
Desire of Immortality (Harry Potter AU)

When a ruthless CEO gets run over by truck kun, he wakes up as a new person. He was now Tiberius Black, the son of Sirius Black and Amelia Bones. He was neglected by both his parents, but he didn't care as he saw no use for them. This is the story of a man's greed for power and Eternal Life.

Tenzing_Choeying_5139 · Película
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The Elder Wand

One year has passed since the death of Sirius Bones, Tiberius didn't go to his funeral much to the sadness of Amelia.

Instead, Tiberius was busy training, and his power was slowly growing. He got a letter that told him his grades.

Tiberius showed them to Arcturus.


Arcturus looked over my results. He looked impressed at my results.

"You have achieved an outstanding in all of your exams, I will give you access to the Black family libary at the end of your sixth year."

I nodded. The next day, I boarded the Hogwarts Express and saw Harry glaring at me.

Using Legilimency, I found out that Harry blames me for the death of Sirius. He believes that I could have saved him due to my strong magical powers.

I ignored his glare and went to my compartment. I was very close to Arcturus's level. Now then, it was time for my NEWTS.

The classes were a bit harder, but I was able to cope with it. Snape, who was our new teacher for Defence Against The Dark Arts, taught us non-Verbal magic.

I was able to do it very easily, Dumbledore was on the death door, and I just needed to disarm him of his wand.

In Potions, I won the potion Felix Felicis potion much to the envy of my classmates.

I decided to use this drink when I tried disarming Dumbledore.

I was also invited to the Slug Club, to which I attended, but not everyone was thrilled to see me due to my heritage.

During the Christmas break, I attended the Slug Club Christmas party along with Daphne. Draco was dragged outside by Snape.

A few weeks passed, and I was training until Daphne approached me and told me about how Harry almost killed Draco.

So Harry used Sectumsempra on Draco. The time for me to take the Elder Wand is near.

I prepared a disguise, and I was busy making a Death Eater clothes to disguise myself as a Death Eater.

Now, all I had to do was follow Draco into the astronomy tower.

Dumbledore POV

Harry had taken me to the Astronomy Tower and was searching for Snape to try to help me.

I smiled, and that boy was like a grandson to me. My thoughts turned to Tiberius. I was saddened by the path he took.

I hoped that he would come to his senses and reconcile with his family, but he did not. Instead, Tiberius carried on walking his dark path.

Arcturus was at fault here. He had turned Tiberius into a monster. That man impregnated my sister, and she died of childbirth.

For some reason, Tiberius looked a bit like Ariana before I could dwell on my thoughts any longer, I saw a death eater.

He quickly disarmed me of the Elder Wand and used wandless magic to pull the wand towards him. I was shocked at the use of wandless magic.

Who was this Death Eater? Suddenly, I heard a voice in my head. It was the voice of Tiberius.

"Thanks for the wand old man."

And then he casted a killing curse. My final thoughts were about Ariana. Don't worry, Ariana, your older brother is coming home.


3rd person POV

All of Hogwarts was in chaos and turmoil as the headmaster Albus was dead. Harry Potter was the most devastated.

Meanwhile, Tiberius is back in his school uniform grinning as he had the Elder Wand in his possession.


At last, I have the most powerful wand in my possession, the Elder Wand and one of the Deathly Hallows.

Now, all I need is the resurrection stone and the cloak of invisibility to become the Master of Death.

Arcturus came to pick me up from Hogwarts, and I told him what I had done.

"That was dangerous of you, boy, but I am proud to be able to kill Dumbledore. I wanted to be the one to kill him, but it's fine.

What will you do now."

"I'm going to take the other Deathly Hallows and prepare my army for war."

Once we went to the Black Manor, Arcturus showed me to a door. He placed his hand on the door, and the magic symbol appeared on it.

The door began to open, and what I saw were a lot of books.

Arcturus spoke.

"This here is the Black family libary. Enjoy the books."

I rushed inside the room and began reading the books. For a long time, I was in the libary learning new spells and rituals.

One ritual known as the Lord's sacrifice can give you the power of a Lord, e.g, the Black Lord.

I plan on using this on Arcturus. Soon, I finished reading all the books from the Black family libary.

My power was growing, and I was finally at the level of Arcturus. He was proud and wanted to talk.

"Tiberius, I believe it's time for you to hear the truth of your heritage. You see, you are my son, your mother was Ariana."

That wasn't really a lot to take in, but it was good to know. I went back to my training.

The Elder Wand made my spells even more stronger, Arcturus noted that I was slowly starting to surpass him.

Then one year passed, and I was at the door of the Potter Manor. It was time for me to gain the remaining Deathly Hallows.

Guys, I have something to tell you. I've lost motivation for this story, but I don't want to drop it. The story will be more fast-paced. I'm just letting you guys know.

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