on their knees and saluted.

'Rise.' said Bann, as his voice reverberated Like Thunder.

'Descendants of Harmon, Today I am the bearer of Bad news, what you just heard was the Horn of Bedlam. The era of chaos has begun, and it can only be stopped if the Harbinger of Chaos is Killed. As for the Identity of the Harbinger Of Chaos, he is the one you call Demian. I wanted him to be Herald of Justice, but for his own selfish reasons, he chose the path of chaos. If you want to live in peace and harmony, annihilate this Demian. The choice is yours.' The clouds rumbled once again as the figure disappeared and the clouds dissipated away like they were never there.

This sudden change of events left everyone in the ancestral hall speechless. Who was Demian? He was the only son of the Chief. He was the strongest warrior of the youngest generation. He was the future of their clan, how could they just kill him like that?

However, mere moments later, the ground started shaking violently, as the cries of monsters echoed in the atmosphere.

A man appeared right before one of the ancestors 'Lord Kussnar, just after the sound of a horn echoed, the monsters near the vicinity of the dungeon have started going rampant, all the troops stationed there have either been crushed or ripped apart by the monsters, General Kubo is the only man standing between the monsters and the dungeon gates. It's bad, if the situation is not controlled, the dungeon gates will be destroyed by these monsters, and that will result in the destruction of the whole country, not even a single soul will remain.' said the man while kneeling.

'Haedan!!!!!' shouted the ancestor.

'Yes, ancestor.' The chief kneeled before the ancestor.

'Kill your son. He is the reason all of this is happening, if he is not stopped, then the whole world will be ushered into an age of chaos and darkness.' said the ancestor furiously.

Haedan was shocked, he looked at Demian and then looked back at the ancestor 'Ancestor, there has to be another wa-' a slap landed on Haedans face.

'You fool. Do you really think Lord Bann won't tell us if there had been another way?' refuted the ancestor. 'Now get up and do what you are supposed to as the chief of this clan.' said the ancestor in a haughty tone.

'Yeah. Kill him; one life is not more important than the rest of the world.'


'Finish him.'

'Save the world.'

The crowd present in the area also joined in with the ancestor.

Haedan Looked around helplessly and contemplated for a few minutes. He then got up and looked at Demian; a tear fell down his face as he raised his hand in the air and said 'Bariq alnnar.' The air around his hand trembled as numerous strands of lightning started combining together and form a giant orb made of lightning in his hand.

Seeing this Demian was flabbergasted. He took a few steps back; he said 'Father.??' as his voice trembled.

'I am sorry my child, but this must be done. It is Better this way, me killing you will at least ensure that you die a swift death. It won't hurt I promise.' said Haedan, as he lowered his hand and shot the orb towards Demian at rapid speed.






I hope you like this one. You will get your answers as the study progressed onwards, and trust me; it only gets better. If you like how things are panning out, you can vote me with some of those power stones and please leave a review and share with your friends. :-)

P.s. 'Bariq alnnar' stands for Lightning shot.

Glaethielcreators' thoughts
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