

It was my first time in love, and honestly, I'd pretty much appreciate if it was the only time.

"Do you feel really bothered by her?" Claudia asked me as she took a bite out of her black forest cake slice.

"Not so much. She isn't is a threat."

"Yet... She isn't a threat yet," Flora calmly finished for me.

She was right. Beatrice wasn't a threat quite yet. She had no designs on Quincy or at least, she was yet to make them obvious in front of me.

"I'll be attending her party with Quincy. What can I vet for someone I don't really know?"

"Quincy's gift should have both your names on it. Mark your territory with subtlety," Claudia mumbled through a full mouth.

"That's not such a bad idea. What's the gift?" asked Flora.

"Cashmere scarf," I have to admit that my man had good taste.

"Perfect. Get a blank birthday card and wish her a happy birthday... signed Quincy and Sera. Can you put a little cam on there so I can see her face when she reads that?"

The brats burst out laughing like crazy.

"I'll talk to Quincy about it. I wouldn't want to do something that would make him uncomfortable."

Their idea wasn't bad, but the hidden camera was anything but subtle.

Crazy girls.

After accompanying my chicas for a while, I headed back home to Quincy. We lived in separate apartments, but home was wherever he was. The effect he had in me was astounding. Just mentally reciting his name got me smiling hard like a fool.

"Smells delicious," I complimented as I made my way towards the kitchen after I was greeted with the scent of good food.

"I bet not as delicious as you," he chuckled with his back to me as he worked on dinner. He was making spaghetti meatballs.

His broad back was just missing a sign that read "Free back hugs." There was no way I was going to pass up on this glorious opportunity. I attached myself in a koala-like manner, and it felt good.

"How was your outing?"

"Not bad. I overfed thanks to Claudia."

"Well someone isn't getting any spag tonight."

"You dare silver eyes, you dare."

Our conversations were usually like this. We teased each other, cuddled up and talked about our eventful day. It never felt boring with him around.

I told him about the gift idea I got from my girlfriends, and he was totally okay with it, excluding Flora's idea of course.

As the night darkened, we had the dinner and spent the rest of the time talking to family over the phone.

While binge watching 'How To Get Away With Murder,' I suddenly had an idea on How To Get Away With Babe.

"Let's go on a date this weekend. I'll bring you somewhere beautiful." It had been a while since we were out on a date.

"Really?" Summer squealed excitedly.

That was probably the first time I heard her squeal. Seeing her this excited made me excited. My boyfriend skills definitely needed an upgrade if I wanted to hear her squeal like that more often.

"Really. You're going to love it."

"Not as much as I love you," she said suddenly before widening her eyes in shock and putting her hands over her mouth.

She stood up suddenly and sprinted to the room, leaving me dumbstruck from what just happened.

In Seraphina's mind: *screaaaaammmmmm*

In Quincy's mind: *dark clouds*

While subject A was pulling her hair out in the room, subject B was wallowing in sadness in the sitting area.

First chapter of the day.

Next update will be between 10am-12pm EST, double chapter update.


QueenCLcreators' thoughts
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