
Plan moving forward

A day has already passed since the attacking undead army was vanquished, but the people were still in anguish for the losses they gained. In the mansion of the Regalcrags sleeping in the master bedroom was Ren. Beside him with her usual stoic expression was Lara watching over him. 

All throughout the night, Ren's mana was violently pulsating throughout the mansion. Without him suppressing his mana, the whole weight of his overbearing mana was being felt through the whole western district of Grenton. Everyone near the Regalcrags mansion could feel Ren's mana. 


Just outside Ren's room were a bunch of mages trying their hardest to contain Ren's powerful mana within the room. Galius had ordered them to do so since Ren's mana could possibly harm the citizens of Grenton with how strong it was. 

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