Dipps, a small raccoon like creature finds himself in a graveyard after mysteriously dying, although he isn't quiet sure who he is he's detimined to find out his past and make a new life for himself in a uncertain adventure. Additionally you can read the story at Royalroad.com
Grotesque beings gathering as one, together they lurk deep inside a long-forgotten graveyard. Chanting in unison, they call forth the souls of those damned around them. Long dead ghouls unable to refuse the call find themselves awake and ready to serve. A Smile on the beings faces with the sound of digging echoing all around them. One after another the grotesque ghoul's stand free atop the hallowed ground. Like that of loyal dogs, they gathered at the heels of their masters ready for their command.
In a bush lied a small raccoon creature, awoken to the sound of digging. Curiosity overtaking the little creature he creeps from the hedge. Wide-eyed, he finds himself staring through what should be the stomach of a thin being. Looking back through the empty stomach was the gaze of a ghoul tilting his head in confusion. Fear filling up inside him, he fumbles backwards crashing into the bush, unable to move an inch. His small chest-pounding faster and faster as a bony hand gripping the back of his neck, lifting him off his feet. Against his struggling he finds himself meeting the gaze of the decayed being. Unable to stand the rotten sight, he clenches his eyes shut with fear taking over him.
"Little one, you're alright now. The world has gifted you with a beautiful black heart, a second chance, what's your name little one?" The slender being asked in an unfitting soft and gentle tone.
The gentle forest, hearing these calming words, opens his eyes to the world. "My name is Dipp..." Answering the creature in a slow and uncertain tone.
"Your quite the lost puppy aren't you Dipp, how did someone like you find themselves dead in a random bush". The creature asks looking over Small Dipp's body as he speaks.
A frown coating Dipp's face as he struggles to remember how he ended up here. His heart sinking deep into his chest as he struggles to remember anything of his past life.
"Ahh, your quite the lost one aren't you, unsure of where your going or even where you've been. But don't despair yet I'm sure you'll find your way yet" The creature says lowering Dipp to the floor turning away.
"Wait!... what should I do now...?" Dipp says letting out an ear-piercing yell hoping to get the creature's attention.
"Little Dipp, your cleaner then any undead I've seen. You could do whatever you wish. All you must do is find the way their" He explains as his back to Dipp, before walking off with the other creatures. Together they walk off into the shadows, their new pets following behind.
Alone and confused the lone Dipp looks through the empty graveyard. The cold wind rustling against the trees the only sound around. For what seems like hours he wanders the abandoned cemetery unsure of where to go next. His mind racing with uncertain as his steps become slower and slower until he stops dead in his tracks. Unable to go on alone anymore, he falls to his knees, looking to the grey sky above him.
"Please... someone tell me what I should do. Why am I even here?" Dipp yelled into the sky, begging for a reason for his existence. In silence, he sat praying for a reply from the heavens only to answered by the beat of a heart. Surprised, he looked over his shoulder for the strange beating. Curious and nothing else to lose he stood from the floor and followed the heartbeat. Each step he took closer towards the thumper, the loud it became until he found himself atop a grave. Looking down at the grave, the pulse mesmerising Dipp. Each beat passed through Dipp like a wave of energy. The sound was right before him, reaching out he gripped what would be the beating heart. His fingers gripping the intangible heart, a surge of energy fled from his body. The vision blurring he'd left himself with only exhaustion, collapsing to the floor.
Screams echoed all-around, a disorientated Dipp staggering to his feet, rubbing his face he looking forward heart races as smoke billows around him. Uncertain of what was happening Dipp rushes towards the door. At full sprint, he rushed down the hall to no avail. No matter how fast he sprinted down the hallway seemed to go on forever, confused Dipp looks for another way out. The window was his only option. A stride in his step, he rushes towards the window, managing to crash through the window.
"So you survived, huh. Guess I'll have to remedy that" A low rough voice says before Dipp can even look to the familiar voice, A hand grips his neck tightly. Against his will Dipp is lifted him from the ground, unable to resist. He's feet dangle from the floor he kicks and squirms trying to free himself from death's embrace.
"Why...?" Dipp asks managing to let out a single question under the pressure of the death grip around his neck. Tighter and tighter the grip making it harder and harder to breathe.
"A dead man like you doesn't deserve to know," The voice says as Dipp's light fades from his eyes. No smoke. No pain. Dipp rubs his eyes in disbelief, 'Was that a dream?' He asks himself over and over unsure of what was real anymore.
"So you're the one that called for me, your smaller than I'd imagined," A gentle voice said from beside Dipp. A confused Dipp looks over at the older man crouching beside him. "Your awake, My Names Oliver Mould, ready to serve," He says, stretching his hand out towards Dipp. Sitting up, Dipp shakes the odd man's hand, unsure of what was happening.
"Where did you come from?" Dipp tilting his head as he questions the older man. Dipp Lacking enough motivation to move a muscle in his body.
"I heard your pleas for guidance, I couldn't ignore it at all," The elderly man said with a gentle smile on his face. Standing tall, he reaches his hand towards the small Dipp. Grabbing the man's hand, Dipp raises himself to his feet. Standing tall beside his new companion, little Dipp smiled, hoping for a bright future to come.
"So little master, What should I call you?" The elderly stroking his beard as he spoke.
"My names Dipp" A happy smile on his face as he answered the man's questions. "What's yours?".
"I am Oliver Mould, call me whatever you like to prefer" Oliver bowing as he introduced himself to his new mater. "So Master Dipp, where should we head to?" He asked the small Dipp with a smile on his face. A gloomy expression coating Dipps face as he thought hard to find an answer for Oliver's question. "It's okay Master Dipp. How about we head to a nearby town?. Although it's been a while since I was last here, I may be able to guide you". Oliver, gripping his small master's shoulder tightly as he speaks kind words to reassuring words.
"Yes please, let's go there," He says in a quiet tone. A fake smile while he talks. Frustration building as he struggles to handle his lack of memories.
"Of course, Master Dipp. I'll have you there in no time at all". Oliver says in a confident voice, hoping to raise Dipp's spirit from uncertainty. Together the two begin their walk out of the graveyard. Trudging through the thick fog as they neared the exit. The mist around thinning and vanishing as they search for the way out. Neither two able to explain how such a thing occurs or what keeps the fog inside the graveyard. Unified, they walked out of the vacant land into the thick trees. Together they leave the unknown cemetery behind them.