
Deliverance Death March

-KILL THE HONKAI- -THIS IS YOUR DUTY- No matter what, the Honkai has to fall. Even at the cost of innocents... And even if you're not anymore in your world.

Albusmanc · Cómic
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4 Chs


King Lamus POV

[A/N: The name of the king is unknown, or at least is not reported on the desumachi wiki. For now, I will only call it Lamus because another Fanfic called it Ramus. Yes, I changed the R with the L. Yes, I am a genius]

Almost a day passed since the attack on the kingdom. Everyone is happily helping toward the reconstruction of the capital, as different from what was prophesized, our kingdom is still standing, even if there are some serious damages.

But apart from the lives lost, everything can be recovered with work, money, and time, the walls are intact and the few damages aren't currently worthy of attention.

The few deaths are almost negligible, and even my dear sister is ok and alive even if a bit stressed. The Lumork Kingdom is still standing, all thanks to our hero.

Kevin, from what he told us, killed all the demons that attacked, and the few monsters that followed them were either killed or chased out by local adventurers, soldiers, and knights. He saved our nation, single-handedly.

And he accomplished what was thought impossible, he killed a greater demon, a creature with at least 90% physical and magical resistance, without a holy ritual of some kind, something that only Saga' Empire summoned heroes could do, and only because of their Holy weapon and unique skills gave them by the goddess Parion.

And even more astonishing was what my sister told us, at the time he was summoned, he came as everyone else, basically level 1, with no skill and no title.

He did pass out after the fight, but because of a level-up sickness from what the priest told us.

Now he is in bed inside a room in the castle, as I already ordered a check-up on him as different from a normal person, his internal temperature is really low. He is our savior after all...

But, I am a King, and I have responsibilities to the kingdom. I have to find a way to bind him to Lumork. That's why I am going towards my sister.

I need to investigate him, and my sister thanks to her unique skill can make the summoned ones obey her, not at the level of a slave seal, but she can use it to make him speak more.

As I enter the room, I can see my daughter Menea already there, discussing with a smile on her face...

"Yes, Aunt really did it, she summoned a hero!"

"Well... it seems so..."

Yuriko seems distressed, as that one was a real close call to death to her. I'm thankful to Menea that she's here to help her. I should also be here, but ruling a kingdom, my free time is already short, and that attack only worsened my situation...

When they noticed me, they both bowed, as per custom, and I could see that my daughter lost her smile.

That was not my intention, but Yuriko was the one that spent more time with all my children, as she is so ugly by this world's standard that even the fact that she is a princess could not help her gain a suitor. But also thanks to that, she spent a lot of time with every prince and princess and she got more support than me in the royal family.

Forcing her to use her unique skill time after time even after she decided to stop with that made Medea gain a villain-like image of me.

"Yuriko, how do you feel?"

"I feel better now, you don't have to worry. I know that you are busy now"

"Haha, don't worry, I can spare a few minutes for my family"

And so, spending a few moments where she inquired about damage and loss, the only other two summoned people came. They congratulated her on her achievement and talked about what world the hero came from.

I don't like their attitude, but they were summoned because of me, and taking care of them is my duty. It was then that a messenger came, telling us that our savior had woken up.

I could see Yuriko's hand tremble, but she took a breath and calmed down, and gave me a glare that told me she was ok and she was ready.

It's not the first time she questioned the summoned she called.


"...so, you're saying that you can do magic to help me recover from anything?" The man sitting on a bed topless, questioned the woman, no girl...

"Yes, and it's holy magic, dear hero. I am a priestess from the Karion church, in two years I apprenticed here I learned basic and a few intermediate spells to help people, and no, I can heal wounds and reach limbs, but complete recovery is completely beyond me... " The priestess explained, while also stealing a glance at his chest. It wasn't her first time looking at a man's bare body, but even the knights she healed didn't possess a body good-looking like his.

Kevin woke up to a beautiful priestess that looked like a game character from his time. Since then, with the help of a ring that she said could help to talk and read the local language. It was a strange feeling, as he could see her mouth moving a certain way, and listening to words completely different. He asked a few questions about general knowledge, but almost nothing that was of great relevance.

"If you want to know more... maybe we could talk to the Head priest about getting you baptized..."

"Is the Karion church trying to recruit a Hero before the kingdom can?"

The priestess almost screeched when at the voice. A man, probably a noble from what he could observe, walked in with two girls in tow. Kevin recognized the one that asked for his help.

After a round of excuses from the priestess and the introduction of the king, princess, and two out-of-place individuals that pretty much screamed of 'idol' and 'introvert', the king moved his gaze towards one of the princesses.

"Well then... Yuriko"

"Yes... Please tell me who you are"

At that moment, Kevin stilled as he felt a twinge, something recognizable... and something that made him recall a few bad memories...

And so, the warm air circulating in the room froze, and his next words, chilled...

"A mental compulsion, huh..."

His gaze was even more terrifying than the greater demon from before. The king was almost going to use the remaining power of the city core to stop him... he is a hero to his kingdom, but he couldn't risk losing the royal family because he was naive.

Luckily, Kevin closed his eyes, and the permeating chill was gone, even if the cold air was present.

"...I'm sure this is just a misunderstanding, so I will answer your question. My name is Kevin Kaslana, and I'm the leader of the Thirteen Flame-Chasers"

The king, now taking a step, almost shielding Yuriko from his view, took the situation into his hands.

"It's a pleasure to meet the hero who saved my kingdom. I'm sorry if this misunderstanding, but it was just a precaution in case someone with... unhealthy desires... was summoned"

Kevin watched him for a second, the king got goosebumps because of the silence.

"Unhealthy desires... the one that got those are only you and your kingdom. Who in the right state of mind kidnaps people from another world"

The few words that escaped his mouth felt like a knife stepping through Yumiko, her guilt resurfacing stronger than before, and her gaze not even moving from the floor.

From what Kevin discovered of this world, he got only negative impressions. Gods alive and kickin' that do almost nothing, a recurring Demon Lord season every sixty-six years that they didn't nor prevent neither explain why does happen and the only ones that could help them, are summoned teenagers from worlds like his one before the Honkai, that got the blessing from a god of this world.

Worse, the priestess told him that the only way to return told was to kill a Demon Lord and receive the title of <True Hero>, but that was only certain if you have God Parion's blessing and got summoned by her.

A strange emotion spurred through Kevin, wrath. A long time ago, he was full of that, but time and suffering made him almost emotionally atrophied. Regaining that was...

A really big alarm... something like this should not cause him too many problems, and even then, he could feel his rage growing every moment.

Kevin did not wait anymore, he ignored the guards that went alert when he suddenly got up and sat on his bed in a meditative position.

'First of all, I could feel the compulsion on my mind that girl gave me, and it wasn't much powerful. I could resist without any problems, Su's mental commands were much more powerful, and Aponia's even more, she is not at that level'

The ever-growing rage stopped and used cold rationality to stall the situation. He was in another world, that direct attack was out, and maybe they did something else.

"Hey, did you do something else to me?"

Princess Yuriko regained her courage and stood up one more time.

"Sir Hero, please, we did not do anything else, this time... it was different. Please, believe us!"

Kevin was sure that she spoke the truth, as the unofficial leader of the Thirteen Flame-Chasers under MOTH, recognizing when someone is lying is a skill one must acquire.

While the organization was made to make sure humanity's survival, greed was a natural part of every human... One had to make sure no one is trying to one-up someone else... or if someone wasn't liking either MEI or Mobius research.

'They didn't do anything... even the king doesn't know what's going on. That means the problem is not external. If that is true then the next most plausible cause is... the stigmata'

Formulating this hypothesis, Kevin hurriedly went to enter the stigma space... but...


The instant he tried to enter, a swirl of different emotions almost overwhelmed him, and only thanks to his instincts he stopped and regain his foothold in the current world.

He could feel the gaze of everyone in the room, with also a few guards with their hands on their weapons, making sure to react just in case.

The rage was present, but now that he discovered the cause he could regain a bit of composure.

'Thanks to my mental fortitude, I can regain myself. Thanks, Su. I don't have a way to enter the stigma space safely. If I can't enter the stigma space then I can't contact the stigma administrator or successfully make a Quantum entanglement, and if I can't do either of them I can't return...'

Kevin tried to think of other ideas, but his current self didn't have any way to try to reach any major solution.

'The only thing I can do right now is to try to reduce my connection to the stigmata... doing so, the emotional influx should reduce at least...'

As the stigmata were made so the future generation could awaken the true power of the Kaslana, the goal was that a connection could be made with Kevin or the administrator. A connection could be made or even strengthened, what Kevin was trying to accomplish was opposite of the true objective.

'But, as the administrator could modify a connection, and I 'theoretically could accomplish this, 'theoretically' I could also weaken it

Now with his objective established Kevin only needed the right environment. That is a room without anyone.

"Something is wrong with me. My emotion is unstable. Don't-ngh! Don't disturb me!"

He tried to talk, but he couldn't do much. The moment he tried to form a more detailed talk, a spike of emotion surged. The rage that had controlled before was now trying to escape and destroy everything. The risk of cascading was high, so without further ado, he started...

And so... a few days passed.

IMPORTANT: I am at the 30th chapter of Honkai story mode, and I know a bit of this and that because of curiosity, but I hadn't yet played the last chapters, so I don't know the true story until that point.

Anyway, this chapter was basically copy-pasted from another fanfic. In truth, it was primarily because of this that inspired me to make this one. But don't worry, the story will have a different twist from now on.

How am I sure? Well, that fanfic had a total of three chapters, so the story stopped right after the summoning...

I don't know if I can write the name of that fanfic, so maybe I'll write it in a comment or something like that...

Albusmanccreators' thoughts