
Different country different rules? JJK x SL

A 20 year old man got tranmigrated into jjk world after he died drowning in sea. His new name Osutin Hikari, turned out he started his journey form jjk plasma vessel arc as Riko childhood friends. watch no... let read his journey together.. Anime world 1. jujutsu Kaisen 2. Solo leveling two for now you can recommend but not on big scale anime just some slice of Life anime...

Abyss_Light · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
35 Chs

chapter 20, Sumiko past 2


1200 words.... Sorry

But enjoy..


*Sumiko pov*

After resolving to confront her past, Sumiko embarked on her journey at Jujutsu Tech, where she encountered a diverse array of classmates, seniors, and teachers.

Haibara was the talkative one, always engaging others in conversation. Nanami appeared perpetually serious, commanding respect with his demeanor. Yaga a scary teacher but has a soft side.

To Sumiko, Gojo Satoru and Geto Suguru felt like protective older brothers, offering guidance and support when needed. Shoko acted as both a sisterly figure and a close friend, someone Sumiko could rely on.

Among her new classmates was Riko, with whom Sumiko quickly formed a friendship.

However,Another addition to her circle was Hikari, who often teased and joked around, earning Sumiko's occasional annoyance but also a sense of comfort in their playful banter. Despite her occasional irritation, Sumiko found herself remembering these interactions fondly.

While she claimed to dislike Hikari, she couldn't help but question her true feelings. Was it his demeanor reminiscent of Gojo Satoru her brother, that bothered her, or was it something else entirely? Perhaps it stemmed from a reluctance to let someone else influence her brother's image.

Nevertheless, as Sumiko navigated her new surroundings, she found herself drawn to Hikari's attention. Despite outwardly feigning annoyance, she secretly welcomed the attention he bestowed upon her. In her heart, she knew her supposed disdain was a facade, masking an unspoken desire for more meaningful connections and perhaps even affection.

Sumiko lay in her room, resting on her bed.

A knock came at the door. "It's me, Shoko," said a familiar voice.

Opening the door, Sumiko found Shoko standing there with a new face. "She is your new classmate, get along" Shoko explained before excusing herself for work.

Riko stepped into Sumiko's room, greeted warmly. "You look exactly like Gojo-san," Riko blurted out in amazement.

"People say that! I'm Gojo Satoru's sister, Gojo Sumiko. Nice to meet you," Sumiko replied with a smile, shaking hands with Riko.

Riko chuckled, "Wow, you're really beautiful! If Hikari saw you, he'd definitely be overreacting!"

Curious, Sumiko asked, "Who's Hikari?"

"He's also new member," Riko replied. "The two of us are joining."

"Ah, so that makes three boys and two girls. I'm glad to have a female friend now. Let's get along," Sumiko said warmly, glad to have a new companion.

After their conversation, Riko decided to stay in Sumiko's room since she was new to the dormitory. The next morning, Sumiko and Riko walked together to class, but Riko needed to meet with the teachers first, so she waited outside while Sumiko went in.

As Riko waited, she unexpectedly encountered Hikari. With the teacher's permission, they both entered the classroom. When Sumiko saw Riko waiting outside, she waved to her. However, the boy next to Riko suddenly blurted out, "Gojo? What are you doing wearing girl's clothes?"

Upon hearing this, Sumiko felt a pang of irritation. "I really can't stand him," she thought to herself, reflecting on their first encounter.

Sumiko found herself in a heated argument with Hikari, feeling like he was constantly belittling her abilities. The next day, he attempted to apologize, but Sumiko's stubbornness led him to teasing her instead, which only fueled her irritation. Venting her frustrations to Satoru, she received little sympathy.

As days passed, Sumiko found herself strangely drawn to Hikari's presence and teasing banter, even though she pretended to dislike it. His attention became addictive, a constant distraction she couldn't ignore. Despite her initial irritation, she began to secretly enjoy their interactions.

Watching Hikari train alongside her brother, Satoru, both impressed and annoyed Sumiko. She couldn't deny his rapid progress, which sparked a mix of competitiveness and genuine happiness for his achievements, though she tried not to show it.

When Teacher Yaga assigned them a mission together, Sumiko felt a surge of excitement. The prospect of working closely with Hikari and teaching him the ropes made her take the mission seriously. It was an opportunity to prove herself and, perhaps, understand her complicated feelings towards Hikari better.

Sumiko retreated to her room, seeking solace in training and concentration. Alone in her thoughts, she practiced her techniques diligently, channeling her focus into honing her skills. The echoes of her recent interactions with Hikari played in her mind, stirring a mix of emotions she struggled to untangle. With each movement, she tried to push aside the distractions and regain her composure, determined to prepare herself for the upcoming mission.

Half an hour later, Sumiko received a message from Haibara informing her that Hikari had expressed an interest in girls, particularly those he considered strong. Flustered by this unexpected revelation, Sumiko felt a mix of annoyance and confusion. She started to compose a reply but was interrupted by Riko calling her to meet up.

They quickly rendezvoused and decided to buy drinks and snacks before meeting Shoko. Sumiko tried to shake off the distraction of Haibara's message as they made their way to meet their friend.

Entering Shoko's room, Sumiko and Riko settled in and started chatting. Sumiko couldn't help but complain about Hikari, venting her frustrations.

Riko, trying to be fair, defended Hikari. This stirred a confusing feeling in Sumiko; she didn't want Riko to interfere too much in her matters with Hikari. Yet, she realized that Riko was his childhood friend, and it was natural for her to speak up for him.

But when Shoko asked if they liked Hikari, Sumiko quickly refused. However, seeing Riko blush made her feel betrayed by her own emotions. Even though she enjoyed her banter with Hikari and didn't want anyone interfering in their dynamic, she also wanted Riko to be happy as her friend.

Seeing Riko's reaction, Sumiko realized that Riko genuinely liked Hikari. This left her in turmoil, caught between her own feelings and her desire to support her friend. The evening passed with these heavy thoughts, and soon, morning arrived.

Sumiko glanced at Hikari, who was fast asleep in the seat next to her. His peaceful expression was a stark contrast to his usual carefree and teasing demeanor. She sighed, feeling the exhaustion of the past few days trying to catch up to her brother.

Hesitantly, she rested her head on his shoulder, finding an unexpected comfort in his presence. Despite their constant bickering, she felt a strange sense of calm with him.

Feeling the comfort of sleeping in his arms, Sumiko dreamt of her past. She recalled the periods of struggle and the moments of finding companions. The warmth of Hikari's shoulder soothed her, and she drifted into a deeper sleep.

When she woke, she found her surroundings cloaked in darkness. Someone was hugging her tightly. Though she wanted to push away, she realized she didn't have the strength. Recollecting her memories, she realized it was Hikari holding her.

"I'm in his embrace," she thought, feeling a shy blush creeping up her cheeks. She tried to struggle out of shame, but he held her firmly.


Any mistake ?

As I copy paste from my notes to here.
