
Descendants Of The Gods

In an attempt to return mana to this world, the gods decided to break a dying world into pieces and forced these pieces to fuse with the barren world at the cost of their lives. As they were dying they decided to pass on all of what they had through their bloodlines to their descendants so that they may thrive in this new world. Follow Alan to see which of his ancestor he wishes to follow in the footsteps of. Will he follow the path of destruction of Tiamat or will rise to rule the æsir as Odin did before him?

Astraeeus · Fantasía
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4 Chs

The Betrayal

[Number of participants: 10]

Staring at the translucent window Alan was chilled to the bones as he quickly began looking around himself. The wave was finished meaning that the only option for why someone dies is murder or...

While looking around the group he suddenly heard a high-pitched scream coming from the other side of the large hall.

Alan quickly turned around towards the sound to see a young woman being ruthlessly stabbed in the throat by a goblin that had jumped her.

Behind the young woman was a small army of almost thirty goblins that all rushed out from the same entrance. Behind this army of goblins was another large green creature standing at almost three meters, holding a large club that rested on its shoulder. It was a creature that resembled an orc.

[Number of participants: 9]

The notification woke Alan up from his trance and he immediately reacted by beginning to sprint towards the goblins.

While he was running he began noticing the effects of the physical strengthening, his speed right now was close to an Olympic runner's top speed.

As he narrowed the distance between himself and the goblins, he thrust his spear forwards going straight through the goblin as it was paper, leaving behind a large hole in the middle of the goblin's stomach.

Alan was momentarily shocked by his strength, but he quickly shook it off and swung his spear to the left at a goblin that was running towards him, decapitating it.

Seeing Alan fighting the goblins, the others also left their trance and picked up their weapons, and began fighting.

Alan then continued to thrust his spear forward piercing a goblin's shoulder before his attention was taken by Connor who split a goblin in two down the middle.

The fight continued to be one-sided for a while until Alan suddenly heard someone shouting from behind him. He quickly turned towards the sound to see James being pinned down by the large orc-like creature.

James's shout also attracted the attention of both Barry and Tom who both attempted to attack the orc-like creature. They leaped at the orc together slashing their swords around its stomach leaving only a small cur in the skin, spilling only a few drops of blood.

The attack seemed only to infuriate the orc-like creature who then swung his giant club around himself hitting both Barry and Tom and flinging them through the air.

Seeing this Alan's brain began working at high speeds attempting to find a solution. With the orc's tough skin, it seemed like only he or Connor had any chance of killing it, but they were both a distance away with no hope to save the three.

Suddenly Alan got an idea as he looked at the spear in his hand. He quickly positioned himself into a throwing position and then he began running like he had seen Olympic spear throwers had done at the Olympics and threw the spear.

As the spear left his hand he suddenly realized how stupid it actually was. Even though he currently had the physique of an athlete didn't mean that he had the accuracy and practice needed to hit the target from this distance.

The spear was now flying in the air and from what Alan could see it seemed like he would miss the orc by a landslide.

But something weird happened with the spear as it flew, the runes on its tip suddenly began glowing. As the runes glowed the spear slowly began to change direction mid-air and it began to slowly accelerate towards the orc-like creature.

The spear continued to accelerate until it was right in front of the orc when it pierced the orc-like creature in the middle of his eyebrows penetrating deep into its skull, leaving it hanging there in the air.

The orc-like creature stood there completely still for a few seconds before falling heavily down on his stone floor, creating a tremor through the entire hall.

Simultaneously as Alan killed the orc-like creature Connor had finished rapping up the rest of the goblins.

[Congratulations on surviving 3/3 waves:


Physical strengthening proportionate with the contribution

Item upgrades proportionate with the contribution]

Suddenly the incredible itch came back, but it seemed a bit different this time. This time it felt more like his entire body was on fire.

When the pain finally began to fade and clarity began returning to Alan's head, he saw in the corner of his eye that something was happening to his spear again. The spear was glowing once more and different Norse runes began climbing up its shaft, but this time they did not go to its end but rather settled there on the shaft.

After the runes had settled on the shaft of the spear, it began glowing as it tore through the orc's head and began flying back to Alan, landing almost a meter away from him.

Alan stood there shocked for a moment before approaching it and picking it up again and he fell into deep thought.

While Alan inspected his spear something strange also happened to Connor's sword. Light began being emitted from its handle which was slowly formed into a cross shape before settling down on the sword once again.

The light from Connor's sword brought Alan out of his thoughts as he began to look around himself. He saw that James was still alive and he seemed to have gotten the same physical strengthening that he and Connor had gotten formerly.

As he continue to inspect the battlefield the translucent window appeared again.

[Congratulations on surviving, you will now be sent to the next testing area]

Before anyone could react translucent particles began climbing up them again forcing them to shut their eyes from the blinding light.

When Alan opened his eyes again he saw that he was in the middle of a large closed-off hall with a large stone tablet in the middle.

The tablet simply stated 'One must die for the rest to survive'.

As everyone was busy reading the stone tablet a large shaking sound came from the walls as they began to slowly cave inwards.

Panic began spreading through the group as they looked at the approaching walls, the only one who was calm in this situation was Connor.

Connor looked at Alan before closing his eyes and silently debating something for himself for a few seconds. When he opened his eyes again they were full of resolution as he began to slowly approach Alan from behind.

When he was so close that Alan could feel his breath on his neck Connor struck. He thrust his sword Alan's stomach exiting at the other end.

"You brought this upon yourself," Connor said and he proceeded with thrusting his sword backward in one swift motion leaving a hole that was spewing blood in Alan's chest.

The backward thrust caused Alan to fall backward onto the ground into an ever-growing puddle of blood.

As the blood puddle began growing bigger and bigger all other members then Alan received a system notification.

After they had received the system notification the particles began climbing up them again letting them escape from the room.

"Of course, it would be me, who else would he... "

Before Alan could finish his sentence he was forced to cough up some of the blood that was gathering in his lungs.

As he lay there he shifted his head to look up at the large stone tablet that was the cause of his current predicament.

The tablet stated 'One must die for the rest to survive' and Connor without any doubt or remorse so easily thrust his sword through his stomach.

The look in his eyes gradually changed from despair to anger as he silently vowed that even if he make them pay whatever the means.

Suddenly a translucent window popped up in front of his eyes removing him from his thoughts.


Hope returned to Alan's eyes when he saw this notification and he began silently praying that whatever this 'gift' was that it could save him from his inevitable doom.







The second the counter reached zero a smile crept up Alan's face as his eyelids became too heavy for him to hold up and were forced shut.

[Congratulations on surviving trial 1]

[All participants that have survived trial 1 will now awaken their bloodlines]

[Initiating bloodline awakening]

[Name: Alan Evans

Race: Human (part æsir, part dragon)


Descendant of Odin

Descendant of Tiamat]

[Congratulations on awakening:

Awaking bloodline abilities

- Eye of Odin

- Heart of Tiamat]

While the translucent window appeared the blood puddle suddenly began rising into the air.

As the puddle of blood rose into the air it created a suction force attracting weird energy from the surrounding space. As it entered the blood it separated it into two different groups that slowly formed into shapes. The first group formed into the shape of an eye that realized an incredible sense of majesty. The other group on the other hand formed into a heart that released a sense of oppression and dread.

Just as the eye successfully formed it immediately shoots towards Alan's right eye fusing itself with it.

Simultaneously the heart soot towards Alan and fused with his. When the hearts fused an incredible sense happened. The wound in Alan's stomach slowly began to repair itself while his new heart began relentlessly pumping out new blood.

There was something peculiar with this blood as it seemed to carry an incredible sense of power. Not wanting to be outdone the eye also began sending out streams of energy that fused with Alan's reaming blood creating a balance between them.

After the two powers had found a sense of balance Alan's situation began to stabilize as the translucent window appeared and the particles began to surround him to also send him out of this room.

[Teleporting you back to your designated home]


When Alan woke up he opened his eyes abruptly and began to breathe heavily.

He quickly sat up and checked his surroundings to see that he was back in his bed at home breathing a sigh of relief as cold sweat ran down the side of his face when he realized that it was all a nightmare.

Alan then placed his hands on the bed to support him but was surprised to find that his hand did not touch his soft bed but something long with a wooden texture.

He then looked down in shock to see the spear that had appeared in his nightmare.

Before he could properly react the translucent window appeared before him once again.

[Gungnir (sealed)


- Homing (When the user throws the spear it will automatically be sent toward the user's designated target)

- Return ( When the user calls upon the spear it will return to the user)

- ???

- ???

- ???

The most trusted weapon of Odin which he planned to use during Ragnarök

Note: It will always appear by its master's side when it deems that the master is threatened]

Convinced that he was hallucinating after having too many drinks yesterday her ran to the bathroom and splashed some water in his own face.

Feeling a little refreshed Alan looked up at the mirror to see that one of his eyes felt odd for some reason. As he inspected his right eye to translucent window popped up again.

[Eye of Odin (sealed)


- Eye of truth ( can see through anything and give that information to its user)

- ???

- ???

- ???

The right eye that Odin sacrificed for eternal wisdom. After having socked in the well of knowledge it has gained the ability to access all the information of the nine realms.]

Alan felt shocked as he looked at the translucent window and was unable to put the blame on hallucinations anymore.

Admitting that it was real Alan quickly looked down to see where he was stabbed in his nightmare to see the shadow of a scar where the wound had formerly been.

The shock from this caused Alan to fall backward landing on his ass.

The fall seemed to have been registered as a threat to Gungnir who then flew threw the wall separating his room and the bathroom appearing right next to him.