
Did you think just because I have trash skills I would be trash?

One day, Hideki Koike and his entire class got isekai'd, Hideki woke up excited to try out his cheat skills only to find out his classmates took all, all that was left was nothing but stats!

Zax_850 · Fantasía
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3 Chs

The art of matter manipulation

Outside a small wooden house, countless wooden tools could be seen.

Hideki was trying to master his matter manipulation.

'Dammit, curse that need materials rule. I wish I didn't request it like this'

Hideki sighed in grief.

The trunk of a tree suddenly lengthened from the sides and shot out to Hideki, where it turned into a spear and dropped in his hands.

'I don't need to touch stuff to use manipulation, but still. Needing materials is one huge obstacle'

' Whining won't do shit' He decided as he filled his mind with blood slaughter, 'I need to level up!'.

Hideki went deeper into the forest, not forgetting his home's location. A small cave was spotted by him as he made his way inside it.

A goblin appeared, before being quickly one shot by Hideki, the cave closed in on the goblin and returned to normal again as a pool of blood filled the ground.

' This stench is no joke' Hideki covered his nose as he made his way deeper inside the cave.

A hobgoblin revealed itself, however, Hideki was still composed.

'I came looking for a shaman, what the hell can a slightly bigger goblin do to me?' Hideki thought as a long shard formed from the stone ceiling and pierced the hobgoblin's head, however, it was completely unaffected.

Looking at what just happened, Hideki clenched one of his fists and flattened one out as he smacked them together, "I see! You have hard skin!".

"Too bad, narrow spaces like these are just the perfect habitat for my ability"

He sighed as countless shards from the cave's walls and roof pierced the hobgoblin. As a shocking surprise, the hobgoblin was unaffected!

It swinged its large wooden club at the tiny Hideki, he bit his lip and cursed, ' For fuck's sake, I don't have anything sharper than stone right now!'.

He quickly dodged to the side, the hobgoblin immediately changed its aim and aimed at him, Hideki swiftly expanded the stone and made several layers to use as a shield, he covered himself in a stone ball.

The hobgoblin dropped its club at the stone ball, only to be stunned and knocked back by the impact.

The stone ball contracted back to a normal stone wall as Hideki mumbled, "Quite resilient, however, if it can't pierce your hard skin, I just have to weaken you!" He shouted as he prepared himself for a long, tough battle.


Blood dripped on the ground as the tired Hideki, panting, glared at the fallen goblin.

'No shit.... Did I think I would be able to defeat a goblin emperor?!' He was surprised at his own weakness.

Hideki pierced the hobgoblin countless times again to insure his death, after that, he returned home completely devoid of energy.

Hideki sat on his chair, glancing at his status window. Biting his lip, he decided to trade his power for other skills.

'Matter manipulation is too hard to use and requires too much energy'

He sighed inwardly as he chose, ' If I trade it for limitless regeneration, then by training I could still be dominant'.

"AH!" He suddenly shouted while ruffling his hair, "This is too hard! Shouldn't I be reincarnated with all of the powers anyway?!".

Calming himself down, Hideki decided.

He opened his panel and switched over to the power reset tab, which was only available to him.

Taking a deep breath, Hideki reset his powers and was asked if he wanted to exchange them instead. He pressed on the yes button as he took a few more breaths.

A blue wide panel appeared with a keyboard taking half of its space, the other half stayed on top of the keyboard and had the words, 'Exchange power for ability, please type what ability you would like'.

With his swift hands, He quickly typed max durability.

"Yes, with this, I wouldn't need limitless regeneration". Hideki felt power being sucked out of him as he pressed enter, before his body instantly changed forms and became a fit, muscly body. He wasn't huge but had alot of muscles.

"Walking into a tiger's den is something not many people would do.

However, I'm not a person anymore!

Yes, I abounded my humanity, MUHAHA" Hideki went on a mechivious murder and laugh spree.