
The point of no return



He kept his unbroken stare at the blank wall.


"If only I didn't give him..."


Lost in his thoughts of 'what-if' scenarios, lied within himself a deep emotional pressure.

"I regret."

Every bits of kindness he gave, all sailed away with only pain returning home.

"I don't trust-"


His arm launched against the wall, his teeth clenched as hard as his fist - he shed a manly tear. Deep within, he felt a desire - an urge, to fix things by breaking others.

"I will."

He whispered.

"I will."

He walked hastily towards the kitchen.

"I will."

He grabbed a knife, with a hand full of hatred.

"I will!"

He screamed intensely, refusing to accept the terrible fate hitting upon him.


His inverted voice began to resonate within him. Disoriented, he took a few steps back. Disoriented, he tripped. He fell.


Worn out already, he closed his eyes. Probably it was better to calm down. He let out a long breath, and he took a long breath. He did it again,

and again.

With his emotions dissolving away, his mind went blank. He kept his eyes closed. He just wanted to sleep.

He just wanted to forget it all.

"But I want to kill."

And so his mind spoke.

if you are reading this, hi~

anxicreators' thoughts
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