
Devil x Evil D.exE

This is a novel about a romance that involves an innocent devil girl and a sadistic human boy. We have our own devils in our heads that we keep fighting every day. but in this world, it comes out literally. Devils that follow humans and whisper words that make people consumed by their own deepest desires are known as "soul guides." A low-ranking devil who's been isolated from the outside world tries to change her life by trying to become a soul guide. So what will happen if she meets someone that much more evil than a her? ****** Hello, everyone! This is my first novel, so I'm still learning, and I'm hoping for some advice and guidance along the way. Since I can't put the illustration here in my novel, I created a Twitter account and will post the illustration there. Here is the link: https://twitter.com/AnkArt101 thank you again and have a good day you all :)

Ank_Art · Fantasía
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22 Chs

The innocent Devil girl 

"You are weak."


"You can't do this."

"run away"


Even the devil's foul words have a comforting flavor that makes you feel at ease, such as "how easy it is to just forget our problems and run away," but at the same time they also prevent us from growing and taking the next step.

A man stands on the edge of a tall building with eyes full of regret and despair. His black suit and necktie dance with the wind.

"That's right~ One more step, and those hurtful feelings will go away~."

A beautiful woman wearing a red dress and floating next to the man, with her very existence transparent and unknown to everyone, whispers in a very sweet voice. Her long red hair caresses the two lovely white horns on either end of the woman's forehead. a very clear image of a seductive devil who will lead us to our unavoidable demise.

The man takes the final step, and just like that,

A notice suddenly popped out on the left side of her eyes, like the same notification that everyone can get in every game, saying, "You have been promoted to Devil Rank: Dukes."

"YESSSSS! Take that, you lowly devils"

She starts kissing her ring finger like a soccer player celebrating a goal; her gesture is the opposite of her looks, and as she looks at the sky, she notices the date and smiles.

August 13

"I see… So today is the first day for that little girl. I wish her the best of luck."

[Demon world: Central Island]

There are three steps that make up the cycle of life on this planet, and one of them is what we often refer to as "death," over which devils govern. They are in charge of determining the soul's worth and where it will go after this life.

"We are not born equals." This is the same even in hell, some devils are born powerful and some devils are born potato. But even if we are not born as equals, we have equal freedom to choose whether to change our lives or not.

By guiding souls, those potato devils can raise their status and upgrade their rank.


Lucifer - He's the ruler of demons, their leader, and the ultimate lord. He wears the title "Satan" as "the Satan." This list goes on.

Seven Princes of Hell







Krampuses- The least powerful and most numerous groups. Krampuses are your favorite horned demons; Legion from the New Testament was made up of many Krampuses who can combine to form grotesque abominations that haunt your nightmares. Krampus can only enter and control the human soul when they work together. But most of the time they simply scare people (poltergeists), bring misery, bad luck, or disease.

She smiles jokingly as she turns another page. "At least, that's what human literature says. I don't think we combine into horrible abominations, though."

In the middle of a vast room, a Krampuses girl is reading a large, heavy book by herself. She looks stunning in her attire. She is wearing a long, black dress with fluffy fabric bursting out the bottom and a corset-like form, which suggests that her parents were well-off. She has two stunning round green eyes and black hair with a cat-shaped hair clip, a dark green hairband, and an open black cloth with two little dark green horns on either side of her forehead. Her devil tail wags back and forth as she joyfully reads the book.

A maid enters the room with a *clang* as the door opens, making a basic hand gesture and bowing slightly.

"lady Levia... its time"

She looks at her excitedly while wearing a big smile as she jumps high as if she were floating for a couple of seconds. She gracefully lands and then begins to move in the direction of the door.

"Where is Father?" Levia ask

The maid follows her with a complicated look on her face. Levia pauses a little and starts walking in a more energetic manner.

"Anyway, this is my first assignment as a 'soul guide' and my first time in the human world. I'M SO EXCITED," she yells while throwing up her hands in the air as they make their exit.


"See you again, young lady. Be very careful out there," the maid warned, waving her hand in the direction of the smiling but tearful girl she could see through the train window.

Levia gives a thumbs up while saying, "Don't worry, I got this," to reassure the maid. The maid gave an awkward thumbs up in reply, and before they knew it, the train started moving.


[Human World]

*ummp bushhhh* The sound of a halting train resonated around the room. As the doors opened and several devils inside began to emerge, a young woman approached the checkpoint while carrying some sort of identification for the guard. She was wearing a dress, a cat-shaped hair clip, and an armband that inscribed "soul guide."

Name: Levia Mclancle

Age: 15

Rank: Krampuses [soulguide]

Sex: Female

Address: Demon World (Central Island)

"Okay, you are good to go. Welcome to the Human World"

The guard smiles as he moves his left hand toward the exit.

Levia made the sound "mhm," imitating the elegant, mature woman heading for the exit with a cheery grin on her face. The exit is surrounded by a blue light that resembles some sort of force field, and as soon as the woman passes through it, her body changes and turns transparent, rendering her invisible to the rest of the world.

The quiet place that she was in became suddenly bursting with life, with a lot of humans everywhere. The train station she exited is nowhere to be found, and a standard human train station is all that is left.

"Woah" Levia's eyes sparkle as she looks around the town where she's in, there are tall buildings everywhere and strange vehicles that she's only seen in books, she's now the very definition of a country girl.


She smiled and glanced up, punching for the sky, a new world to discover.. She felt like the protagonist of a story that goes on a long-awaited adventure.


[Demon World: Central Island]

"I'M HOME! I've been away for five years, but I'm back now, Levia. Where are you?" The front door of a mansion swung open, and all the maids and butlers turned to look at the source.

The broom that the maid was holding suddenly dropped to the floor as she said, "M-Master?" with a very shocked expression on her face.

"Gilda. I'm home! Where is Levia?"

The maid named 'Gilda' was startled, she then bowed immediately, and the other servant in the mansion followed with "Welcome Back, Master."

He nods a couple of times while smiling, then he asks the same question.

"so. Where's my daughter?"

The maid answered in a very nervous voice, "Master, the young lady is in the human world."

"the- the huma—"

The man's bag fell to the ground as his face suddenly darkened.


In the living room, the master of the house is sitting on the couch, with the maid sitting on the opposite side.

"So let me get this straight, Gilda, not only is my daughter right now in the human world as a soul guide, she is alone and might be hungry or lost, and why didn't I know this?!"

"m-master I swear I tried to tell you multiple times—" the maid bows down as the man goes, "Huh, did you re-" as he gets cut off by the maid and starts shouting.

"By sending you multiple letters every day for five years!"

"Eh?" The man flinches.

"I even contacted your workplace over and over, but nothing happened!"

The man's face started sweating as he went, "t-that's because—"

"I thought I could notify you once you returned home, but you didn't return for five years!"

"guh!" As the maid shouts her reason, the man feels like there are multiple blades thrusting his body over and over.

"Plus, the young lady is really stubborn! Once she wants to do something, no one can stop her. You might not know this because you're always away from home! And--" a sudden pat on her shoulder by the butler standing next to her

"Gilda, you can stop now. I feel like the master is already dead... inside."

She went "eh?" as she looked at her master laying on the floor, clinching his chest while crying.

After a few moments...

"ahem! Anyway, the problem is that my daughter is in the human world and working as a soul guide. Why did this happen?"

"Hmm, let's see.." The maid put a finger on her chin as she started thinking.

"I feel like she said something about wanting to raise her rank to help her father?" She is just guessing.

"ugh! What a good daughter!" The man cries, covering his mouth, "But did she ever get lectures about being a soul guide?. I'm pretty sure I don't remember ever paying for a private tutor."

"eh? You need a private tutor to be a soul guide?" Gilda asked with a blank face, and the man went, "eh?" as he looked at the maid with a face saying, "What is this maid talking about?"

The man made a gesture, saying, "Now I get it." As he joyfully smile.

"I see... so you're saying that my daughter is a natural genius and that she doesn't need anyone to teach her the skills she needs to survive as a soul guide because she figured them out on her own?" He looked at the maid with confidence in his words.

"S-Skills you say..?" The maid's face began to sweat. "You mean how she can be really noisy at times and like running around without getting tired, and how she messes up simple things like cooking? ... ahaha"

The man suddenly goes silent then slammed the table and stood, saying, "I'm going to the human world!"

"M-master, you can't! It's against the law! and you being there will create a lot of problems; it might even start a war!" The maid starts panicking as she waves her hands over and over, trying to stop her master.

"a- ahh!! I don't care! If it's for my daughter!"

"Wait a minute, master; I believe the young lady learned the skills for being a soul guide! I noticed her reading a lot of books, and she said it was her guides that would help her reach the top."

The man's face lit up as he said, "Oh!" "Are you for real?"

The maid nods multiple times, "Yes! I'm sure of it, and I know where the said books are. It's in the young lady's room in the box below her bed!"

"ok! "Let's go check it!"

The maid, the master, and the butler the three of them walk towards Levia's room.

hello everyone!

What are your thoughts on the spacing? Should I add another space after each line to make it easier to read?

Moreover, if you have the time.Please help me improve my vocabulary.

As you can see, English is not my main language, which is why it's hard for me to come up with better words.

If you can just help me a little, like "in this line, you can use this word instead of this," it will be greatly appreciated! 

I'll post the second chapter tommorow.

Thanks for reading, btw! :)

Ank_Artcreators' thoughts