
Alpha Wolf

Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Nocturne felt rather uneasy with someone watching him from behind but it did not affect his cooking.

Beitang Meng curiously walked around as she watched Nocturne prepare the fried fish.

Right after the first fish was fried, a fair hand came from behind and snatched the fried fish away.

Nocturne turned around and saw Beitang Meng blowing on the fried fish, trying to cool it down before she chomped down on it.

She was rather impatient but since someone enjoyed and appreciated the food he made, Nocturne, as the chef, was happy.

He continued frying the fish while Beitang Meng snatched some of the fried fish from time to time.

"Here." Nocturne gave Beitang Meng a big bowl of freshly fried fish.

"Mhmm." Beitang Meng grabbed the bowl. She sat down at the table and started to contact her party members about tomorrow's raid.

Nocturne continued making Stewed Eel And Tofu. When the stew was ready, he served it to Beitang Meng before starting to prepare a new dish. 

The Grilled Sagefish was easy, it was similar to normal grilling. He tasted it when it was done and found it to be quite delicious, the fish absorbed all the spices and seasoning.

As for Braised Bristle Whisker Catfish, it was a little complicated. He failed twice before getting it right. The dish smelled good, the fragrance could easily lift one's appetite, the meat was smooth and it was delicious when eaten together with the soup.

He had the system to thank for being able to taste such a delicacy. In the game, one could never overeat or get fat through eating, no matter how much a player ate in the game, it would be fine, so it was the best thing that could happen to an eater.

Before Nocturne served the Braised Bristle Whisker Catfish, Beitang Meng was already captivated by the fragrance. She came over and tasted it with Nocturne.

"Mhmmm, the fish is nice. It smells nice and it's soft."

"Take it over to the table. I'll finish up the rest!"


The girl was quite cute when there was food involved, she was not as cold and stiff as before. 

"Is this what people call a cute eater?"

Nocturne continued cooking the rest of the dishes. He kept some for himself and traded the rest to Beitang Meng.

As for the Grilled Moonscale Fish, both of them did not even lay a finger on it because it was a rare dish, they could not afford to waste it. It should be kept for the Priest during the boss raid.

"I'm done with the cooking. It's time for me to cook back in real life. When I come online next time, PM me when you are done with the preparations and we can start the boss raid."


When Nocturne logged back into the game, he got a PM from Beitang Meng after a while about the boss raid. He also got the coordinates for the assembly point.

Nocturne made his way to the assembly point and saw quite a number of players there waiting for him.

"Let me introduce: the tank Warrior from our guild, Wind&Rum; Priest, Mayday; Mage, Faraway Song. There's also another party here to clear the mobs."

Beitang Meng introduced the rest of the party to Nocturne and him to the rest of the party.

"This is the Paladin I got for the boss raid, Nocturne."

"Hi! Level 9 Warrior tank, Wind&Rum!" Wind&Rum had a fitting armor on her that complimented her powerful physique. Her waist was slim and her butt was lifted, her chest was wide, her legs were long and fair and her facial features were pronounced; her eyes were captivating and her lips were as red as a burning flame, even her voice was as feminine as it could get.

Nocturne had a feeling that Wind&Rum's feminine behaviour was natural because she did not feel cheap or coquettish in any way.

"Hello. I'm the Priest, Mayday. Please look after me." Mayday was a girl in her teenage years. She looked really young, even her voice sounded soft and meek. Of course, she might only look young and soft, no one knows what she was really like in real life.

"Mage. Faraway Song." The handsome Mage was rather cold, his introduction was brief and succinct.

"Hello everyone. I'm Nocturne, Paladin. I'm still new, so please bear with me," Nocturne introduced himself.

"Okay then. Now that everyone knows each other, let's party up and head out." Beitang Meng then sent a party request to everyone and led them to the Alpha Wolf's location.

"You joined a party. Party leader: Beitang Meng. Allocation: Leader's distribution."

After travelling for a while, the party noticed a pack of wolves and the Alpha Wolf among the pack. 

Beitang Meng signalled her party to stop moving.

"I'll be distributing the resources now. Everyone, be prepared and buff up."

Beitang Meng then sent everyone all kinds of potions.

Nocturne got two vials of Small Potion, a bottle of Delicious Rum and all kinds of gear that provided Stamina.

He put them on and drank the Delicious Rum, his Stamina surged to 48.

"Okay guys, be ready to engage. Listen to my commands."

"Wind&Rum, engage the boss. Second party, lure the other mobs away. First party, wait for Wind&Rum to aggro the boss and we will start dishing out damage."

Wind&Rum cast Charge and started the fight. She was able to stun the Alpha Wolf for a second and inflicted 5 damage on it.

The second party joined the fight but they were there to lure the other mobs away.

Five seconds later, Nocturne and his party joined the fray and unleashed everything they had on the Alpha Wolf.

The Alpha Wolf was a lot stronger than they expected but Wind&Rum was a skilled player, she was good with her shield as she was able to hold her own against the Alpha Wolf.

A while later, as the Alpha Wolf's HP was lowered to a certain point, Beitang Meng called out to her party.

"First party, other than Wind&Rum, stay away from the Alpha Wolf now and gather on me. After the Alpha Wolf summons new mobs, Wind&Rum remember to cast Charge on me. The second party will take over to lure the new mobs away from the Alpha Wolf."

Beitang Meng calmly retreated from the Alpha Wolf's aggro radius, the others in the party followed tightly behind her.

It was then that the Alpha Wolf howled at the sky, summoning 10 wolves around it but they were quickly lured away by the second party.

"Okay guys, continue dishing out damage!"

After the Alpha Wolf summoned a new pack of wolves, it would cast the big AOE skill from time to time. The big AOE skill, a large red claw attack, would leave players with a debuff when hit.

"Alpha Wolf cast Sweep. Inflicted with debuff: Bleed. Lose 50 HP over 10 seconds duration."

Sweep was the large AOE skill that Beitang Meng talked about. If the party did not have any kind of effective healing skills or a sufficient amount of potions, the Bleed debuff would be difficult to deal with. 

Fortunately with Nocturne's Vitality Halo, the party was able to turn the desperate situation around.

The party continued the fight with Beitang Meng's command and they were able to chip the Alpha Wolf's HP a little by little.

Five minutes later, the Alpha Wolf's HP reached a new low.

"Warning. Alpha Wolf's HP is below 10%. Beware of its Fury state."

The boss was expected to enter Fury state. In Destiny Online, whenever a boss reached a certain level of HP, it would enter Fury state. 

Players usually had to save up skills or ultimate skills for the end to quickly kill the boss before the boss could make a comeback during Fury state. It was recommended to kill the boss as quickly as possible at the start or before Fury state but given the party's current gear and levels, it was not possible to kill the boss right away.

As the group was figuring out a way to deal with the Fury state, the Alpha Wolf's HP was lowered to 5%. With a long howl, the Alpha Wolf started to glow in red as red mist enveloped its body.

Wind&Rum shouted, "Fury! Damn! The attacks are so painful! I can't hold on any longer! Heal! Heal!"

Fury state increased the boss' attack, attack speed and critical rate and it was not just a tiny boost. 

Wind&Rum was tanking like a mountain at first but she was forced to stagger when Fury state was activated. Her HP was blinking red.

"Wind&Rum! Try to fall back slowly! Guys, don't let the damage stop!" Beitang Meng was as calm as always.

She then landed an Eviscerate on the Alpha Wolf.

Wind&Rum cast Charge at Mayday to create distance from the boss. Two bars of her HP were chipped off during the retreat, and she was forced to drink a vial of potion on the spot.

After she regenerated for a bit, she began tanking the boss' attacks again.

"I'm almost out of Mana!" Mayday said helplessly as she stomped her feet.

Mayday ran out of Mana and Wind&Rum lost her support, causing the two of them to die on the spot.

"Nocturne, you're up!" Beitang Meng called out to Nocturne after Wind&Rum and Mayday died. Nocturne was the sub tank of the party.

Nocturne went up and filled the spot. Fortunately, he was able to regenerate a certain amount of HP and was able to aggro the Alpha Wolf, otherwise he would have failed.

Beitang Meng sighed a breath of relief. She dished out another Eviscerate on the boss and this time, she landed as a critical hit.

The Alpha Wolf howled in pain before it fell on to the ground, losing all signs of life.