
Chapter 32

"I...want to do it. I want to be engage with Gian, dad."

"Are you really sure about it?"

Shannen nods her head. She lifts her head to gaze at her father with determination in her eyes. Among all the people inside this room, it was the viscount who truly understands his daughter the most. Seeing that Shannen had truly made a decision, the viscount let out a sigh and shows her a helpless smile.

"I understand." The viscount said and looks at the marquis and then to Gian. "Marquis Frederick, the Cladeu family will accept this engagement."


Viscount Cladeu turns a deaf ear to his wife and invites the marquis to his office. He also speaks some words with Gian and Shannen before informing them that he will have a serious discussion with the marquis. These people act as if the viscountess is not present inside the room with them. Marquis Frederick did not give any form of acknowledgment to the woman who insulted Gian in front of him. Viscount Cladeu and Lady Shannen intentionally ignore her. The father and daughter duo had a tacit understanding not to indulge with her rudeness just for today.

Viscountess Beckie becomes more furious when no one gives her any attention. This is the most humiliating thing that happens in her whole life. In the end, Viscountess Beckie makes an excuse saying that she needs some rest due to her sudden headache. Without waiting for their reply, the viscountess leaves the room with heavy footsteps.

Gian did not remove his gaze towards the viscountess until she was completely out of his sight.

"Dude, what are you thinking right now?" Russel suddenly asked, but he remembered something. "Oh, nevermind. Just answer me when you return back to your room later."


Viscountess Beckie goes straight to the master's bedroom. The maids following her from behind are getting anxious every minute that had passed. All of a sudden, the viscountess grabs a pair of scissors and stabs it on a feather pillow. She keeps on stabbing the pillow with the scissors until the fluffy stuffings of it scatters everywhere.

Beckie is really, really mad. Not only that bitch dared to disobey her orders, but she also humiliated her. Beckie had shown kindness and love to her husband and his daughter, and this is how they will repay her? Every time she remembered what happened downstairs makes her blood boil in anger.

And that young man... That marquis's son!

He openly disrespects her! He keeps on mocking her! He... He should pay a huge price for humiliating her together with that bitch!

"Bring me a quill and paper!" Beckie barked on her maids.

"Y-Yes, Viscountess!"

Afraid that the viscountess will vent her anger towards them, the maid quickly gives the items Beckie was asking.

Beckie has to do something to remove this anger she was feeling. And to do that, she will ask for someone to make a plan to destroy them.

Beckie writes a letter for Earl Bartilon.


The viscount asked his daughter to give Gian a tour in their gardens while their fathers will discuss the details of their engagement. It seems like everything is settled, so Gian and Shannen agreed with the viscount's direction. With Shannen's guidance, they both arrive in the garden. Shannen's hand was placed on Gian's arm as he walks slowly to synchronize with her steps.

Though their kingdom is still experiencing hot weather due to the draught, the wind blowing today is exceptionally cool. Different flowers are blooming beautifully in the garden. The bushes are well-maintained and some of them were trimmed into a shape of a tiger, the animal symbol of this kingdom. It is obvious that the gardeners are giving this place meticulous care. Everything is good and fine.

Except for one.

"Lady Shannen, are you not feeling well?" Gian asked when he noticed that she did not remove her gaze on the floor as if there is something interesting that catches her eyes.


"Then why don't you look at me?"


Shannen still refuses to look at him. Leaving him no choice, Gian touches her chin with his fingers and gently lifts her head. Gian let out a chuckle when he discovered why Shannen refused to look at him. Shannen's face is too red like a freshly cooked lobster.

"S-Stop looking at me..."

"What happened? Did someone bully my fiancee without my knowledge?" joked Gian.

"Lord Gian—"



"Just call me by my name."


"You have that privilege. Always remember that you are now my fiance." Gian said as he starts walking again.

"Then... You can also simply call me Shannen!"


When Shannen heard the word fiancee, her cheeks become redder. Now that everything was settled, Shannen slowly becomes clear-headed. Shannen clearly remembered all the things she had done earlier. Not only she cried and complained like a child in front of him, she even showed Gian her weakness and pitiful appearance.

For some people, there is actually no problem with that. Shannen learned from her classmates in the academy that most young men prefer fragile-looking girls who can stir their instincts to protect them. They always want a girl who will rely on them in everything. But she knew that Gian is not like that.

"Then... You do not find me irritating?"

"Hm? Why do you ask?"

"Well... You said that you hate girls who are weak and always crying."

Gian stops from his tracks and looks at the young lady beside her.

"When did I say that?" puzzled Gian.

"Ten years ago while we are playing in your mansion." Shannen replied.

'Ten years ago? Then considering his age right now, he was only a six-year-old boy at that time.'

Shannen can still remember a certain memory from the past.

When they were still kids, Shannen always visited the Cres Val mansion and played with Gian. When they are playing in the living room one time, an old maid suddenly asked them who they want to marry in the future. Shannen does not know what 'marry' means yet at that time. When Shannen asked the maid about it, she answered that it was choosing someone who you wanted to be with in the future.

The old maid was only asking a casual question, but Shannen took it seriously. Shannen only had a few friends and they are all girls like her. She does not like Brother Viel because he always bullies her and Gian. There is only one perfect answer for the old maid's question.

"I want to marry Gian in the future!" Shannen childishly told the maid.

"You like to marry our Young Master Gian?"

Shannen energetically nods her head.

"Gian never bullies me just like brother Viel. He gives me a lot of sweets all the time and he always plays with me."

"Our Young Lady Shannen is so sweet."

When it was Gian's turn, he did not even bother to look at them. He only quietly counts the papers scattered on the floor. They thought Gian does not like to answer the maid's question so they did not bother to force an answer from him. Then after a few minutes, Gian suddenly opened his mouth and answered the maid's question.

"I want to marry a girl who will not rely on anyone just to stop their crying. Much better if they do not complain too much about anything."

"Young Master Gian wants to marry a strong-type girl?"

Gian looks at the maid before he slowly nods his head.

"Maybe. As long as they do not annoy me too much."

"Then what about me?"


"You do not want to marry me, Gian?" Shannen asked.

"Why should I?" Gian asked. "Unless you become the girl I like, I may consider marrying you in the future."

Then after that, Gian continued on folding the paper he was holding into a boat.


Gian looks at Shannen with inquiring eyes trying to see if she was jesting or not. But seeing her burning cheeks, Gian can only think that her story is valid and it really happened in the past. For Gian who already live twice, it was natural for him to forgot that memory.

"Dude, I did not expect that you are already a jerk when you were still a kid." Russel commented before making a snickering sound.


"At least when I was still a kid, my teacher awarded me as the friendliest and most active kid in our class." Russel added. "Heh. It is also proof that I am really handsome and popular."

'It is better to ignore his rambling again.'

"I want to apologize if I am not yet the type of woman that you like, Gian." Shannen timidly said when she noticed that he is not saying anything. "Give me one year... No. Give me at least half a year to change. I can promise you that I will become a girl that you like."

"You want to change yourself?"


"Why do you have to change who you are to match my preferences?" inquired Gian.

"Isn't obvious? Because we will marry each other in the future." Shannen answered.

Another silence. Shannen is looking at Gian with her big, bright eyes while Gian is also staring at her. Shannen's direct answer just now caught Gian off-guard.

"...Oh." Gian unhurriedly answered.

When he recovers from his initial surprise, Gian suddenly let out a hearty laugh. Shannen, the maids following them from behind, and even the pen inside his pocket are all surprised.

"Shannen, you are really..."

"Really what?"

Instead of answering, Gian inspects the garden until he saw the flower he was looking for. He plucks one white camellia flower and gently puts it behind her left ear. Gian's fingers accidentally brushed on Shannen's earlobe and it sends a slight shiver on her spine. This simple yet intimate action from Gian makes Shannen blushed again.

"The meaning of that flower really suits you." complimented Gian.

"...Is it a good thing?"

"Of course."

After that, Gian placed his hand on Shannen's head and gently pats it as if he is coaxing a little girl.

"Shannen, you do not have to change yourself. It would be better if you will love and accept who you really are."


"Do you prefer being loved because you are forcing to be someone who is not really you?"

"But I cried earlier. I complained about my situation with you. I even relied on you to solve my problem. I became weak that is why we are here in this situation. I...I'm sorry."

"So what about it? You do not have to apologize for that."

"But still..."

"Shannen, you cried because you really cared about your father. You did not complain, but you just let out your honest feelings. And there is nothing wrong if you wanted to rely on someone when everything becomes too heavy for you. Lastly, thank you for being a strong lady."


"You just showed me how strong you really are. You endured the pain and hurtful feelings for a long time because you have someone and something to protect. Instead of saying sorry, you should be proud of yourself."

Gian lowers his head a little so he can stare at Shannen straight to her eyes.

"Shannen, I am so proud of you. Thank you for your hard work and effort."

Maybe because Gian's tone of voice is very soothing to her ears, or maybe because of his gentle pats on her hair... Shannen did not know anymore. But she suddenly burst into tears. Gian pulls her body into his embrace and gently pats her back.

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