
chapter 1

Her pov

Waking up the sound of knocking on my door I drew the covers over my head and groaned I hate being woken up especially since today is my darn day off, The knocking continues I sighed throwing my covers off getting up from my bed dragging my self down the stairs towards the banging sound that beginning to me irritated I swung the door open without checking who it was first.

"WHAT?!" To my surprise it was my mom standing there with a shocked look on her face with her hand on her chest. I should've checked the damn hole before opening could've avoiding the ear full I'm about to receive now. "Now is that anyway to great your mother child?" She asks in her jamaican voice with a amused look on her face. "I'm sorry mama i didn't check before opening i got in late last night from work and i haven't gotten much sleep im so tired." I said walking away from the door towards the coach, she chuckles closing the door heading to the kitchen with bags in her hand. "I know baby i'm sorry i had to get you up like that i got out the house this morning and i didn't realize that i left my key until i got to the door i know you been working so hard you haven't had a chance to have a perfectly home cooked meal in a while i wanted you to wake up to mama's cooking girl." She says chuckling she kissed me on the side of my head and headed back to the kitchen, "This i wouldn't have to if you'd get a maid and a man she whispered to herself thinking i didn't hear her, "Hey, I heard that ." "I'm just saying honey get you a maid you can afford it at least you'd be able to monitor only work and wouldn't have to worry about cooking or cleaning you could relax at home and only stress in the office you know i'm right divine." She placed her hands on her hips staring at me behind the kitchen island. "I know mama i plan to i just haven't gotten to it as yet, hiring a maid i mean i aint even gone entertain you other statement." She laughs "Hmmn, thought you was slick i heard you. "You were suppose to hear me girl i aint stutter." she says rolling her eyes "You need a man Dee you 27 years old you aint getting no younger you need a man and i need me some grand babies i cant wait until i'm to old i cant watch em grow na." she says with her hands still on her hips. I got up from the sofa and walked over in front of the island and took a seat on a stool, I get what you saying mama i just cant go through the pain i went through with delmar,he was my first i gave him 5 years of my life and all he did was hurt me in the end after all i held down for him, I cant and i refuse to go through that again ma." i said playing with my manicured nails. She sighs walking around the island towards me she puts her arms around my shoulders holding me, "I know baby but you gotta let that her go, I know he hurt you bad but in order to heal and love again you gotta forgive him." "Forgive him?" I asked in in confusion "Ma i-" "Yes forgive him" she cut me off "Not for him but for you so you can move on from that pain and that hurt that you have deep inside,stop holding on to it baby let it go so you can open your heart for love when the right man comes along that's going to love and cherish you." "I hear what you saying ma but i shouldn't have to forgive him i did nothing but love him and he do me like this no." i said shaking my head Her hands dropped from my shoulders and she walked over to the bags she placed on the island and started unpacking. "I know dee but what you need to remember that the next man that walks in your life is not delmar and if you won't let that man love you he can't that hurt will only follow you through life and take it from me you don't want that baby, let the next man that comes into your life love you and dont push him away,you hear me?" sighing i replied "Ill try ma." "That's all you gotta do baby,try and let the lord do the rest ya hear." "Yes mame"

"Good na gone up them stairs and get you some well deserved rest."

I was relieved "ok mama" i turned away towards the steps, getting to my room i layed in bed thinking about what my mama said i know she's right but it's gonna take me a while,i contemplated while drifting off to sleep.

Hi my name is Augbeybeh i hope you enjoy my story

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