
Desire of Immortality

A ruthless businessman with a desire to live forever proceeds to inject himself with a serum when backed into a corner. He becomes a mindless monster that is soon killed by a nuclear missile is sent to the void as punishment for his actions. Eventually he would escape and transmigrate in a new world. This is a story of a man who desires power and Immortality and will do anything to achieve it. Inspired by Star Wars, Warhammer 40k and Stellaris.

Tenzing_Choeying_5139 · Ciencia y ficción
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38 Chs

Beginning of the training arc

In the training room, he began to train with his spells he learnt from the books in his room, and his magical reserves grew, which allowed him to cast spells without losing magical energy too quickly.

The training room was huge and had many training dummies. The room colour was white, and there were servants who had water for Darius, in case he got tired.



That was the last dark fireball I could cast. Right now, I can only cast five dark firballs until my magic core is empty.

Nevertheless, my magical reserves have increased, so I can store more dark magic.

"Young master." A maid caught my attention. She offered me a glass of water. I quickly used spells to check if there's any poison. There was not, so I drank.

"Thank you." She nodded her head and smiled.

Suddenly, I heard the door open and out came my parents and siblings.

My father spoke. "Darius, we need to talk. You can't go with your grandfather to train."

I raised my eyebrow. "And why not father?"

My mother answered my question instead of my father.

"Because your grandfather is a cruel man who slaughtered innocents with no remorse. He has no regard for those around him."

My mother looked at me with a pleading look. Evie then spoke in a desperate tone.

"Big brother, please don't go with that man. He's a bad person, me and Billy and I once saw him hurt a rebel badly."

She shivered in fear, and so did Billy. Zack then spoke.

"Listen to them, Darius, our grandfather is not a good person. The training you will go through will be painful and mindbreaking."

I just looked at him with no emotion. "Better to suffer and become stronger, rather than being weak."

As soon as I said those words, Zack had a look of realisation.

"You're doing this for power, aren't you. You're going to train with grandfather so that you may gain more power."

I smiled and said "Yep pretty much." Billy then spoke. "Why are you smiling, big brother."

"What do you find so funny about all this? Are you happy that you're going to become a monster like grandfather."

His head was down, so I couldn't see his face. His fists clenched so hard that blood was coming out, which led to our mother rushing to him.

Huh, he really is pissed off. "Why do you hate our grandfather so much, Bill?"

He then looked at me, and I saw his eyes that had anger, envy, and fear.

"He killed an enemy that was unharmed and begging for mercy. Mother told me that forgiveness is very important and that all lives are precious."

Looks like our mother has been infecting him with her stupidity. I then decided to say a quote from a manwa I read

My smile then turned into a cruel smirk.

"Forgiveness, huh, do you want to know what I think about forgiveness."

Billy nodded, and my other family members paid close attention.

"I believe forgiveness is just an excuse made by the weak who can not seek revenge due to their lack of strength."

This stunned my family and the servants. I wonder what they are thinking.

I decided to read the minds of my younger siblings only as I most likely can't read the minds of Zack and our parents due to their power.

They both seem to think that I was cruel. Billy sees me as a monster while Evie also sees me as a monster but wants to find a way to 'help' me.

The servants see me as the next Crawford Blackburn, except more polite.

"Well said, Darius."

Grandfather appeared behind me. How long was he standing there?

"Your brother is right. The training will be hard and mindbreaking for a child such as yourself. So do you really want to train with me."

He looked at me with an expectant look, and my parents and siblings looked at me with a hopeful look.

"Yes, grandfather, I want to train. No matter how hard it is, I will carry on with my head held high."

I looked at my grandfather with flame of determination burning in my eyes.

My parents and siblings looked distraught.

My grandfather grinned.

"You are quite confident, Darius. Let's see if your confidence will remain intact during the training."

With a click of his fingers, a purple portal appeared.

"Come, Darius, let's go and begin your training."

I then began walking towards the portal, followed by my grandfather.

He gave my parents a smug look, and they simply glared at him.

After passing through the portal, I was in a forest. In front of me was a huge mansion.

"Let's go inside. I'll give you a tour of the mansion."

Inside the mansion was beautiful.

The Blackburn manor and my mansion from my old life were nothing compared to this.

My grandfather then showed me to me, which was literally my room. There were only four rooms.

The first one was my room, which had a bed and a big TV. The second one was my grandfather's room, which had only a bed.

The third one and fourth one were the libraries. I had access to the third one, but not the fourth one.

Apparently, the fourth room was the Blackburn library that contained the most vilest of the dark arts, and only the Lord can access it.

I then went to my room and began to meditate.

My magic core was slowly being filled by magical energy, and I had an idea.

I began to absorb magical energy to fill my core, and it worked.

This could be very useful in the future, but there could be those who can nullify magic, or perhaps Psionic Powers.

As I was thinking, I heard the door opening and my grandfather appeared.

"Darius, I am here to let you know your training starts tomorrow, so I suggest you prepare yourself. Physically and mentally."

I nodded, and he left. Well, let's see my powers and skills. I'm a skilled combatant, I have psionic powers and magic.

I should focus on my body as I have been focusing more on my psychic powers and magic.

Whelp time to start exercising. I started doing push-ups and pull-ups and other things.

I did this for a few hours and went to bed.

Sorry that I couldn't make the chapter longer, I was sick and had a headache, which fried my brain.

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