
Chaos is Born

Once one crack appeared, the chain reaction began. A second crack branched from the first one, and then a third. Crack after crack spread along the surface of the egg and the gem, until finally in one glorious burst of light, did the egg shatter.

Menos watched and smiled as he looked upon the bright light in front of him, and in the middle of that light was a young man. That young man was Vara. His eyes remained closed as he floated in the air.... before quickly being dropped on the ground with a loud thud.

The impact caused Vara to open his eyes wide and let out a large gasp for air. He let out of a couple of coughs before beginning to breathe regularly once again.

"Ow... No one told me my awakening would be so sudden... and painful."

Vara chuckled to himself as he sat up. He stretched his body, allowing cracking noises to radiate from his joints and back.

"Good morning, my little brother. Also, Happy birthday."

Menos laughed as he walked towards Vara. Vara only glanced at Menos before having a bitter look on his face.

"Stop that, I still really want to hit you, but I'm not stupid enough to think that I am now magically strong enough to fight you. Plus stop it with that little brother thing. Just the sound of it makes me sick to my stomach."

"Well, with your looks, I can't help but see a resemblance."

Vara's eyes widened as he looked towards Menos before glancing at the horns on his forehead. He then slowly reached towards his forehead to feel for anything, but all he grabbed was air. He let out a breath of relief before glaring at Menos.

"Don't scare me like that. You know I don't know what I look like right now. I don't need any extra appendages to make this situation even more confusing. Now, do you have a mirror, so I can see what happened? So many things feel off."

Menos had an offended look on his face when Vara let out that breath of relief. He grumpily waved his hands, and a full-body mirror appeared before Vara.

Looking at himself, Vara had so many thoughts, and there were so many surprises about himself. However, his first thought when looking at his new body was actually something straightforward.

"Hmmm, I am completely naked, huh... I went in with clothes. Where did they go?"

That joke to himself was the only thing keeping in all the astonishing things he saw in his new body. For one and foremost, he had the body of a young man who was clearly below the age of 20.

"So, I didn't start off as a baby. That's comforting, but why this appearance. I used to be a 30 something-year-old man, and now it's like I have the face of a child."

Vara couldn't help but speak openly. There were just too many thoughts to contain. He didn't think Menos would answer him, but Menos chuckled and replied to everything without a care in the world.

"A body with endless potential. Such a body needs to be young and in its prime, don't you think."

"Endless potential?"

Vara said as he was examining his features. He could understand why Menos noted that they looked alike. His hair was also pristine white with purple streaks. His eyes were a little different than Menos'. He still had two different colored pupils, and one of them was purple. However, the other pupil was not a shining gold but a vibrant orange as if his eye contained a world on fire.

The only thing completely different on Vara's face from Menos was his teeth and lack of horns. They were exactly like how they were in his mental space. Completely jagged and sharp. However, if he kept his mouth closed, he really could pass off as being Menos' sibling.

"Yes, your body now runs on chaotic energy, one of the most primal and potent of energies. The effects on your body will be mostly unknown. Your abilities will be based on your personality, your history, and the process itself. Actually, all I really do know is that you will be able to keep a youthful appearance. I mean, look at me."

Vara looked away from the mirror to Menos, pointing at his face. He looked back between the reflection and Menos and nodded to himself.

"Your right, it could be much worse."

Menos' eye twitched as he could understand what Vara was hinting at. However, he did not get angry and just let out a breath of air to calm himself down.

"Looks like the transformation on your mind worked as well. You definitely think more freely and a lot more irritating to listen to."

Vara shuddered when he heard Menos. He couldn't help but wonder to himself how much he had changed. He glared at Menos as he put all the blame for this onto his head.

"I better not be turning into you."

Menos rolled his eyes in response and shrugged his shoulders.

"All that meant is your thinking has become looser and freer. A mind is full of endless imagination and thinking that is way outside the box. That is the chaotic way of thinking. Of course, you won't be exactly like me. It will take several lifetimes for you to be this great."

Menos lifted his head and puffed out his chest with pride. Vara felt irritated as he noticed the condescending look on Menos' face. He decided to ignore him and look back onto the mirror.

Looking on his body now, he was fit like an athlete and considerably pale. He didn't know exactly how to feel about his new body, as it felt completely different from what he was used to. He could only adjust to it as the future goes on.

"Now for the elephant in the room."

He looked down past his abs and laid eyes on to his little brother. Looking at it from all angles and making sure there was nothing too odd about it, he nodded his head in acceptance.

"Yeah pretty good, I have no complaints."

Menos shook his head and chuckled to himself. He understood there was going to be a change, but for Vara to be that same person he met that was cowering in fear in front of him was a little difficult to adjust too even for him. It would at least take two more minutes before he could fully accept it.

As he watched Vara flex to himself, he could no longer keep quiet and decided to inform Vara about what he couldn't see.

'Hmm, I guess we should begin with that.'

Menos waved his hand, and another smaller mirror appeared behind Vara. Vara quickly noticed the small mirror behind him and other than his nicely toned glutes, he noticed there was something on his back.

A large black tattoo lay in the upper portions of his back. The symbol was shaped like an eight-directional star with tentacle-like arrows pointing in each of the cardinal positions. North, South, East, Northeast, Northwest, Southeast, Southwest all had an arrow.

Looking closely at each arrow, one could see that the tentacle was swaying slowly, side to side, like seaweed at the bottom of the ocean. Each arrow looked the same except for the north arrow. On the arrowhead laid a small dull orange pearl. The orange pearl was a fraction of the size it used to be, and it lost all its captivating lively color.

In the very center of the star was a black circle in which all the arrows were connected to. In the ring was a large gaping mouth with sharp teeth and a red tongue with the letter I on it.

Vara thought his new appearance was the strangest thing about him, but this tattoo takes the case. He couldn't help but look towards Menos for some answers with his jaw dropped in shock. Menos could only shrug in response.

"I told you, I only know that you will have a youthful appearance. Everything else is based on your transformation. I have no idea what that tattoo is supposed to represent in a whole or any of the features on it. At least, I don't have such a hideous tattoo.

Vara glared at Menos before trying to calm down. His mind started to fun at a mile per minute as he tried to imagine what the tattoo stood for.

'Well the mouth is clearly like my mouth and the somehow the gem of gluttony is now fused into my back.'

He tried to feel his hand over the gem to see if he could feel the smoothness, but all he felt was flesh. The jewel was even protruding out of his back. It was like an image that had been painted.

'Ok, that is even odder. If the mouth has something to do with the gem, then I would say it represents gluttony but why have both the gem and the mouth then. Ugh, there's no use thinking about it.'

Vara shook his head in defeat. Without any more information, there was no way of him knowing what the weird tattoo on his back even meant.

"Well, it seems like this is what I look like now. These are all the changes to my body. Only my face looks slightly similar to my old face when it was young. Are you sure you didn't put my brain or soul into a body that you just had laying around?"

"If we did. Do you think we would have gone through that difficult and long process? Also, there is still one more thing. Don't you think your arms feel slightly heavy."

Vara tilted his head in confusion before looking at his arms. Now that he thinks about it, near his hands, on his wrist feel a little more weighted than the rest of his arms. When Vara focused his sight on his wrists, a black and white bracelet appeared out of thin air. Vara examined his wrists in shock as he twisted his arms back in fourth.

"What the hell!"

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