
Destiny Divine: The Divine Threads

Through the lenses of Konquerors, a place where hidden realities are twisting destinies, Timothy a 15 yr old and dreamy, discovers that what seems to be ordinary life is a fabric of lies. The filmy veil of his ordinary family-life is torn up at that point, and he finds himself in the brink of a world on the verge of war. Timothy's world is upturned with the unveiling of The Forsaken Son's Prophecy and he is forced to compensate for an existence totally different from the one he had ever known. In the subterfuge provided by the mysterious imprints of fate, he has to find support amidst fragile alliances and to undo age-old mysteries, which he must do with the demons of chaos always on his heels. Be a part of Timothy on a wayward path to find what he is looking for and the meaning of his life all the time filling him with impending fate with each step he takes.

SHADOW_IV · Fantasía
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100 Chs

chapter 15: forgotten lands prt2

Timothy adorned a sleek black convertible hooded steampunk coat jacket, paired with leather pants and sturdy boots. Two concealed daggers nestled in his sleeves, and a short blade hung at his waist.

"Ah, what am I wearing? Ohh these right here look exquisite," he mused, examining the gem-embedded handles of the daggers. A swift slash confirmed their perfect balance. "Jake would surely appreciate these."

Timothy thought as he put the daggers away and began looking around. The trees were very tall, making him feel like an ant in comparison. The cool wind swept across his face, making the falling leaves dance around him. In the distance, he could hear birds chirping, branches creaking, and hooves shuffling through the detritus. The sky was gloomy, as though it were strangely aligned with Timothy's feelings.

"Sigh* I can't stay here forever."

Timothy began following the path he took when he entered the forest. As he navigated his way out, it began to rain, but Timothy simply didn't care as he tried to make sense of what led him to arrive here.

"That bloody staircase," Timothy thought to himself.

After a few minutes of walking, he was finally out of the forest. He walked towards the city he could see from a distance, and when he arrived, he was slightly shocked. The city was desolate, with crumbling buildings and empty streets.

"This place looks empty on the outside, but I can see and hear some movements in these ruined buildings," Timothy thought as he made his way into the city quietly. The movements in the buildings didn't go unnoticed by him. The corroded metal on the old buildings reflected the years of neglect they had suffered. The rain kept pouring, and as he got to the center of the city, he could feel that he was surrounded from all angles.

"Ugh, what do I have to lose?" Timothy thought before sitting down on a pile of rubble.

The movements in the buildings stopped, and a loud horn resounded throughout the desolate city. A second later, cheers rang out from the buildings, but no one stepped out except one. A woman with red hair and hazel eyes, wearing a steampunk military jacket and freckles on her cheeks, walked forward. Her every step seemed calculated.

"I thought we told you never to come back here again, Stephen."

Timothy kept quiet as he looked at the woman who was now standing not so far from him. Timothy didn't know why this Stephen was banned from coming here, so he had to find out.

"I can't seem to remember why, though. I think I have a case of amnesia," Timothy said with a smile as he looked at the woman in front of him who had clenched her fist. The woman took another step forward.

"Let the world go still."

She said as she was now standing right in front of him. Timothy was amazed at what he saw the moment she said those words. The world grew quieter; even the rain stopped falling.

"Why are you truly here, Stephen? We weren't supposed to meet until the third eclipse."

The woman spoke in a soft tone as she looked at him longingly. Timothy saw that this woman loved this Stephen. So he told her that he remembers waking up in the middle of a wasteland not so far away from the city with a huge warship approaching him. He ran into the forest and took cover until the warship passed.

"I don't remember anything. I don't even know why that warship was after me."

"So, you really don't remember anything? Not even me, my love? What about Moraine?"

Timothy shook his head as he watched tears escape the woman's eyes. Something in him made him stand up, and he moved to hug the woman, but he stopped himself.

"But it seems your body and your heart still remember me even though your mind has forgotten me."

The red-haired woman said as she noticed his awkward movements. Timothy looked at her, hoping she would tell him who this Stephen is because that may be the key for him to return home.

"I know you want answers, but not here, not now. Wait for me at the base in the forest. I'll meet you there after five days."

She spoke as she touched his face, making Timothy close his eyes at the soft touch before she turned back and started walking back to the ruined buildings.

"Uh, hey, I didn't get your name, plus where is this base you speak of?"

"I'll tell you soon. I already gave you the location of the base. Why do you think I was... nevermind."

She said as she disappeared into the building. Timothy was about to tell her she didn't, but then the location of the base was now in his memories. It was a location hidden deep in the forest near a swamp and a huge tree. Timothy walked out of the city, totally distracted, as he kept thinking about what the woman said. He understood one thing, though.

"This guy is that woman's lover, and Moraine seems to be someone close to both of them... what the..."

Timothy had totally forgotten that it was originally raining when he entered the city, so when he walked out of the city, the rain resumed.

"Can the Konquerors back home also do that?"

Timothy was amazed and excited as he made his way to the base. The deeper regions of the forest were deadly quiet and scary, but he cautiously made his way through the forest and reached the location of the base. It was built underground, and on the surface, there was grass covering a lever that opened the door to the base. Timothy immediately took out the concealed dagger in his sleeve as he went to pull the lever. The moment he touched it, the lever emitted a blue light, and mechanical gears could be heard moving as the door slowly opened.

"What is all of this?" Timothy spoke letting go of the lever, and he cautiously made his way down the stairs as the door behind closed.

Timothy could tell that this body he was in was stronger, faster, and better than his original body. He could hear sounds from a faraway distance, and his eyes were able to zoom in and out; he could even see in the dark.

"Enhanced strength, speed, hearing, and sight? Is this what father meant when he said to train my body to its peak?" Timothy thought as he went down the stairs, observing the metallic wall and the strange objects on it. He arrived at the center of the base, and his expression was one of shock.