
Divine Necromancer

Tyler died young because of a heart problem and couldn't afford a cure. He got a second chance to live but one filled with many thorns. Will he be able to survive in a world where strength decides the law?

MS_Reddy · Fantasía
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13 Chs

The Adventure Begins (Re-written)

After arriving at the quest board, I checked what quests were available and selected a few low-level quests.

The quests in the trial lands could be obtained in different ways. Depending on how you obtained the quest, it determines its category. Quests of different categories would have different traits.

The quests on the quest board are repeatable quests, which means they stay active until the trial land disappears. One can do these quests as many times as they can.

There are some repeatable quests to get from a few NPCs but most NPCs only give quests that can be carried by a single or limited number of awakeners.

Some quests are given by the system when it is triggered. No one has identified what triggers the quest by the system. These quests are only valid for the ones that the system chose.

I didn't choose to go to NPCs because most of them aren't important, at least not until you enter the cities here or from the ones in Ascended Space. Yes, even though the Ascended Space, belongs to Athos and its awakeners, there are still NPCs and kingdoms controlled by them. It was so that there wouldn't be any chaos.

<Quest: 10 Kill slimes (0 10)>

<Quest: 10 Kill Or-rats (0 10)>

<Quest: 10 Kill Tel-weeds (0 10)>

I took three quests and went on my way. There was a reason for taking those three. In most cases, one would find all three monsters in the fields of the village.

Or-rats are a type of rats that are seen in these lands and Tel-weeds are a type of weeds that grow in fields. Slimes and Rats are the most typical pests that destroy food production anywhere.

Tel-weeds are plant monsters that hinder the crop's growth. Though they aren't mobile, they cause severe debuffs to hunters, which would be cashed by Or-rats and Slimes, and any other monsters that are present.

Since I don't have any necromancer spells, the sword given to me by the system is all that I have. Let's check it.


Weapon: Sword

Grade: Common

Strength: +5


Nothing is different from what I read about the swords given at the beginning. The sword gives an extra +5 to my strength when wielded, thereby increasing my physical attack power.

Every equipment would have an attribute increase and some come with certain traits but not in common grade.

My clothes are normal clothes. There are no additions to my attributes because of them. So I need to pick up as many equipment items as I can because my defence would only increase by them.

As a spellcaster, all I would have would be spells which are long-range attacks. Well, most are summons that could do any range attacks but I personally won't have any protections. The only defences are attributes that I could gain when I level up but it won't be enough if a powerful enemy attacks you.

Though the trial lands give an extra two lives, I should act as if I have only one. It is just the start of the year, and I am sure that those two would come in handy. So it's best not to waste them when it is easily avoidable.

It's time for me to get those equipment. So I equipped my sword and began my hunt.



As I thought, all three monsters are in the fields. The problem was to find a free one. Since these are easy kills, everyone is here, hunting them. Since I came late, it took me a long time to complete the quests.

<You killed a slime. You gained experience.>

<Double 2 loot activated. You got coins.>



<Quest: 10 Kill slimes (10 10) completed.>

<You 10 received experience and coins.>

<Quest: 10 Kill Or-rats (10 10)>

<You 10 received experience and coins.>

<Quest: 10 Kill Tel-weeds (10 10)>

<You 10 received experience and coins.>

<You have levelled up.>

<You have levelled up.>

<You have reached Level 3.>

I completed the three quests and was able to reach level 3. Even if these monsters are low-level, and considered easy kills, they were quite a hurdle for me. There were quite a number of scratches and holes in my armour by the time I came out of the fields.

By the time I was able to complete the three quests, the sky was already darkening. From previous year's records, the first to qualify to enter a town was done in two days minimum. Most do this in three days.

The qualification is one has to complete a dungeon quest given by the village chief. The quest would only be given when one reaches level 10.

The day already ended but I am still at level 3. If I level like this, going to a town would take me a lot of time. This is so because of those brats coming from one of those big families. Though they have no power here, it doesn't mean that they couldn't hurt you.

If their wishes weren't followed, they would certainly show their family's power in Athos or in the Ascended lands. Either way, confronting someone from one of the big families, means that you have just written your death.

I was late and those brats who arrived later than me, occupied a significant area. Once they levelled up, they didn't leave until their subordinates levelled up too. Only then did they leave the fields.

It ate most of the other's time, making them lag behind by a lot.

It is the same way, every year. The one who set the record for the fastest to enter a town comes from such a family. He used his family's name and was able to be at the forefront.

He wasted a lot of time for me. This hinders my plans to gain strength faster. Also, I have to look for ways to unlock my hidden attributes, so that they too grow when I level up. What everyone concluded was that hidden attributes could only be unlocked, after they reach the towns or cities.

It was because, it was where everyone who was able to do, found their way to do it.

Speaking of level-up, I should see my status window and see how much I gained from this hunt. Maybe after I buy a few spells. I now have enough coins to buy spells. It would make my grinding easier.

For now, I'm tired and it's almost evening. I should retire for the day in an Inn and should start early tomorrow.

After returning to the village I found an Inn to rest. I chose to spend the night at an Inn to rest because they are safer from both monsters and humans. Here no one can attack you or steal from you. Well, at least as long as the guards' ranks are higher than the thieves.

Yes, the thief class has a skill that lets them steal from others easily. So when I enter the town, I should find a bank to keep my belongings. Though it would cost me a fee and thieves most likely would get the skill at later levels, it's better to be safe than sorry.

I took a bath before eating the food I brought from home. I only stopped once my stomach was full as I didn't get a chance to refill myself because of those brats wasting my time.

Anyway, it's time for me to sleep and start refreshed early in the morning. Hope, there aren't many early risers.


Early in the morning, the first thing I did was go to the local magic shop to buy spells.

First I would need an attack spell. As a necromancer, my attack spell should be rising undead or some dark spells that cause debuffs to the enemies and that is what I chose. Instead of rising undead, I chose the [Summon Skeleton] spell and [Mana Drain] spell.

Though I have magic reflect skill, it wouldn't fully protect me from the attack. I need a [Physical Shield] spell and a [Magic Shield] spell. I brought those two and that emptied my wallet.

Many think that awakeners would be able to amass huge amounts of wealth but it won't be a reality until the later stages of life or if their family was wealthy enough.

Most of the time when an awakener is rising his ranks, the money earned would immediately disappear in the form of buying resources. This is unavoidable, even for those wealthy brats as their own family's fortunes can't be brought inside.

Though it was fair to that point, influence could still be brought. They would buy subordinates, using the wealth that could be awarded in Athos and Ascended Lands.

After buying the spells, I learned them. Once done, I got the notifications.


Summon Skeleton (F):

>> Summon Skeletons X 10

Mana Cost: 20 mana


Mana Drain (F):

>> Drains enemy mana at 5 mana/ min for five minutes.

Cooldown: 20 minutes


Physical Shield (F):

>>Casts a shield to protect from physical attacks.

Mana Cost: 25 mana


Magic Shield (F):

>> Casts a shield to protect from magical attacks.

Mana Cost: 25 mana


<Evolution detected four spells: Summon Skeleton; Mana Drain; Physical Shield; Magic Shield.>

<Requirements 100 for upgrading Summon Skeleton: 1-Star; Cast times.>

<Requirements 100 for upgrading Mana Drain: 1-Star; Cast times.>

<Requirements 100 for upgrading Physical Shield: 1-Star; Cast times.>

<Requirements 100 for upgrading Magic Shield: 1-Star; Cast times.>


This looks interesting. Unlike others, spells seemed to evolve with my rank and using spells multiple times.

Do they evolve every time I rank up? Only time will tell.

Now it is time to grind.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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