
The First Mother Who Loved Me Part 2

Carl was sent to a private room after staying in the ICU for almost 2 days, as advised by the doctor, only family members can visit him. He was still in a state of sleep, he hasn't woken up since his operation.

I went home and my parents waited for me, my Mom hugged me as I opened the door.

How was it dear? Is he going to be okay? I didn't reply, not a single word came out of my mouth. I just cried and cried. My Dad seeing me help less made him silent too. We stood there crying.

My sister cooked us dinner. As we were having dinner, my brother called us up on face time.

Hi everyone, I missed you all! My other brother connected too in the group video call.

How's things at home? how are the dogs?

They chatted and I went up to my room. I couldn't bear to be happy while someone I love is still unwell.

My Mom knocked on my door.

Honey, I brought you some milk, drink it while it's hot.

Thanks Mom, just leave it by the door. I know you're worried and I can understand you, but don't forget to take care of yourself. You need to be stronger, now more than ever. Mom, in a few weeks, we will graduate, maybe I'll get a job somewhere far from here. Yes, if you feel it's the best thing for you. Your Dad and I will support your decision. Thanks Mom!. I love you. Love you too Honey. She closed the door behind her, I drank the milk and went straight to bed.

That night I dreamnt of Carl, we were graduating, he kissed me and I kissed him, we were not embarrassed even while his parents are looking. They smiled along with us, "You two are so sweet". I agree a little too sweet, We laughed together. Why don't we take a vacation together with my family, my cousins and Uncles. Carl and I was so excited we planned to announce something to the family, and both agreed to do it while on vacation. We went to a private beach, and played all day in the sun, while at night we walked under the moonlight. I was kissing him, when suddenly he went down on his knees, all his cousins and Aunts and Uncle surrounded us, they were screaming. He asked me to marry him, he held a blue Sapphire engagement ring, I cried and said "Yes", I will, and Carl kissed me and hugged me. Fire works lit up the sky, and while we were having a bonfire, we announced to the whole family, that were having a baby soon. "We are pregnant"!, Everybody shouted for joy. We were slow dancing, "I love You" Carl, I said to him while caressing his face, "I love you Jill", I waited for this for so long. I loved you ever since I transferred to our University, I saw you and said, "Hi" in the hallways. "Yes I remember that day", You were wearing a badge "S&S", what does it stand for?, do you really want to know?, Yes! I was curious about it. Off course it stands for "Sweet & Sexy", we laughed out loud. So it is, you are definitely Sweet, and very Sexy!. We kissed for the longest time.

My alarm rang at 4:30am, And I was alone again, in my bed, not realizing I was crying.

Two weeks passed by, Carl is still in the hospital. Aunty Yoli called me up, asking how I was doing.

I told her if Carl has woken up, she said he did for 3 days now. "How is he?, How is Carl?". My voice shook on the phone. He is doing better, still can't get up, the doctor said he still needs a few days before he can be discharged. Do you want to see him? she asked me. I was silent, but hoping. Please tell him I'll see him once he gets out of the hospital. We chatted about his medicine, the laboratory tests he was under, his first words are "Where's Jill, and can I have a glass of water?, I smiled but still my tears was running down my cheeks. Aunty please tell him I miss him, and I miss everyone, please take care. She said I should eat, and not be too sad. We hanged up the phone.

2 days went by, I bought fruits and flowers, to bring to Carl. He will finally go home in the afternoon.

He was in a wheelchair, his chest still wrapped under his white shirt, he was wearing shorts and loafers.

He smiled so big when he saw me in the lobby. Ready to go home?, I asked. "My butt is so itchy, he said. Do you want to give me a warm bath?, I smiled and said Yeah, Why the hell not?

He still hasn't changed and he was still goofy. We arrived at his house, after that we went to his room. His Dad put on his support oxygen, to let him sleep better. Let me help out I told Aunty Yoli, I can stay for as long as you need me. Thank you dear, let me call your Mom, so she knows you'll be staying over.

I helped clean Carl's dressing, and saw his stitches. I was sad to see him, with his scars. He said bravely, "These are my battle scars", makes me more sexy don't you think?, he held my hand. Maybe a little while longer, but I can't wait to make love to you again, he joked. I wipe my tears and tried to smile. Sweetness don't be sad, I'll be fine. I let him sleep and rest, while I helped out with preparing dinner.

The next morning, I woke up on Carl's bedside. I kissed him on his forehead, cooked him breakfast. He loves spam and eggs, I put the kettle on the stove and heated water for some tea and coffee. I cleaned up his room, and sanitized his bathroom. By the time the family woke up, I finished cleaning the living room and kitchen. They were surprised to see me preparing the table so we could all eat. Oh, how nice of you dear! Aunty Yoli smiled widely. I'll bring Carl his breakfast, I told her. Go ahead she waved at me. I smiled and excused myself.

Hello sleepy head, it's time for greakfast.

Good morning!, Sweetness, did you cook this?

I fried it😀 I told him, and this orange juice I got from a box.😜

You're so sexy, you really prepared this? he said.

Just eat up, I kissed him and we talked while he ate his food.

Thanks Jill, for being here.😔

I'm happy to help, and I'm hoping to see you get well fast, in a week we will be graduating so you better get up from your lazy butt. I hugged him lightly.😊

I'm happy now I can feel your boobies on my head, Carl naughtily said. 😝

You're crazy😄😍😘

We kissed and stayed like that for the whole Morning.

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