27 lick

'I was reckless'

That what Alter thought to himself after the pain calmed down

[Ding....Do you want to name this function I was reckless?]

'Huh? No!'

[ding....Please choose a name]

Alter pondered for a while, then he came to a. conclusion

[Ding...Naming new function 'Memorize']

'Now then, let check it out'

Alter focused in the new information inside his head, it felt organized and when he compared it to the book, he found out that it exactly the same, except...

'Wait, what's this?'

Alter noticed that there's a weird numbers and words that doesn't have any relation with them and the theories inside the book , after reading the book again and connecting them, the result was

if you manage to read this, you are qualified to be my inherit it

And next to it was a series of numbers

'this is what the 'secret message' meant when i used memorize, but what does this mean? forget it, since i already memorized it, i can check it out some other day'

Alter picked up the books he read and used memorize in them

This time there wasn't any other benefit except instantly memorizing them

'Now, let test the part of being able to use techniques i understand'

Alter picked up a book and started reading it, he didn't skip any detail, and he stopped at any part he didn't totally understand it

Some time later

[Runes that even monkeys can understand- Entrance rune

Your comprehension is 93,46%

-Scanning with this comprehension will give user this benefits:

Basic understanding about entrance rune

Mastery over Basic rune : Entrance rune (The mastery depends on user comprehension)


'It not 100%? sigh, how can increase it, wait!'

Alter suddenly had a idea


He licked the book

'The flavor is bad, but there's a weird taste, i guess it mana? Hmm but it a bit complex, at first it looks plain but later it will transform into a weird construct, giving it a wonderful sense of mystery and suprise, furthermore....'

After 5 minutes, Alter finished his comment, he noticed that his description about the taste and the rune use is similar

thus, he decided to use the memorize function

[Runes that even monkeys can understand- Entrance rune

Your comprehension is 99,89%

-Scanning with this comprehension will give user this benefits :

Basic understanding about entrance rune

Slight understanding about intermediate entrance rune

Mastery over Basic rune : Entrance rune (The mastery depends on user comprehension)


'It worked! Yes! Do it!'

Alter head started to hurt , but this time it was less painful than the last time, after the pain calmed down, he tried to create the basic rune, entrance rune

a rune appeared in top of Alter palm, it didn't emit any mana, and ir was extremely stable, which means that Alter reached the highest mastery possible for this rune

'Why there isn't a notification?'

[Ding....Mastering one runes isn't enough to learn a skill]


Alter started reading other books unrelated to magical theories, since they're easier to understand and he wanted to test the memorize function.

The result was:

Comprehension 1%-49% , it possible to memorize the books content but it will be messy

Comprehension 50%-89%, memorizing the books content

Comprehension 90%-99,99% Memorizing the book, And a possibility to learn some knowledge a stage better, foe example: Alter had a comprehension over 90% on a book called : Basic knowledge about ducks, once he used the memorize function, he gained some intermediate knowledge about ducks

Well, it not necessary for it to be about ducks

Next, Alter read a book about class stages, it was more detailed than the one in the school, he learned that his current stage is nothing of someone in the expert stage, even if it only a difference by one stage, it like comparing a weaponless kid with a fully trained knight, and this gap only exists between his current stage and the expert stage, as for expert stage and the master stage, the gap isn't this big, As for the reason, when one wants to advance to the expert stage, he will go under a ceremony, in that ceremony, he will have to decide to either be a mage-like class or a warrior-like class

If one chooses the mage-like class, a certain connection between his soul and physical body gets severed, It have a advantage and a disadvantage

The advantage is : He will be able to directly use mana from his soul and there isn't a need to train one body to be able to contain more mana

The disadvantage is : The severed conection is the one that makes the mana in the soul go to the physical body and go under a certain process in there, the mana in the physical body naturally strengthen one body, without it, one body isn't any different with normal people on earth

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