
DND Realms: The Rise of the Titan-Dragon Prodigy

Titans, near-divine creatures born alongside the most ancient gods.The dragon, a mighty predator at the top of the food chain of countless worlds.Muria, who inherits the bloodline of the Titans and Golden Dragons, sits on a throne.Red dragons, blue dragons, green dragons ...... bronze dragons, red copper dragons, brass dragons ...... amethyst dragons, crystal dragons, emerald dragons, and many more dragons bow under the throne. Cloud giants, mist giants, stone giants, frost giants ...... storm giants, mountain giants, tide giants ...... countless giants bowed before the throne. A king's power is not just to kill and conquer! ----------------------- It's 1 chapter per day at 1 p.m. (Arizona) in every novel I upload. 3 daily chapters in each novel on patreon! p@treon.com/INNIT ----------------------- DISCLAIMER The story belongs entirely to the original author.

INIT · Derivados de obras
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343 Chs

Chapter 149: The Nine Kingly Weapons (Part 5)

Blood dripped down, and the towering altar, resembling a mountain, was now completely dyed with Muria's blood. All the glyphs had turned the color of Muria's blood, and the Eternal Flame on the ninth level of the altar had also turned a faint gold.

As the legendary metals within the flames melted, they also underwent a miraculous transformation, radiating dazzling spiritual light, expanding and contracting as if they had come to life, breathing.

"Is that enough?" Muria, pale, looked at the Eternal Flame before him, changed in color and essence by his blood. His body bore no scars, while beneath him, nineteen rings of golden Soul Intent slowly rotated.

"It's almost time."

"After I leave, I'll ask other Titans about their weapon forging process," Muria said bitterly. "If it's different from mine, I'll come back to smash you once I become legendary."

Don't ask why he hated the spirit of the void so much. Anyone who endured more than twenty "deaths by a thousand cuts" in a short time would go mad. Muria didn't know how he had survived.

"Hey, it's because your healing ability is so strong. Every time we open so many wounds on you, they heal almost as soon as the blood starts flowing," Hephaestus teased.

"Is that my fault!" Muria pulled a face. Was having a strong physique a mistake?

"Right, young Titan, if you want to dismantle me, legendary strength won't be enough. Only an Epic Titan has that kind of power. You're far from it."

"Hmph, I will become Epic."

"Oh, then I look forward to it. Now, visualize the weapons you want to forge in your mind."

Following Hephaestus's voice, the altar, dyed gold by the blood, shone brightly. Muria felt a faint connection forming between himself and the altar.

"Now..." Muria frowned slightly but did as the spirit of the void said, imagining the weapons he wanted, one by one.

"That's... quite interesting." While Muria visualized, Hephaestus seemed to have glimpsed the weapons Muria envisioned.

"These weapons are not bad, but, a bow! As a Titan, you're actually using this kind of weapon?"

"What's wrong with a bow?" Muria snorted lightly. In the myths of his previous life, there was a well-known hero who had slain nine sons of the Heavenly Emperor with a great bow.

"Using a bow is not the issue, but legendary metals alone can't forge a bow."

"I know." Muria took out a bundle of fierce and wild "strings" from his space ring, "I've prepared the materials long ago."

"Sinews of a nine-headed dragon, and high-grade legendary at that. Tsk, you must have stolen your parents' collection. Otherwise, where would a Soul Intent-level little Titan get something like this?"

"None of your business!" Muria's face darkened as he waved the translucent serpent sinew. "Now tell me, how do you plan to string my longbow?"

"Throw it in!"

"Are you joking? This is sinew, not metal."

"Throw it in!" Hephaestus repeated, his tone leaving no room for doubt. "I've been in charge of the Forge for three hundred thousand years, I know better than you how to forge a weapon!"

With nothing left to say, Muria threw the sinew into the Eternal Flame.

The flames flickered, but the feared scenario did not occur. Within the flames, the serpent sinew showed no sign of damage but, like the legendary metals, emitted a new vitality and underwent a miraculous transformation.

"I'm starting now, young Titan. Keep your eyes wide open and don't miss any detail."

As the spirit of the void spoke, Muria felt a slight tremor beneath his feet. No, not the altar, but the Forge itself was vibrating, or more astonishingly, the metal floating land where the Forge was located.

With this vibration, a change imperceptible to Muria occurred. He didn't know what the Forge had activated, but it was definitely something extraordinary.

The waterfall of light pouring into the Eternal Flame turned into a thick column of light, with vast ocean-like energy flowing into the Eternal Flame. The emanating fluctuations made Muria's body tremble, and the thick column of light slowly expanded.

Yet, even with such terrifying energy influx, the Eternal Flame absorbed it all without any spillage, only its flickering frequency slightly increased.

"Uh, there are other changes!" Muria watched the faint gold Eternal Flame, his eyebrows raised. He saw ancient, majestic runes emerge within the flames, carrying a domineering aura, and then, one by one, these runes were imprinted onto the molten legendary metals.

"This is..." Muria's golden eyes focused, trying to identify these runes, to understand what they were. "The oldest script, the Divine Script."

This script, created by ancient gods at the dawn of the world, each character representing a law, contained immense power. The scripts and runes of all races in Elrasia evolved from it.

But Muria hadn't learned this script because it was too difficult. It wasn't something a Titan of his age should dabble in, a script for gods and epics to flaunt, not suitable for him at this stage.

As for the ancient divine scripts left by Michaela on the thick book of Sunflame Gold battles, they were merely in form without the essence. Even the Celestial Maiden hadn't mastered its core, but still, it impressed Muria greatly.

"Don't get distracted." A reprimanding voice rang in Muria's ears, drawing his attention back to the Eternal Flame before him.

Muria watched intently as the molten legendary metals began to merge by type within the flames, Thunderous Purple Gold, Hurricane Blue Gold, Sunflame Gold... The previously scattered legendary metals started to come together. Muria quietly observed everything happening.

All the legendary metals merged by type, and during this process, ancient divine scripts continuously emerged in the flames, then branded onto the legendary metals.

The legendary metals, inscribed with one divine script after another, underwent even more bizarre changes. Spiritual light burst from each piece of merged metal, obscuring its original form.

Muria could no longer see the legendary metals clearly. In his eyes, he could only see orbs of dazzling spiritual light, of various colors, floating and sinking in the Eternal Flame.

Although Muria couldn't see them, he felt a faint connection with the metals in the flames, sensing their presence as if they had become a part of him.

However, this connection was too obscure for Muria to control the metals to do anything. (If one had to describe it, these legendary metals were to Muria as if a normal person's arm was broken.)

"Begin forging!"

Under Muria's gaze, each "little sun" separated a part of itself, large and small, then merged together... Is there any metal better than legendary metals in the world? Unquestionably, there is.

What is it? The answer is simple: a legendary composite metal formed by merging two or more legendary metals. But the catch is, you need to know the formula for this legendary alloy; it's not as simple as mixing them however you wish.

...Muria watched in the faint gold Eternal Flame as more than ten types of legendary metals merged in proportions he didn't understand, then began to slowly stretch out.

When familiar crescent blades appeared on one end, Muria knew what the first weapon to take shape was.

"The Halberd of the Heavens!"


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