
Desperately seeking Love

Natalia is in what appears to be a deteriorating marriage. Her husband is a Sexy Hot Gorgeous African Man. His dark sexy skin like milk chocolate makes her mouth water. It's been years since she's been with her husband. Everytime she looks at his pictures she envisions putting his finger in her mouth as she sucks on him. Dreaming of letting her hands find their way slowly to his crotch. Massaging his hardening Man meat. She moans because her thoughts fill with images faster than her body can act.

However, in the recent months something has happened with her husband's ever increasing decline of intimacy her need to be fulfilled grows steadily more and more important to the survival of her very existance. She feels she's running out of time her heart is dying.

Months ago a young man moved in next door. Cute, sweet and very kind to her. Something she has been missing. For months she just enjoyed the company and never had a second thought. However, he says things and does things that makes her think. Does he like me? Do I have a chance? She quickly tries to kill the thoughts as they enter her mind telling herself she is too old, too ugly, too fat for it to be true.

However as time goes by he does more and more for her. One day he talks her into following him to a little town to go attend a church funded gathering. She agrees but upon returning home her teal Impala is rear-ended by a wreckless drunk. She is without a means of transportation.

Days fade into weeks, weeks into months. She notices how he once used to have friends over..Female friends but since her accident he had spent most his time with her. Most nights are movie nights they spend watching Tv together. They start to eat dinners together, they hate being alone. Their presence with each other reinforces that they enjoy feeling wanted and important to another person to feel like their existance matters. Sometimes he plays with her hair randomly, will touch her out of the blue massaging her head shoulders or neck without her asking. He does little things to make her happy but she can't tell if she's losing her mind or if he might possibly feel for her. He once used to avoid her when he suffered his head aches she thinks fearing he might lose his temper with her unwillingly due to his pain but in recent months that has not been so. They spend so much time together to the outside world one might think something was going on. However, she remains faithful to her husband dispite the comfort she receives from Emanuel, the guy next door.