
A Hunting Trip

Tsuyoshi established a training routine to optimize his development. As soon as the sun goes down, he completes his daily mission, followed by stretching exercises and warm-ups, as advised by his system to increase his DEX.

Next, he would practice his martial arts skills in order to advance his class level. However, his progress is hindered by the lack of a sparring partner, which makes it difficult to improve at a faster pace. Additionally, he continues to punch trees in order to boost his STR and END stats.

Quite frankly, he would most likely be labeled as a lunatic. But honestly, he couldn't care less about what others think.

Then, he goes out hunting just before the break of dawn, in search of a diverse range of animals including deer, wolves, bears, rabbits, and any other creatures he can come across. His main objective is to obtain their hides, which he plans to sell in the nearby village. Additionally, this allows him to complete [The Hunter] repeatable quest and earn EXP.

When the sun finally decides to rear it's ugly head, he would be in his comfortable cabin, either exercises or doing chores, although there wasn't much to do.

 He also doesn't really need to go to sleep, although he occasionally chooses to do so to kill time when he's bored.

However, today was unlike any other day, as instead of training or hunting animals, he decided to hunt down a specie that has been the dominant one on the Earth for Thousands of years.


And the reason is quite simple.

he was getting hungry.

He was completely absorbed in his training routine that he overlooked the fundamental desire of demons: the hunger for human flesh. He attempted to satisfy it with animal meat, but it left much to be desired.

Tsuyoshi placed a hand on his stomach as it rumbled loudly. He could feel himself starting to salivate. I shouldn't have neglected myself, he thought regretfully. The first day of feeling this way was not something he wanted to go through again.

He was leaping from one tree bough to another like Tarzan, even though he wasn't nearly as skilled as him, he could manage to do it without tumbling down every few minutes.

He even got neat skill out of it.

Parkouring (passive) [LV 9/100]

There are multiple ways to get around, such as walking, driving, cycling, or flying. But when it comes to style, nothing beats Parkouring ( Except hyperspace travel obviously). This technique boosts your effectiveness and speed by 9% while navigating urban obstacles.

God knows Many times he would jump to a tree branch, only for it to collapse underneath his weight.

And it should come to no one's surprise that his AGI stat increases from doing parkour or swinging around. 

He was making his way towards a village he stumbled upon. The Saitama prefecture he was in happened to be one of the more fertile lands in Japan. so It's a no wonder that it was teeming with villages. Thankfully He his mini map to navigate to its exact location. He was so glad he had it otherwise he would have surely become lost without it.

As he continued jumping around like a bootleg Tarzan, a strange feeling still lingered in his thoughts. It was like a soft murmur, urging him to return home and not harm others. that killing was not the right choice.

It was the last remnants of his humanity.

But he ignored it.

He caught a whiff. Pausing on a branch, he scanned his surroundings and took a deep sniff. After a few more attempts, he identified the source. Without hesitation, he flew off, halting when he sensed movement. His Enhanced senses revealed details: the slow breathing, the scent of sweat, and the heaviness of each step.

Tsuyoshi had hunted enough animals to differentiate between them.

he had found a human.

Tsuyoshi's lips curled into a grin as he peered down at his prey from above. He sported black hunter boots, a dark green jacket, and a bamboo basket securely fastened to his back. With multiple satchels and a Lever-Action Rifle in each hand, he was ready for action. This time, however, the tables had turned for the unsuspecting hunter. They wouldn't be playing the role of the hunter this time around.


Miyamoto Hideki

Race: human

Health: 110/120

Stamina: 100/100

He's desperate to find any animal to feed his family back home.

Hope you said your goodbyes to them his grin widened.


The forest lay in absolute silence, devoid of any rustling leaves or distant calls. Darkness enveloped him, broken only by the feeble moonlight filtering through the dense canopy. Yet Miyamoto found himself breaking the cardinal rule of hunting: never hunt during night time.

The circumstances forced him to take action. Over the past month, he has faced immense difficulty in locating any wildlife. In the past, this region was teeming with a variety of game, including deer, rabbits, wolves, bears, and everything in between, thanks to the Tone River. Yet, recently, the situation has changed drastically.

It seems as though they have migrated to an entirely different area. Hunting has been the sole means of survival for his entire family for generations, as they rely on collecting meat and selling hides and bones.

Don't worry Aki, i'll us find something to eat. I promise. These words echoed in his thoughts as he continued on, with his wife and their 5-year-old daughter by his side. It had been two days since they had a proper meal, and desperation was starting to set in.

A noise coming from his left caught his attention, leading him to the nearby bush. I heard you he thought as he cautiously approached. With his rifle aimed at the bush, he prepared himself. As he pushed the bush aside, anticipating an animal to dart out, he was surprised to find nothing there. He sighed in disappointment, thinking it must have been his imagination.

His blood turned cold as a tap on his shoulder startled him. His eyes widened and his heart raced in his chest. He swiftly turned around, only to see a hand gripping the barrel of his gun, causing it to dent. Standing behind him was a man, barely visible in the darkness. However, he could clearly see the man's piercing yellow eyes and what appeared to be horns protruding from his head.

Panic surged through him, and instinctively, he squeezed the trigger. The gun's compromised barrel exploded, knocking him backward. Agonizing pain engulfed his hand, and a primal scream tore from his throat. Fingers burned like fire, and tears mixed with snot as he stared at the mangled remnants of his once-solid grip.

Miyamoto felt a strong grip around his throat, lifting him off the ground. The pressure increased, making it hard for him to breathe. Gurgling noises escaped him as he fought to break free. Everything started to blur, with his body growing weak and cold. His lungs couldn't take in air, and his hearing began to fade. The only thing he could focus on were the intense yellow eyes glaring at him.

like a demon looking straight into his soul.


For killing a human you gained 200 XP

It was done.

Tsuyoshi gazed down at the lifeless body of the human, whose name had already slipped from his memory. The smirk on his face refused to fade away.

The whole experience had been strangely satisfying for Tsuyoshi. The way the human had struggled, the sounds it had made, and the fear that had filled its eyes - it had all been exhilarating.

In that moment, Tsuyoshi realized something about himself. He had discovered a newfound enjoyment in hunting humans.

Bending down, Tsuyoshi firmly grasped the arm and effortlessly tore it apart. He couldn't resist taking a sniff, treating it like one would sniff their food, before taking a bite. His teeth effortlessly tore through the flesh, muscles, tendons, and bones.

As he continued to munch on the remains, Tsuyoshi couldn't help but think, Tastes like chicken...

This day marked the complete abandonment of Tsuyoshi Nakamura's humanity, as he fully embraced his true nature.

A demon.