
Weird Jealousy

The words from Tia were stuck in my mind making me think about those days again....

7th Standard

Me and Tia were just sitting and talking when i heard somebody laugh very hard at the back and when i turned around and saw it was the group of cool kids in which my old friend Lilly was also included and i don't know, whenever I see these popular kids group i get jealous because bro, i am also in this class since starting then why am I not included in that group and seriously Lilly was a book worm who hated boys but now see she is getting attention from all those guys over there. I also wanted a group where there will be boys and all and we would all hangout and do the cool stuff that other kids do but i obviously am not in that group so....but i should be ashamed of even letting that thought cross my mind cause i have the greatest friend with me Tia , who was with me all this time but still i just don't know why i get jealous and thankfully the bell rang and i just stood up to go to the cafeteria when Tia spoke

"hey i think i should get going , he must be here"

she said with the brightest smile and i just smiled while looking at her and said bye.

So her childhood bestfriend who due to some reasons had to shift to New York was coming here after almost 5 years and she was excited as hell to meet him so she left early today and as i was hungry i went to canteen to eat something, while i was going to canteen suddenly somebody called me from behind and it was Lilly

"hey Lilly how are you? "

"i am ok but i need to tell you something come with me."

with that she dragged me with her to the canteen and we settled on one table, then she spoke


i don't know why i got shocked cause it was evident by their behaviour, how the always sticked to each other and u know what i mean...

"that's great i am so happy for you but as far as i know you were a book worm so how did it happened

"I know right even i can't believe that how did i fall into all this cool stuff but you know however it happened it is better that that old type of me , you know now i realised that how before Bryce came into my life it was so dull and boring but after him it is like a magic i feel so happy and full of energy."

I was just listening to her while smiling but didn't realised that back in my head there was a spark of jealousy and while i was in !y thought somebody's voice interrupted

" Lilly let's go we are going "

it was Bryce with his friends calling Lilly with ever so sweetest smile i have saw on his face

"ok listen i gotta go I'll meet you next time bye!"

she went away with him leaving me thinking on was i the only one who didn't had any guy friends or what was so wrong about me that no one ever approached me hell even talked to me and just like that the day passed and on next day..

" hey what happened with Mike yesterday, did you two catched up" i asked Tia who was sitting there so silently.

"listen don't get mad but he proposed "

I was wide eyed thinking on how they just met yesterday and he even proposed dude something's wrong with that guy

"how the hell that could happen and leave that what did you say?"

"uhhhh, i said yes "

she said hesitantly looking at me and i was now totally pissed

" bro we promised that we won't get in and relationship till high school"

"sorry i didn't mean to but he was just too sweet and also very handsome"

she said while winking and i just looked at her with a weird face on how could she fall for somebody the day she met him

It's been a week since she is in a relationship and would not stop talking about him but seeing how i wasn't happy with her breaking the promise she would try her level best to restrain herself from talking about him but fail miserably

Teacher- so class today we have to new students please introduce yourselves

"hey i am Mike "

"hey i am Jaden "

i was suspicious about if he was Tia's Mike and damn when i looked at her she was blushing, wait no that couldn't happen now she just talked about him and it was so annoying but now if he would be here what would happen

In the meantime Mike and Jaden took their seats in the back

After the class

"come on i want you to meet him"

"And i said i don't want to why don't you understand"

" won't you do this much for your friend"

with that she dragged me towards Mike

"hey Mike this is Cynthia my bestie"

" oh so you are Cynthia who she always talks about"

i got a little scared as to what she have told him about me

"Oh really what did she told you"

" She told me about how on one of you sleepovers you slept on the bed in night and was under the study table the next morning which is literally in the other corner of the room and showed me picture too , i just want to ask how did you even went there in sleep"

he said while laughing making Jaden laugh too and i just gave the most deadliest glare to Tia , she looked scared and said to divert the topic

" hey let's just go outside it's our free lecture"

she said sorry from her eyes and we all went to the garden

while we were all seated and was chating she said in my ear

" listen i want to talk to Mike for 5 mins please can I go "

" bro are you crazy what am I gonna do with Jaden alone how awkward it would be"

"please just five minutes i will be back quick and till then give your shot"

i looked at her shocked and she quickly went away with him now we were both alone when he spoke

"looks like we have to see this for the rest of the year"

"i will kill her "

he laughed and asked

" as we have nothing to do why don't you tell me something about yourself and then i will tell"

he seemed quite innocent so i said

"my name is Cynthia, born and brought up here only , i like dancing and...guess that's it not much to tell now your turn"

"my name is Jaden born in New York and now because of my father's business we had to shift here and....i play rugby "

i was quite amazed because seeing him he seemed very calm but he played rugby a violent sport

"Woah why your eyes are big is something wrong?"

"no you just seemed very calm person but you play rugby "

he laughed "that's true it does shock everybody when i tell them about it , it's kind of like duality "

i just hummed and we stayed silent for 2 more mins when he spoke

"Any boyfriend "

i was a little taken aback but still said " No"


now i was confused was he hitting on me " No crush no boyfriend no nothing, do you have a girlfriend or crush"


" that's a little strange you play rugby and girls like sporty guy especially if it's a little violent sport"

" Oh! so are you interested in sporty guy"

"No absolutely not i don't like sports i was asking merely"

i said quickly so he can't think about if i was trying on him though he looked a little offended on my not liking sport statement and gave me a weird look and said

"shall we go and find those two"

i nodded and went with him to find Tia to get out from this awkward conversation, and we found them literally eating burger in canteen

" what the hell, you left me there and eating burgers here?"

"well he asked and i also didn't wanted to disturb you both so..."

"Don't ever do that again"

I told her and left the canteen with her

At night

I was lying in my bed thinking about today and realised that now even i had a guy friend and if i could remember more clearly he was handsome and all those i don't like sports thing i said was also wrong, i just didn't wanted to look like i was hitting on him but i clearly am a little attracted to him, just imagine if something does happen between us how the four of us will go to double date and trips and what not, it's going to be our own gang like other kids, tomorrow i will definitely try to talk to him and try to be friends with him , just thinking about us being friends make me feel happy, i am so excited for tomorrow....

Please drop your reviews in the comments section so i can make improvements in the next chapter and stay tuned❤️

Ishita_Kumari_0405creators' thoughts