
Delusion or Illusion

"Why do you want to leave us, mom? You love us mom, you always said you love me. Please don't do this, mom." I pleaded, my vision getting clouded by the tears. "I never wanted you dear, nor did I ever wished to marry your father. It was out of my choice to marry him and have these useless kids. But now that I found the love of my life back, I'm going to spend the rest of my life with him." She said smirking evilly. "No, mom. Please don't leave us. We need you mom. Dylan needs you, mom. I love you mom, please. Plea........." I was cut off by the screeching sound of the car tyres when the car took a sharp turn and suddenly hit a hard object. I started screaming. But the crash was so loud, the car turned upside down and the shattering of the glass made a boisterous sound. I screamed "Mooommmmm......" Daisy Hannah Wilson, the girl next door, who's sweet, ambitious and compassionate. Aaron Crawford is the heartthrob, who has girls falling head over heels for him but he has his eyes set for only one. His best friend, Daisy. Daisy and Aaron are best friends for years. While it's just friendship for Daisy, it's love for Aaron - one-sided love. He lives in a hope that someday she'll realise his love, she'll value him and love him enough to be with him. But it becomes a roller coaster ride of emotions for Aaron when Daisy's relationship is revealed. While she's dying to be with her love - Brandon, Aaron is struggling to hide his feelings and put on a smile for her happiness. Aaron still finds a ray of hope to be with her but LOVE IS NEVER THAT EASY. What happens when suddenly, Daisy shows a new side of her leaving everyone stunned? Will love find its way in their lives or will they end up separately? What happens that makes her heartless and him heartbroken?

Aaria · Fantasía
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36 Chs

Did he already give up on you?

Daisy's pov

I didn't contact Aaron since that day at the cliff and I don't think I can ever do that. But to keep our friendship alive, I'll have to take a chance. I know he's angry and what I did wasn't acceptable but I can never lose him. I can't afford to lose him. He's my best friend, he's been there for me at every good and bad moment and so was I. Our friendship isn't something that can be forgotten.

The loud ringing of my phone broke me out of my thoughts and placing my cup aside, I answered the call.

"Woman! I'm outside. How long does it take to get your ass out?" A pissed off Lizz speaks from the other side.

"You're already here?" I ask furrowing my eyebrows.

"Hannah?! Are you alright? I've been honking my car for the past 5 minutes and you didn't hear it? Really?" Comes her exasperated voice.

"Sorry! I'll be out in a jiffy." I hand up before she could reply anything.

Lizz, short for Elizabeth, is my other best friend. She's tall, skinny with dark brown hair and hazel eyes. She is the nerd of our group 'Untouchables' but not the typical one. She can kick any guy in his balls without giving a thought about the outcome. She hasn't dated anyone till date as she's busy crushing on Aaron since God knows when.

"Hi" I greet getting into the passenger seat of her car.

"Oh my God!" She gasps dramatically making me jump in my seat.

"What the hell, Lizz?" I yell putting a hand on my chest and trying to calm my breathing.

"What the fuck happened to you? Why do you look so pale and......thin?" She asks staring at me with wide eyes.

"Nothing," I answer shrugging my shoulders.

One thing I'm sure is that she'll start cursing Brandon in her colourful words if she learns what he did. And right now, I'm not ready for that.

"Woman! Get back from your wonderland. I've been ranting and you're lost somewhere. What happened?" She asks with concern etched on her face.

"I'm fine, Lizz. Let's get going. We'll get late for the class." I try changing the topic.

"To hell with the class! I'm not moving this car from here until you tell me everything. Now spill!"

Sighing, I start explaining everything to her "It's been two weeks, Lizz. He didn't contact me till now after meeting my dad that day. I don't know why he's doing this but he's neither answer my calls nor calling me back. He isn't even replying to my texts, Lizz."

"What? How dare that asshole does this to you? You guys have been dating for two freaking years and he just walks out like this?" She says gripping the steering wheel so tight that her knuckles turned white. "Did he already gave up on you, Daisy?"

She used my first name and this cannot be good. She normally calls me Han or Hannah, which is my middle name. Because she feels being my best friend she has the right to call me by some unique name, which no one else uses. That's why Hannah.

I didn't answer her and taking my silence as her cue to speak, she continues

"Daisy, guys fall out of love very soon. Once they realise that their way isn't smooth and there are a lot of bumps on the road, they just give up. I just hope your guy is not like that. I can't see you getting hurt, Daisy and definitely not in the hands of a guy." She takes in a deep breath before turning to me and holding my hand in hers. "Daisy, Love is never easy. To love is like walking on a path full of thorns. Roses never come without thorns and love never succeeds without obstacles. Please, Daisy, you need to be strong and demand your answers. You can't let anyone walk all over you like this. You, my friend, definitely don't deserve this." She explains, wiping the tears which unknowingly slid down my cheeks.

This thought never crossed my mind. I thought he must be busy or something that's why he isn't talking to me. But what if she's right, what if he really gave up on our love, on me. I love him too much to let him go. What if he really didn't want me anymore? I remain silent without answering her.

And with that, she turned the engine on and started driving towards the university. We both are doing majors in Interior designing at NYU. We share the same classes and almost every time we travel together. She cares for me too much and I know she does that because she's my only girl best friend. Even I would do the same thing if I were her.

In most of my classes throughout the day, I couldn't concentrate. I was lost thinking about what Lizz said about him giving up on me. I somehow need to contact him now. I even lost hope of Aaron helping me through this. Firstly, it was unreasonable of me to expect anything from him. I already hurt him too much and now I don't think he'll even prefer seeing my face.