
Depravity to it's finest

Alex is the only prince of the super powerful family, but one day the world he lived in turned into a war of carnal desires and depravity, on the whims of the World's Will. Follow Alex as he brings himself to the depths of depravity, vowing to claim everything for himself and reign supreme, by going to any lengths possible. To fulfill his desires and lust he will conquer every women in the world, making their their lovers, husbands and sons grovel in front of them while he takes pleasure in their helplessness. As the name says novel is filled with every that kind of tag possible. Tags : R18, handsome male lead, harem seeking protaganist, strong background, pregnancy, Heavy incest, netori, rape, yuri, rape victim becomes lover, milf, gilf, dilf, maids, sex slaves, goddesses, bulldozing, threesome, foursome..., orgy, genderbending, yuri, anal, blowjob, titsjob, thighjob, sexual abuse, exhibitionism, loli. Note: The cover image and illustrations aren't mine, poor author screen shoted it from somewhere if you want it to be removed then please inform me through a comment.

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272 Chs

Stage 2 zombie


The gun shot was loud enough to be heard by plenty of zombies.

Soon the zombies started appearing from the broken gate.

Seeing the alive humans, they started growling, as if shouting for their brethren.

Madison had killed all men except one as Alex told her to.

" Everyone, retreat to the auditorium. Madison, wait for Miss Drittney and Alina to return. Make sure they are safe, " Alex said.

" Okay! Can I kill some of them? " Madison asked.

" Can you see in the dark? " Alex asked curiously.

" No. But, I can somehow feel that my hearing has improved very much, " Madison said.

" Okay. Just don't harm yourself, " Alex replied.

Even though Madison had been infected before, zombies still went crazy after seeing her and tried to kill her.

Madison with ease slaughtered them, it was as if she was instinctively killed them all.

But, just as Alex was about to leave. Madison came near him.

" Alex... I feel something strong coming here... "

" Something strong? "

" Yeah. It's different from these zombies... Look there! " Madison pointed at the group of zombies rushing madly inside the campus.

There Alex saw a zombie at least two metres tall, its muscles could be admired even at the night.

And the slow speed of its gave the chilling sense of pressure.

All zombies avoided this zombie as if they were afraid of it subconsciously.

Alex knew what it was...

" A stage 2 zombie, " Alex said.

He wasn't surprised as he was sure that after the first day, Stage 2 zombies will start appearing.

He wasn't sure what will a Stage 2 zombie be like, but seeing this one he understood that to some extent.

" Stella, Stephanie stop retreating. Help Madison kill that Stage 2 zombie. Everyone else kill the Stage 1 zombies around, " Alex ordered.

" A stage 2 zombie? " Everyone was surprised.

They all stopped, as they as well observed the Stage 2 zombie which looked a lot more terrifying than any Stage 1 zombie.

Stella and Stephanie weren't fearless like Madison, but as Alex was the one who told them to fight. Then they had to for Alex.

Alex decided to observe, as even if he wanted he won't be able to make much difference by joining into the fight.

The gun was more harmful than useful, as it's loud sound could attract more mand eating monsters.

Still he readied himself to fire his gun, to save anyone from a surprising death.

Soon everyone started killing zombies in the group.

But, there was a problem. Exp was always taken by the one who dealt the finishing blow to the zombie.

Still, there were not much arguments as they thought of themselves as a true family, due to their unconditional love for Alex.

They protected each other, while gaining Exp.

Most of the zombies were killed in one hit, as they weren't strong enough to last one hit from any of the almost level 10 girls here.

Once they had their heads smashed, they would die.

Only thing that could pose threat was being scratched or bitten by them.

But, that was not what was happening on the side of Stella, Stephanie and Madison.

They found out that their blunt weapons were useless on this Stage 2 zombie whose defense was very high!

So, they had taken out their daggers and fought this zombie very closely.

Madison was barehanded, but each time she used her hand which was more like a claw, the zombie will retreat by few steps while protecting its neck.

It was lot smarter than Stage 1 ordinary zombies.

It was as if it understood that it's neck was it's weak point.

But, still most the girls could do was to stall the zombie with their strength while other girls started killing weaker Stage 1 zombies.

" Madison keep stalling the zombie, you two go help others kill Stage 1 zombies, " Alex ordered to Stella and Stephanie.

Alex then focused on Madison who was fighting the battle of attrition with 2 metre tall monstrosity.

In front of it, she looked very small and frail. But, her speed was something the zombie couldn't match.

Ron and his two friends were already running back to the auditorium like headless chickens.

Alex ignored them, as they were weaklings in his eyes. He planned to kill Ron tonight anyway.

Soon, the Stage 2 zombie understood that running after Madison was waste, so it tried to change it's target to Mana.

But, at the specific point Alex once again shot it in head.

The damage of bullet was directly proportional to its noise.

The zombie was easily attracted to Alex!

Mana was moved to tears, as she watched Alex taking zombie's aggro on himself.

She inwardly felt that it was correct decision to give herself up to Alex...

Meanwhile, Madison like a worthy bodyguard stood in front of Alex and held back the Stage 2 zombie which tried to catch and punch her with its bulky arms but couldn't.

Alex retreated without hesitation during this time.

Soon, the number of Stage 1 zombies became manageable and in few minutes they were all turned into unmoving corpses.

All girls now focused on killing the only Stage 2 zombie.

Soon, Madison strangled the Stage 2 zombie while Stella and Stephanie held it off.

Other girls kept attacking it's neck region and skull without stopping.

The high defense of zombie was clear.

But, with Madison fearlessly keeping it's aggro on herself everyone was able to give their best.

It wasn't long before the zombie fell to its knees, with its skull opened up with an axe.

During this time Alex had to use 2 more bullets to save his girls, so he unintentionally attracted many zombies.

Everyone killed them while retreating.

After few moments Alina returned with injured Miss Drittney on her back.

Alex killed some zombies behind her gaining some browny points in his sister's heart. But, the magazine in his gun became empty.

Stella went ahead and brought both Alina and Drittney back.

Alex and everyone were already at the door of the auditorium.

They closed the door as soon as Stella and Alina entered with Miss Drittney.

Without Stage 2 zombie, these zombies could only gather around the her.

They would soon disperse anyway, after the noise was gone.

" What happened to her? " Stella quickly laid Miss Drittney on the ground.

" There was one more person hiding in the car, he stabbed teacher as soon as we were getting back. I killed him, but Teacher was injured, " Alina said with a trembling voice

She was shaken after first murder of her life. Also, she couldn't bear seeing Miss Drittney injured.

Alex who saw this, approached her slowly.

" It's okay. You did your best, " He said gently and hugged her.

" O-Only if I had noticed him earlier... If I was stronger... " Alina sobbed as she rested her head in Alex's embrace.

Now that Alex was here, she felt a sense of safety.

Stella checked Miss Drittney's condition and sighed inwardly, Miss Drittney's condition wasn't severe.

But, still she said with a serious look, " She is having heavy internal bleeding. Only you can save her Alex. "

Alex knew what she was talking about. He had better medical skills than Stella after all.

He praised his cute nurse inwardly.

" Seems I have no choice, Stephanie lock those bastards away, " Alex shrugged with a helpless expression, and ordered Stephanie to kick out Ron and his friends.

" I'll kill you! " Ron's struggling voice echoed before Stephanie took him to lock away.

Two girls followed her like her devout followers, as if Stephanie was their idol.

" Alex please save our teacher, " Alina sobbed

In Alex's arms.

" Don't worry sis... I have a way to save her, " Alex said with a sigh.

" Let's take her to the bed, " Alex said.

Stella carried Miss Drittney to a soft comfy bed nearby.

She then started removing Drittney's clothes without any hesitation.

" W-What are you doing? " Alina asked in a shock as she saw Stella undressing Miss Drittney.

" Sis, do you want to go out? Actually my way of healing her might not be liked by you, " Alex said with a serious expression.

" N-No... I'll stay... " Alina saw that no one was leaving, so she didn't leave as well.

Alex shrugged and removed his pants.

Alina was now really stunned, she held her hands in front of her eyes and peeked from between her fingers " Brother! What are you doing!? "

Alex winked at his sister, " Just look on. "

Alina gulped down as her face turned bright shade of red.

After being saved by Alex, she was having weird feelings about him and now this situation made her heart flutter even more.

Her eyes trailed down her step brother's body, as it fell on his now naked cock.

It was very big... she had never imagined something like that to exist.

Its size was bigger than any of her imagination.

She felt as if it would be completely impossible for any women to take it inside their private part.

But, Alex pulled Miss Drittney closer to his body as he held her half naked body only covered by her shirt which was bloody.

Alex didn't feel disgusted or anything, rather he was glad that he could get a talented women like Miss Drittney as his slave so easily.

He thanked the man who injured her and wished him a good afterlife as he brought his cock to Miss Drittney's pink mature pussy.

It was completely dry but Alex didn't care as he slammed his cock inside her at once.

Miss Drittney was surprisingly a virgin, as her hymen was ripped apart by Alex's cock.

Alex could feel virgin like tightness from her pussy, but right now her body muscles felt tensed.

It was clear that it was because she was unconscious.

Even though she was unconscious, her cunt wasn't any less pleasurable than it should normally be.

Alex brought his cock back and rammed into her again.

" Ah~ " The involuntary moan leaked out of Miss Drittney's mouth.

Her pussy started becoming wet, as her body became hotter.

Her injury was only superficial. Miss Drittney had only fallen unconscious because in her whole life she had lived like a princess.

She had doctors tending to her, even if she had a slight scratch.

The pain of even superficial stab was enough to let her faint.

Stella had lied to everyone, so that Alex could get a chance to fuck this women.

Alex didn't mind, as he watched Miss Drittney squirming underneath him.

Her shirt was thrown away by Alex, as her snow White figure came into his view.

There was slight injury on her sides, but Alex ignored it as his attention was on Miss Drittney's beautiful face.

He repeatedly rammed into her vagina while fondling her soft asscheeks, his cock soon started throbbing.

Alex felt his cock itching to spray his essence inside this fine women of a nice beauty and figure.

If not for the apocalypse, Alex would have already impregnated Miss Drittney.

But, he couldn't do so.

With a single thought, he reached her baby room once again, and started filling up her womb with his white semen.

What happened next shocked everyone including, Alina, Robin and two other girls who weren't yet Alex's women.

All minor wounds on Miss Drittney's body rapidly healed, even the superficial stab injury on her stomach started healing in front of everyone's eyes.

Stella felt a sense of remembrance, as Alex had also saved her life like this and had made her fall for him with his benevolence and kindness.

She gently caressed Miss Drittney's head knowing that she was now her sister as well.

But, her expression changed when at the next moment in front of everyone Alex pulled her into his arms.

He then with a practiced motion ripped apart her skirt and pushed his cock inside her mature pussy.

" Alex~ everyone is here~~ " Stella moaned.

" I'm not done for the night yet. You two are next, " Alex said to the two girls who were looking back at him from the side.

They blushed remembering how they had some time ago stopped while having sex.

They then looked at Miss Drittney and felt a sense of awe towards Alex.

He had healed Miss Drittney's almost sure death injury, in just a minute.

In their eyes, only a God could do that!

They felt that the Alex in front of him had now turned even more mysterious.

Their previous decision of becoming his solidified, as they started literally worshipping Alex.

Their young maiden heart and mind was now filled with Alex, it won't be long before their never touched sacred gardens will follow.

Alina was blushing hard as she watched Miss Drittney being 'healed' by her brother. Her thoughts were very similar to two girls.

She was awed by Alex's powers!

But, what happened next made her even more embarrassed.

Stephanie, Mana, Madison and two subordinates of Stephanie became nude quickly.

But, Alina could do nothing but stand there as these girls surrounded Alex and pleasured him with their beautiful and sexy bodies.

" You two come here, " Alex said to two girls who were standing besides Alina.

They blushed and were too shy to go to Alex.

But, Mana who was by now naked came to them.

" We're all Alex's girlfriends, there is no need to be shy, " Mana smiled.

Two girls nodded as they approached Alex.

Alex was still ramming his cock inside Stella's tight cunt.

With each hand full of these girls narrow waists, Alex kissed them.

These two girls were 15 years old and were classmates.

Their bodies and minds were innocent and they were always sheltered by their caring parents.

But, this apocalypse had changed everything.

Their parents were most likely dead and they found solace in each other.

But, they were too weak.

They themselves instinctively knew that end won't be good, if they didn't follow someone strong.

They had personally witnessed how strong Alex was, his figure was already etched into their minds.

" Jovie, Ivanna are you ready to be mine? " Alex asked gently as he pulled his cock out of Stella.

Stella was considerate, as even though she was horny as heck she decided to give chance to Jovie and Ivanna.

Alex gently removed Jovie and Ivanna's clothes.

He wasn't idle while doing this, as he kissed Jovie and Ivanna's nape alternately.

" Alex... " Jovie muttered as if trying to engrave the name of Alex into her soul.

Her school uniform was already undone.

Her innocent maiden body was first time being seen by a boy her age.

Ivanna was the same.

Their clothes soon completely were taken away, as they became nude completely.

Alex gently pushed them down on the bed.

Their young but appealing bodies looked like works of art.

Jovie and Ivanna stared up at Alex with red faces.

Their small budding breasts looked innocent as the pink cherry on their boobs perked up.

But, Alex ignored those small curves as he focused on their pink lower mouth.

It was completely bare and pink.

Alex was sure that it was completely untouched.

" D-Don't stare... "

" I-It's embarrassing... "

Jovie ans Ivanna muttered while Alex examined their pussies.

He smiled at them and then first kissed Ivanna's pussy.

The maiden scent of hers wafted into his nose, as the feeling of craving passed in his body.

He didn't stop himself and gave a lick to the pretty and fragrant slit of Ivanna.

" Ah~ "

Alex ignored her moan as he licked Ivanna's pussy from all sides while his hand touched Jovie's.

They both moaned slowly.

But, for Ivanna who was virgin even now. The stimulus seemed too much.

She orgasmed loudly on Alex's face without any sound.

Alex didn't reprimand her as he tasted her maiden juice.

He then looked at her embarrassed expression, which was completely different from before when she was killing zombies.

Alex knew that one day he will have an army of females who will be Godesses of Slaughter but will be as docile as kitten in his arms.

He was looking forward to that day and kissed Jovie's pussy next.

He made her cum as well and then took out his cock.

He was going to now taste the main dish of tonight.

Jovie and Ivanna waited with anticipation, as for the first time ever had they experienced such a pleasure.

They had seen Alex's gigantic cock going inside Stella, but even then as their chance came they were slightly nervous.

" Please... Be gentle, " Ivanna said as she felt Alex's cock touching her cunt.

Alex didn't say anything as he kissed her forehead to reassure her and at once pushed all of his cock inside her.

Ivanna moaned in pain.

Alex didn't move as he let Ivanna get accustomed to his size.

He then pulled Jovie upon Ivanna's body and took out his cock from Ivanna's pussy.

He then directly pushed inside Jovie who was still confused.

Alex smirked as he heard Jovie's painful moan.

He stopped once again and now went inside Ivanna again.

Her tight cunt which was virgin till now was wrapping around his dick like crazy.

" I-It hurts... " Ivanna said.

But, Alex ignored her words, as he started fucking her.

He hardly cared for these girls after all.

Her painful moans soon died down and then Alex used Jovie's pussy which was similarly tight.

He fucked them alternately until they were cumming mess.

Alex smirked as he soon creampied both of them.

But, he knew the night wasn't done.

He planned to leave the school tomorrow.

But, he couldn't shy away from a grand orgy tonight.

What followed until the midnight were erotic moans of females.

Only Alina and Robin were spared as they sat a little far and watched this debauchery filled scene.

They even saw their always respected Miss Drittney moaning like a slut on all fours, while Alex rammed inside her from behind.

Alex's cock had conquered all of these women!

The scene was anything but shocking for them.