
Everyone is op

On a desert like place, two lights can be seen colliding with each other, on a closer look, one would see two people fighting each other with swords and occasionally some spells


On a room, A silver haired kid just woke up

'Haah, such a weird dream...'

naturally, that kid is Alter, and today is his first studying day, right after he got up, a good looking person is standing next to him, that person is Claudio

"so you finally woke up huh , i though you'll sleep at least 2 days" said Claudio after sighing

"why you say that ? also how long where you standing next to my bed? creep!" exclaimed Alter

"You really don't act like your age....well, what i know is that the director used a sleep inducing spell to test the newcomers, and it seems you managed to stay awake the entire ceremony, and because of that you got assigned to anorther class, namely the class of elites, the notice arrived 2 hour ago, here, take a look " said claudio while passing the papers to alter

after reading for a while Alter just remembered something important

"The class! I am late!!?" shouted Alter

"Nope you aren't, in fact, you got 4 hours until the class starts, after all you slept quite early" said claudio while trying to calm Alter down

"huh i see, Wait what about you? you didn't get affected by any spell!" asked alter

"i didn't sleep, also my class will start tomorrow, thanks for worrying about me ~" said caludio

'go explode, hmph!' naturally, alter kept that inside his hearth

" not really, i just wondered why someone old enough to be a uncle is still studying here ~" said alter on a teasing tone

" Well, i started studying here when i was 10, freaks like you who start at such a young age are quite rare, also even when one finish studying, he can start working with the academy as a mercenary there's a system of contributions points th- wait ! I am not that old!" said Claudio

'huh, seems like he just said something interesting,well, I'll see more about it later' tought

"hmph! I am not too young either, I'll be 4 this year! "said Alter

After that, Alter left his room with his backpack and went to the academy restaurant to eat, and he used the remaining of time exploring a bit of the academy, he sometimes got lost but he regained his way using the map that only covers the academy that he sto- got it from claudio.

Since the first class will start soon, Alter went to the training ground of his newly appointed class.

After entering, he scanned the surrounding, in the middle there is a giant white field, and of course there's the spectators seats, it more or less like a stadium, he noticed that some students already arrived before him, they're all sitting, so alter jumped and took a seat too, not too far not too close from others, after 15 minutes , there's 45 students present including alter.

Most of the students are between 10 to 12, except for the female beastman and 2 elf and 2 kids with black hair and Alter.

the pair of elfs looks like 3 years old

The beastman looks like 5

one of the black haired kids look like 4 while the other more or less 7

'even thought Claudio said it pretty rare for kids to be here ' thought Alter

Finally, one of the female students accidentally broke the silence when she spoke to her friend

'nee~ isn't that silver haired kid the rumored one?" while she said it with low voice everyone was able to hear her

After that, Alter had to endure the torturous gossips like : he looks pretty cute! or is he really male? e tc...

[ding....Sufficient people acknowledge you, new title acquired : Cute]

[Cute : Other species will be able to recognize you as 'Cute', makes others want to protect you, increases the chance of others thinking about things like `woah so cute!' `so cute, i want to eat him~']

this made Alter speechless

`Does this look like a dating simulator for you?! also doesn't that means i will attract all the aggro when facing monsters?! I am handsome not cute! ' rebutted alter in his mind

Soon, the gossips stopped when a blond middle-aged man entered, Alter recognised him as the first person he'd seen when he came to the academy

"hello, my name is Eric, and I'll be your teacher on most of subjects, well let start the spar session" said eric while giving a disinterested look

`yep it definitely him' thought alter

first, it was a beautiful blue haired girl that emits a cold aura vs a black haired kid who is wearing a hood for some reason.

soon, both got up to the fighting stage

"Don't worry il make it painless as much it possible~" said the girl on a sarcastic tone

But her opponent just ignored.

"Start!" shouted eric

The girl was the one who took the first move

she extended her hand, a a circle filled with complex runes appeared next to her palm, and 2 similar ones appeared at her side, after that blue colored particles appeared arround her, and they started gathering at her palm, a sound like something was getting freezed at high speed can be heard, and the source is the ice that formed at her palm and now it covering her, after it ended, the girl was covered by a ice blue layer , countless runes and designs is covering that layer, it increased her charms even more.

meanwhile, Alter was astonished

'haah? magical circles ? i don't remember that my spells used anything like that, even more ! her spell looks so cool , while mine is just some crimson crystal expanding! oh wait my crimson claw did became better , but still her spell still looked better!'

[ding....system recommends user to stop comparing since it futil like comparing a wild beast charge with a expert martial artist in term of arts]

"hee~ her spell is quite mediocre" said a girl

" yep~" affirmed other one

at that moment, a thought crossed alter mind

`could it be everyone here is op like her?!'

[ding....system recommends not to judge power based on looks, one blast from you is enough to make her to cease to exist....that if you manage to complete the spell]

Hi! author here, with a new chapter!

I'll only describe 4 battles since it will be a eternity

i hope you don't get disappointed for not getting fight in this chapter

if you have any suggestions leave them in comment.


Kyruucreators' thoughts
Siguiente capítulo