

After selecting his power he surprisingly had enough point for four people. No actual man will select a man in a situation like this so he skip males and decided on four DC babes.

He was notified by the system who he called from the DC world would have unconditional loyalty toward him and do anything he ask.

When he finish his last purchase a message came saying all that he purchase would be sent to him in three days as the blue screen disappear.

Chris got relieve after the blue screen disappear but he was anxious to get his ability.

The next day Chris enter a jet that took him back to a place name Gorn city. It seem to be one of the biggest city in America and located next to New York. Waals house mansion and business was located there.

He said good bye the the lady after the plane landed. Although Chris felt bad he knew he couldn't stay with someone like her. It was obvious she was with h because of money.

With a sigh Chris enter a large limousine and drove off.

Chris admire the prospering city while he drank some wine in the car but soon he was not impressed. Although you see many big building and prosperous city at first the street in some low part were worst than his previous apartment neighborhood.

It was midday when Chris reach to the Waals mansion. None of his family members were there but Chris was greeted in by the house butler.

"Afternoon master Chris did your vacation go good." The butler ask although he didn't care. He didn't have a once of respectfully for this playboy.

Chris although guessing what this man thought of h gave him a smile.

"Good afternoon Bart. My vacation was good I guess thank for asking." Chris then walk off toward his room.

Bart was left at the door way shock. His young master was never that polite with him often calling him dog etc.

After calming down he thought Chris must be sick and he will be back tomorrow.

Entering his room Chris stood frozen.

His huge was ten time the size of his old apartment with high quality furniture and well clean room.

He seem to show a carefree smile as he layed on his bed and turn on his TV. His smile didn't last long. From the beginning when he saw the system gave him DC super hero he thought this was DC universe and search for Gotham and star city but found nothing. He decided this world was normal but now he knew he made a mistake.

Tony Stark could be seen on the news as he flew through the sky in New York. Then a clip of a green giant fighting in Harlem was shown on the news.

Chris let out cold breathe as he thought about how useful his powers were in this world. After reviewing he sighed in relief. Not only his power but his dream waifu would also be useful in this world.

He had a big smile on his face.

/It almost surprise me the author how he didn't bother thinking about how he reach there in the first place./

Evening soon came as the rest of the family came. Fredton and his wife Mary walk into the mansion where they were greeted by Bart and inform Chris have arrive.

The couple seem not to care already immune to his sudden drop in and leaving.

The young miss and the eldest son soon came. At 7 the dinner was serve as the whole family sat in the dinning Hall.

Chris who was in his room would have missed the dinner if he didn't leave his room to get some fresh air.

It slightly bother Chris how they ignore him but he forgot about it as he enter the hall.

His parents of the age 50 something sat talking to each other as they talk.

His brother and sister was having a good conversation also. Chris was slight awkward with the atmosphere. Noting no plate was set for him he whispered in a servant ear to prepare it.

Not too long Chris sat the table shocking all is family members.

"Chris are you alright you never have dinner with us."His mother ask worried.

Chris shook his head."Nothing mom I just felt like we should dine as a family so I'm here"

The four was shock by what Chris said but nodded to themselves and went back to what they were doing.

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