

One month before the Gennin graduation exam, Naruto Uzumaki suddenly fell into a deep coma. This caused the higher-ups of Konoha to go into a state of panic since he is the Jinchūriki of the Nine-Tails.

No one knew how or why it happened, but no matter what they did, Naruto wasn't waking up. Most of them believed that this was caused by the demon sealed inside of him, since he was perfectly healthy despite being in a coma.

Naruto's already enormous pool of chakra even increased even further while he was unconscious, and his small body even grew a few centimeters.

During his coma, Anbu members were always watching him, and the best Sealing masters of Konoha were on standby should the Nine-Tails escape from his prison. Unbeknownst to them, a small part of his soul had split from him and was sent to a different world, where every day he spent in the hospital here was equivalent to a year there.

After twenty-five days of being in that state, Naruto finally woke up.

'Where am I, and what happened?' He thought to himself. Looking around he noticed that he is a hospital, judging by the IV bags that were attached to him.

'Did I succeed?' Naruto asked himself, and slowly stood up from his bed when he noticed that his body was shorter than what he was used to. That's when he realized what might have happened.

'NO! Please let that not be just a dream!' He screamed inwardly, and tears appeared in his eyes. Deciding to immediately check his body condition to confirm that, he found the itches inside his body, which allowed him to transform. The moment he found them, determination filled his eyes.

'I will find a way to get back to them.' Naruto promised himself that he will find a way to return to the two people that cared for him and taught him everything. To the two people that adopted him and loved him like he was their own child.

While he was checking his body condition he also noticed that there was something else inside him, something that he didn't have when he was with his adoptive parents, Mavis and Zeref Dragneel.

Before he was able to enter his mindscape and investigate further, the door to his room opened. An old man wearing a white and red kimono entered followed by a black-haired, brown-eyed woman wearing a medical garb.

Despite spending twenty-five years in a different world, Naruto recognized the old man as Hiruzen Sarutobi, the Third Hokage. One of the few people that actually cared for him in this world.

"Naruto you are finally awake. You've been in a coma for twenty-five days. How are you feeling my boy? " The old man asked him, while the woman patiently stayed behind him.

"I've been in a coma for twenty-five days?" Naruto exclaimed and came to some conclusion on his own.

"I see. Considering I slept for almost a month, I feel great." He answered Hiruzen with a smile.

"That's good to hear my boy. I was really worried about you. Do you know what happened to cause this?" The Hokage asked him. For a moment Naruto contemplated whether to tell him the truth or not, but decided to be upfront with him since Mavis taught him to never lie, especially to those that he cared about.

"I don't know if you will believe me, but I lived another life while I was in a coma, but I'm not sure what caused this," Naruto answered him.

At first, Hiruzen taught that this is another one of Naruto's pranks or that he was delusional after spending so much time sleeping, but then he noticed that serious look on Naruto's face. After pondering for a moment, he turned towards the woman that came with him.

"Shira, please leave us for a moment, you will be able to check up on Naruto after I finish talking with him."

"Understood, Hokage." Shira bowed and left the room.

"How long was that other life of yours Naruto." He asked the boy.

"About twenty-five years I guess." The blonde answered him.

"I see, and what did you do for that amount of time there?" The Hokage questioned him, deciding to humor the kid.

"Well, I mostly spend it training magic, to help my adoptive parents get rid of the cursed that they were afflicted with," Naruto told him.

"Magic? Like what the civilians tend to refer to our Ninjutsu from time to time?" Asked the Hokage.

"I suppose they are similar, but the magic there didn't require any hand seals. As long as you had Ethernano and the necessary knowledge you could do all kinds of crazy things." Naruto explained.

"Indeed, very similar to Chakra and Ninjutsu. Do you think you could use that magic of yours now?" Hiruzen didn't really believe Naruto and was more inclined to believe that the Nine-Tails actually did something to the boy, so he asked to see what he will do.

Instead of answering him verbally, Naruto opened his hand with the palm facing upwards, and a black flame sprouted from it, surprising the Hokage.

"This..." Hiruzen silently said. He was sure this is no Genjutsu since he felt the heat from the flame. He has also seen the Nine-Tails in action twelve years ago, and the beast never used black flames, but he was still on guard.

"Start from the beginning and tell me what happened there." The Hokage told Naruto with a serious tone.

The young Uzumaki started telling his story, how he found himself in the body of a baby. How a young-looking man was drawn to him due to the enormous amount of Ethernano that he had. How he was adopted by him and a young-looking woman. How he was trained in magic to help them remove their curse, and how they thought a ritual at the end, which he wasn't sure if they succeeded or not.

In the end, he decided to not tell him that he is planning on finding a way to go back to them, and technically he wasn't lying to him since this was never brought up.

Hiruzen patiently listened throughout his story not interpreting him once, while mentally noting all the important things that he would ask the boy later.

"This is quite the story Naruto. From what I understood you could use all five different elements, including light and shadow as well?" The Hokage asked the Uzumaki.

The boy simply showed his hand again and summoned the five elements one by one all black in color.

"Your causing me quite the headache Naruto." He told the blonde while rubbing his forehead.

"Tell you what, I will let Shira do a physical check on you, and I will send someone to pick you up after that. I will have to think through what you told me and plan how we will proceed further." The Hokage had never had a case like this so he needed some time to ponder what exactly to do.

"I feel perfectly healthy old man, there is no need for something like that," Naruto exclaimed while standing up and jumping around to show him.

"Now, now boy. You've been in a coma for twenty-five days. Let the medical staff decided whether you are fine or not." Hiruzen told the boy.

"Fine." The Uzumaki pouted with his arms crossed while watching the Hokage leave.

"It won't take long I promise you." Hiruzen chuckled while closing the door to his room.

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