
Dimensional Mercenary

A boy who was given chance to become Dimensional Mercenary. --- This will be my first dimensional travel fic. I have written my first one too but it was not that much of a type. Original World(Mix): Otherworld to travel: Fairy Tail --- English is not my first language so if you got confused, use the upper part of the body called the head. --- More chapters here: https://www.patreon.com/J_Titan

J_Titan · Cómic
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13 Chs

Chapter 8: Meeting Russian Dwarf

(Hiro's POV)

After two days of traveling and we were standing at the gate of a famous magician guild called Fairy Tail. It was a simple yet well-constructed two-story building.

If it was me of my previous life I would have jumped from the excitement to meet all the famous characters that were present or would join Fairy Tail in the later future.

Anyway, I have already rented an apartment for the kids and me to live in for 15 days. How did I get the money? Well, I used lacrima to exchange for money and then used it to 'earn' that from various casinos.

Who wants to hunt the magic beast and earn money in a legal way when you can become rich overnight with using your brain? Those methods are just for stupid idiot cliché MC to become strong.

But I am not a fan nor was I there to join the guild to start my cringe adventure and become stronger. My purpose is to let the main cast i.e. Erza Scarlet groom her here and make sure that she doesn't become an antagonist of type.

People may call me cringe but I am just being selfish here. The reason is World Parameter.

[World Parameter

Fairy Tail World: +3]

It increased by a full one point meaning that rewards earned with additional points will increase. It was worth saving Jellal and other children.

Another blessing I already received is that system AI is turned off so I won't be hearing its annoying voice anytime soon.

"Is this where we will earn for over selves?" Sho asked.

"Yes, but it is where only Erza will stay. Rest has to look for other paths." I said while all of them nodded.

Before coming here, I have already instructed all of them to take some missions and earn enough to support their desired destination. Simon was worried for his sister and while Millianna and others also wanted to look for other locations.

I would have let them leave but I wanted them to learn some money and also to educate them so that they won't end up joining some kind of cult.

"But first, I have to look for the doctor," I said while looking at Jellal who was sleeping soundly on my back. His fever was down but he was still weak so I wanted that tsundere pink head old hag to take him under her care.

I took a deep breath and thought about what kind of expression they will make seeing a person with a weird mask suited in black and surrounded by children. You have no idea just how many times I was mistaken for child trafficking throughout my travel.

Just when I opened the door, the noisy atmosphere turned into pin-drop silence. I didn't say anything and walked towards the reception counter.

"I have a request to make. Can I ask for permission to meet the master of the guild?" I asked politely to the receptionist. Felt kind of bad for the lady since she will be replaced with a white-haired waifu soon.

Before she could reply, I heard an elderly voice.

"Boy, you may speak. I am right here."

I turned around and looked everywhere but found no one.

"Hmm? Where did this voice come from?" For some reason, I imagined an elderly figure with a long silky chin beard and wearing exquisite Chinese rope. I should really stop reading wuxia comics.

"Anoo, he is there." Erza tugged my pant and pointed at a little bald dwarf shivering with a flustered face.

He was none other than the most respected member of the show, Dumbledore Mark 1, Makarov Dreyar.

"I am master of this guild, Makarov Dreyar. Yeah, I am used to that kind of reaction." He stated after a sight.

Holy sh*t, he is short. If I didn't have any purpose then I would have handed over candy and patted his bald head.

"Oh no. I was just admiring your mustache. It looks good on you." Yeah, I have a thing for mustache and beards.

He became cheerful when I praised him like a kid. "You think so?! I knew I look good in a mustache. Hohoho!" He laughed but then realized his child character was leaking out and coughed. "Child, state your business."

"I am Hiro and I am looking for Pink haired old lady for him." I pointed at Jellal.

"Pink hair? Do you mean Porlyusica? Pff, Pink-haired old lady…"

"Yes. I heard that she is a great doctor but I had troubles finding her whereabouts."

It was a lie. I knew where she lives and what kind of character she possesses. She is a tsundere who doesn't like to interact with humans. So even if I went directly to her house, I would have pointed a gun at her skull to make demands, and then the matter could have worse.

"I see." Makarov nodded then asked two guild members to carry Jellal to her house. Makarov also left with Jellal to convince the old hag.

Meanwhile, I asked Erza and co to read the guidebook of the guild and interact with other members of Fairy Tail. Since it was still early in the storyline, I only detected Gray and Cana. Gray must have lost his short-haired milf master while Cana's mother is also dead.

"So are you here to join the guild?" A person approached and asked. He was a man whose whole appearance as well as existence is defining him as Forever Mob Character. Even if he becomes an S-class mage or king of the worlds, no one will remember him. "I am Macao Conbolt by the way."

"Hello Mr. Macrow Kobalt. I am Hiro. And no, I won't be here for long." I replied but then the whole guild burst into laughter. Yeah, I am kind of stupid when it comes to names. Well, it was also a refreshing moment.


"Is there something I could help you with?" I coldly replied.

Watching my indifferent attitude the mob gave up and left.

"Hey, mister. Your mask looks weird. How do you see everything?" I spotted a ten years old brown-haired girl. "Oh, s-sorry for my rudeness. My name Cana Alberona."

Aww, seeing the little girl nervously blushing made my heart skip a beat. Hey, I am not a pedophile. It's just that I love children.

"Hehe, its okay Miss Cana Alberona. I am Hiro. As for this mask, it is a magic construct. I am sorry but besides that, I can't explain anything."

Her curious face turned cheery as she replied, "No problem, Hiro-san! By the way, you look incredibly handsome in that dress."

"Thanks, young lady." I chuckled and patted her head. For that, I received two death glares from two people. One was the mob who I forgot and so will all the readers and the second was my future red head waifu.

While I was chatting with a little girl, Makarov returned.

"Hiro-kun, it seems like Jellal boy is okay. I have appointed an assistant for his care so you don't have to worry."

"Many thanks sh-"

I was about to call him short pie but then I corrected my words. "Thank you, Master Makarov." I bowed and then added, "Can I talk to you in private?"

"Very well. Follow me." He said and started walking.

"Bye, bye, Hiro-kun!" I heard Cana waving her hand.

I also nodded and waved my hand and followed Makarov to his chamber while also making sure not to step on the Russian dwarf.