13 The Truth of DG

Just who was DG? Destorianaxe had not questioned it much in the past, jokingly making fun of his choice of name or how he wanted to be seen as by her but something had made her instinctually trust him. Yet the more that was revealed about the draconic entity the more Destorianaxe was left to wonder just what made this figure so special? Well, other than the obviously at any rate, he seemed to know everyone and be just where ever he wished.

Looking to the still uncomfortable elf she decided to get an outside stance, "Just who is he Talian? What sort of individual is DG?"

Talian looked up, genuine disbelief reflected in his eyes, "You don't know? Even after he's done all this you seriously don't know?"

Destorianaxe shook her head and rumbled, "I know he is powerful and knows many, I know his power is aggravating at the best of times and a down right nuisance the rest of it. But other than wanting to be called the Draconic Godfather it does not seem to be his name really."

Talian sat down and rubbed his face, this was a topic less embarrassing than talking about where baby anything's came from, but at the same time it was even harder to broach, "Well the lettering fits, but you are right that is not his true name despite the initials matching. By the same token, it's also not a bad title on him as Draconic Godfather vastly suits his true nature."

Talian looked to the stone ceiling with a sigh, "We elves met him briefly ages ago, he was still a free spirit at the time. He had not yet taken Zee as his consort and was flitting about Estrelie like a house fly. Many though she would be woo'd by the wiley figure, thankfully Tyrix drew her away before that fop could get his claws in her. I shudder to think what are people would become if he had been involved."

Destorianaxe listened intently growling slightly hearing that DG seemed to always be involved with other females, this reaction surprised her a bit, why should she care? Yet it was something instinctual, like it was in her very blood to reproach the thing for being so flighty in his relationships.

Talian laughed, "That's Zee's influence kicking in, my people know that Zee gave her children an instinctual urge to reign in her husband. While not truly against him having such encounters, she also wished to express her disapproval of his wandering nature. Does not mean it stops him any but every now and then a reproach happens that reminds him his consort awaits."

Talian looked to his student and gave a wry smile, "The world is an interesting place, for some reason entities like our mother Estrelie, DG, Zee and so forth are allowed to walk freely amongst us, yet are also restricted by some sort of agreement between themselves to keep from just laying waste to each others children. To sum it up, they are gods and goddesses made manifest. Though you might consider it along your own adoption of the kobold tribe below to use the terms in light meaning, the truth is, that is what they are quite literally."

Talian waved towards one of the lair walls at Destorianaxe having a disbelieving look on her face, "Estrelie for example is older than any elf living today, and there are some elves pushing a millenia of existence. Yet she looks no older than a maid in the prime of her hundredth year. We have art depicting your DG that dates even further back, he looks no different. The tales with such sketches describe him as a far seeing merchant of chance, he enters lives mysteriously making deals and bargains. Usually quite helpful ones, all so his payment can be collected when fate needs a twist of his knife."

Talian smirked running a hand through his hair, "Sorta sounds in line with your own deal right? Kinda specific that he names eight hundred for when your debt comes due to him. Likely in eight centuries the state of the world will depend on your actions to achieve something beneficial to him. It sounds bad I know, but from our records, he has never dealt in bad faith hence why I answered his call. Much like yourself, I too have a deal struck to be recalled in future."

Destorianaxe tilted her head, "DG needs something of you in eight hundred years?"

Talian shook his head, "Nay, not so far in the future. In eight hundred years I will be advanced with age and on my way from retiring from the world affairs as my kind does. No, my delay is a mere fifty years from now, supposedly the time it will take me to instruct you on 'everything' you need to know. When I return home is when I must heed his advice and it was not so large a request. To be honest it was a task I was to be doing around then anyways."

Destorianaxe shifted where she sat on her haunches, looking at the elf intently, "What are you to do? Unlike myself, it seems you already know what he demands in payment."

Talian nodded, the tips of his ears reddening somewhat, "I do indeed know but I would rather you not ask. Suffice to say the specifics are known and I'm not in conflict with them, it was something I had been debating with myself over for the last two decades anyways. His request just made a choice clear cut and easy enough to take."

Destorianaxe looked curiously at the elf, before glancing to Stares at Skies Vast. Blinking slightly recalling Talians reaction was similar to the earlier talk her head snapped back to him, "You are to mate with DG?!"

Talian nearly choked on his own spit. With eyes wide he looked to the young dragon his mouth hanging open as a low noise welled up in his chest, "Noooooooo! Oh dear Estrelie no! Where the hells did you come up with that notion?! Seriously, maybe we really do need to have a serious talk about that topic and what your implying, it's just... ugh... no, hell no!"

Destorianaxe had a smug look in her eyes, "Me thinks the elf doth protest too much."

Talian glared at the dragon, "Dear Estrelie, we're both males! There's no practical reason for it, though I don't doubt DG would do something along those lines but no, by all the gods get that thought out of your head! If you must know fine, I was debating which of two houses to request marriage into. DG's request was for me to marry into Illtalian, which is something I was leaning towards anyways. It's a prominent house in my homeland and the first daughter and I have some history."

Destorianaxe laughed watching the blushing elf quickly explain, "So you're saying DG is a bargain making god?"

Talian coughed, "In a sense, he is more one that likes to tamper with fate which has earned him the ire of many of his fellow gods and goddesses as these tampering generally conflict with their own laid plans. His end goal? No one knows, he won't say if you ask either, I tried it for the condition of my own bargain and he still twisted it to his own end."

Talian got up walking around a bit, his eyes roaming the lair quietly, "Thing is Estrelie swears he's on 'our' side. Yet the rest of the Light pantheon would just as see him hung from a mountain by his tongue."

Destorianaxe followed the elf's movements slowly and asked, "The Light pantheon? Who are they?"

Talian stopped to think before answering, "Well suffice to say DG, Zee and Estrelie aren't the only gods running around. There's three main pantheons. The Light Pantheon deals with mostly concepts of good and humanoid races. The Dark Pantheon are evil races, demons, devils and sin. Then there's DG's pantheon, they're the neutral ones often dedicated to monstrous humanoids and middle ground concepts, they generally swing either way at any given time."

Destorianaxe listened and nodded before pointing out, "Concepts of good? Shouldn't the Light pantheon be dedicated to good itself?"

Talian shrugged helplessly, "Yes and no, while they do have several good elements most of the light pantheon are extremists. Which isn't always good for everyone, sometimes it can be just as bad as their Dark counterparts."

Destorianaxe nodded lightly in understanding before moving over to I spect Stares at Skies Vast's eggs, "So is DG's pantheon considered good?"

"Self interested would be the better descriptor. Most of the mid pantheon look out for their own, which usually helps others but not always. Take DG, he's very set on giving a great future to his children so his claws are usually dipped into everyone's business. He does a decent job of paying in kind if you do his favors but by the same token, most feel like they're dancing on his strings rather than living their own lives."

Destorianaxe sat in thought looking over the kobolds eggs, the small reptile was fussing over her unhatched brood ceaselessly and the dragon found it interesting to observe, trying to picture herself in such a situation and shaking her head, such a thing was too far away and then there would have to be a male that she didn't feel like gutting. No, safer to stay as she was. Turning back to Talian she asked, "Why are they all wandering around? Shouldn't they be doing godly things away from us all?"

Talian gave a helpless shrug, "As far as I know they've always been in the shadows around us, for the most part they stick to their own people but every now and again the more ambitious try to push the others out."

Destorianaxe snorted, DG minding his own business seemed like a rare occurrence. "Anything else I need to know about them?"

Talian thought a moment and nodded, "True names. Alot of gods like binding agreements by asking you to reveal your true name. Never do so, even to the light pantheon."

Destorianaxe looked up suddenly, "But hasn't everyone been using mine?"

Talian shook his head as he explained, "That is your birth name, it takes concentrated effort to reveal ones true name and bind it to a contract. This name is engraved on your very soul and with it another can force you to do anything while threatening to erase your existence and that's not just death before you ask. To annihilate someone via their true name is to erase every memory, thought and foot print of ones existence from past, present and future. It is a terrible way to go since ones loved ones won't even notice you gone."

Destorianaxe nodded and rose padding towards the corridor to the exit, she needed to fly and think on these lessons, especially about DG, just what was he expecting of her in eight hundred years? Sighing to herself as she leapt out into the air, her wings spread wide as she took to the skies to feel the cool upper atmosphere caress her scales. Flying high always made her relax and she needed it. Talian apparently was only on loan for fifty years, Stares at Skies Vast had but a few years left herself.

The dragon turned her sights to the horizon and beat her wings hard, speeding through the air in a burst of power. Where was her place to be in this world? It was a question that nagged at her mind since she had come to enjoy the company that shared her lair, but that companionship would not continue she knew. Talian would return to the elves and even if DG slept with his daughters-daughters-daughters, eventually the kobold line would end and she'd have a wall full of grisly memories.

Banking on the wind she did a slow roll in the sky, sunning her belly for a moment before the turn saw her pitch back towards the ground, the rush of air filling her ears as she let her mind wander. Still, just as she was about to snap her wings open she heard it, almost too late. Her body banking hard as wings unfurled to catch her descent as a feathered form sliced through where she had been about to pass. Growling at herself she looked down and around, in her stupor she'd flown far north back to the northern mountain ranges and seemed to have taken an interest from some of it's own residents.

Looking around the dragon growled at her own absent mindedness. Flapping her wings slowly she twisted in the air as the flock of eagle headed winged lions swarmed around her. She growled threateningly as the beasts screeched back at the invader of their territory. Snarling her wings flapped as she soared into the flock, bringing the fight to the beasts...

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