
*Mass Orgy?*


Wang Xiao's intense gaze scanned the room, finally coming to rest on Sophia, the young woman whispered to be the illegitimate child of Pope Frank.

"Are you really the Pope's daughter?" He asked, a mixture of suspicion and curiosity evident in his tone, eager to hear the truth from her own lips.


Sophia visibly flinched at being singled out.

After a moment of hesitation, she took a deep breath and nodded. "Yes... Pope Frank is my father, and my mother, Mercy, worked at a flower shop in Vatican City."

"Is that all?" Wang Xiao inquired, his disappointment evident.

He had hoped for more scandalous discoveries.

Sophia fell silent under his piercing gaze, but another person seized the opportunity to speak up. "Lord, there are rumours that Pope Frank may have forced himself upon Lady Mercy. It is said that he took responsibility for her pregnancy, but her untimely death remains a mystery."


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