


Boboiboyfan01 · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
5 Chs



My eyes wide open as I see a figure is trying to steal my katana.

"Move one more step and the next thing you will be burned alive," I said in a cold tone making Licht quickly moved backwards.

"Hahaha. I just wanted to tell you that Nana already prepared a breakfast for us." Licht informed me and I nodded my head.

I walked out and floors him to a table.

What greeted me is the same chicken burgers that I ate yesterday.

"Thanks for the food Nana-chan," I told her and eat those chicken burgers.

"No problem darling," Nana replied and goes back to her work.

Ah. Eating these delicious burgers peacefully without someone disturbs me sure is really good but then someone slammed my table and made my burgers fell to the ground.

The next thing I knew my anger take over me.


"Are you sure he is at that place?" Jail asked his subordinate.

"Yes, sir. Look he has come out." Jail looked and sees a black-haired male who is wearing a black glove on his left hand with katana strapped on his waist.

"He matches the description. But he is way off walking look very relaxed." I thought in my head.

"Maybe he is aware of us." I thought in my head.

"Wait for my signal to ambush him," I told my subordinate and walked towards him.

I see he sit in front if that masked man and eat his foods peacefully.

"How dare this criminal at like he did nothing yesterday." I am now behind him and slammed down by hand making the table break with his food from to the floor.

"Oi, you are Ogami Rei right--?" I then got punch on my face before getting assaulted by many punches that I did not manage to block.

I cough out blood when a hit landed on my stomach.

Seeing him take out his katana from his sheath I quickly made irons and throw it to him but he disappeared and I made and an iron gauntlet that blocked his slash but I can feel his katana managed to slash through my iron gauntlet with a flicker of blue flame envelope his katana.

I quickly mad iron between us making I separate from him.

Many irons spike come out from the government, to stand him but he jumped up.

Seeing the chance to attack him, I leap to him and return to him only to notice a blue fireball headed to me.

"Shit!" I quickly made an iron wall in front of me to block it but then I see he appeared behind me.

A slash headed to my back but an iron blocked it but that iron got sliced to half

"This guy. Not only he is fast, but his slash also is terrifying." I thought and landed on the ground.

Many irons spikes are shot towards him but he blasts a huge column of fire to blast away my iron spikes.

Seeing the blue flame headed to me, I jumped away with me tear out my fake count and revealed my real count.

My real count is 12500. From the report, I knew his count probably should be below me.

"Y-you entity four-eyes! You dared my dear Nana:s food fell to the floor. I will kill you right now." Reid shouted and I now I'm a see his count on his katana is increasing.

It has surpassed mine.

"This is bad." I thought and throw many iron projectiles to him but a blue flame wave blocked mine from projectiles.

"His blue flame melted my iron. " I said in a disbelief tone.

His flame maybe is the same level as that damn Dad.

"This speel trouble for me." I thought.

But then I noticed the debris is floating.

"They are floating. Do not tell me-" I avoided debris that scratches my cheek before many of debris headed to me.

I destroyed then with punching then with my iron gauntlets but my knees got hit by debris making me lose my concentration and body got bombarded with many debris and even rocks.

A figure appeared in front of me and delivered a kick on my stomach that made cough out blood.

My body flew backwards and landed on the ground.

"This guy. He is too strong." I thought in my head as I see he is arching me with his left hand is lit in blue fire.

" An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, and evil for--ouch! Hey, what's that for Nana-chan?" Shouted Rei at Nana.

"If I remember I told you last night that you must not cause trouble for my stall," Nana said to Rei.

"B-but he wasted your delicious chicken burgers," Reid said.

"Just because of those chicken burgers, he beat me into this state." I thought in my head while feeling humidified hearing that.

"Geez. I can make those again. Now I needed you to fix up your mess or no special foods for you mister." Nana said to Rei who nodded his head.

"Okay. But before that. Oi, you should take this shitty four eyes to get heal." Reid shouted at my subordinates who quickly approached me.

Some of them tried to engage a fight with Rei but Rei points his left hand towards them.

"If you did move this shitty four eyes right now, I will burn you all to death along with him." He told them in a cold tone and my subordinates quickly carried me to get treatment.


I release a sigh and wear hack my glove.

I then looked at the tables and chairs that scattered everywhere.

Using my telekinesis, I put them at their place back.

"R-Rei-san, how we're you able to do that?" Hina asked me while feeling awed by my telekinesis.

"I have several powers that I did not show yet Hina-chan," I told her.

"Hoho. What are those powers you did not show yet?" Licht asked me.

"I can not tell you that but one of them used to detect people. Like what happened last night. I managed to detect them to attack me so that us why I did not get just badly by them." I told Licht.

"What a useful ability young got there," Licht said to me.

"How about you Licht?" I asked him.

"You also have some power that is not shown yet right?" I asked him and approaches him making him nervous.

"Haha. I did not know what you are talking about." Licht lied.

"Really? Because I know who you really are behind the mask." I said to him making him flick with Nana the same.

"Behind that mask is a man who has done many horrible things that cannot be said right?" I asked him and sweats started to form on his arms and mask.

"I am not wrong right Licht-san?No or should I say the Legendary" I used my word as I see Licht gran the dollar, that hold his weapon, the katana that is his real count. The tension can be felt on the air.

"Pervert in Althea." I finished my words making him stupified with Nana and Hina.

"What? I am not wrong. After all, I heard how Licht stalked all the women when they bath and groped them shamelessly. What a horrible thing to do to those females." I said in. dramatic tone.

"I bet behind the mask is someone who has an ugly face so that is why you wear a mask all the time right Licht-san?" I asked him who now has out his guard down.

"Hahaha! It seems you have heard of my amazing deeds in this town. How about it Ogami-kun?Wanted to join me? With you under me, you can be stalked on Nana bath." Light said but then he got kicked by Nana sending him to crash to a tree.

"What the hell are you saying you, idiot!" Nana said.

"A naked Nana," I said while imagining a naked Nana in my mind.

But for them, I got hit on my head making me fired in pain.

"Ouch. What's that for?" I asked her.

"For imaging myself naked." She said.

"How about you imagined myself naked?" I asked her and she blushed.

"Hoho. It seems you are also a pervert like Licht-san." I told her and got kicked on my stomach.

"Damn. Her kick really hurt." I said.

"Right?No wonder she got any boyfriend because she is so violent." Licht said while he is now bedside me.

"Do n't worry because I will tame her," J told Licht.

"Oh? How will you tame that violent girl?" Licht asked me.

"Haha. On the end of course. I will make her scream my name for hours. " I told Licht who has a nosebleed hearing that.

"Tell me when you did it. No, record her voice when she does that." Licht said but then Nana appeared in front of us with a dark aura.

"You two, want to die?" Nana asked us and I looked at Licht and he looked at me

Our eyes met and we nodded his head.

"Run!" I shouted and quickly run from Nana with Licht followed me.

"Stop right there you damn perverts!" Nana shouted and chases us.

"Hina-chan. Help me chase these perverts will you?" She asked Hina who nodded her head.

Licht and I ran but those females almost catch up to us.

"We need to separate Rei-kun. May we meet again this night." Licht takes a left road and I took the right road.

"You chase after Licht while I chase after Rei," Nana told Hina.

"Right," Hima replied.

I am now running with me decreasing my running.

I stopped and look at Nana who chases after me.

I then move to her and carried her(princess carry style).

"Y-you. What are you doing?" She asked me.

"What? We are alone so this is the perfect chance for us to date, Nana-chan." I said to her making her blush.

"Thought it is better I get rid of our stalker from this morning," I said in a serious tone.

I kept jumping from a building to a building trying to shake off my our stalker.

"Hmm. Wait, I can use that." I said and stop.

"Rei-kun?" Nana called me as I locate my stalker location.

"Nana-chan?Can you take off my glove?" I said to Nana.

"O-okay." She takes off my glove and my blue flame appeared.

The blue flame then made a hawk.

"Blue Hawk," I muttered and the hawk made kf blue flame headed to the stalker making the stalker quickly flew away.

"And he is gone," I said.

But then I see someone touches my left hand.

"How are you able to have a blue flame, " Nana asked me.

"Am I get this blue flame because I am gifted with it," I replied.

"My blue flame is not an ordinary flame as it is hotter than normal flame. I remembered how I burned the forest when I first tried to control it." I said.

"But gradually I managed to control it," I told her.

I landed on the ground.

"So can you show me the cloth store? I needed to buy them." I told her.

"Sure." She replied and we soon entered a cloth store.

I bought many shirts and pants.

"So Nana-chan?Anything that piques your interest. I can buy it for you." I said to her.

"Nothing piques my interest," Nana said to me.

"Thought someone piques my interest." She said to me.

"Who is that?" I asked her.

"You. " She said to me.

"I am flattered hearing that. Being able to make someone beautiful like you interest with me." I Said to her.

"Can you tell me about your count?" She asked me.

"My count depends on my liking. For example, look here." I showed her my right hand and my count increased surpassing 15000.

"It depends on what I liked. Anything that I like to do like I like to eat, drink, sleep, bathe and spend time with you." I told her while shaking my count which kept increasing.

"And your second count?" She asked me.

"Negative feeling like back then, anger," I replied.

"At this rate, everybody will suspect you as the Legendary Baron you know." She said.

"Haha. But it is not bad many considers me as one of the Legendary Baron, after all, many opponents will face me." I told her.

"You battle maniac," Nana said to me.

"That is actually my second name," I said and an explosion occurred.

Nana and I stopped walking to see a red blur jumped on the sky.

"Eh? Isn't that Licht and Hina-chan?" I asked her.

"You are right," Nana said before I block a bullet heading to her head with katana.

"Stay back Nana!" I told her and she goes to my back.

I expected for the Special Service to come but then a figure walk with his killing intent hit me.

"Good grief, so you are the bastard that hurt my little boy, Jail huh?" Alexander, the Blast Baron asked me.

"Jail? Oh, you mean that shitty four eyes." Said me.

"Shitty four eyes? Only I can call him that boy." He appeared in front of me and delivered a punch to me.

A shockwave happened with making the stalls to fly to the air.

"Rei!" She shouted my name worriedly. She must expect me to fly but her eyes with Alexandor's widened as I block his punch with my right palm.

"What a punch you got there old man," I said to him.

"Hmm. You are not bad too."He delivered a kick to my waist but I leap backwards and delivered a slash towards him but he avoided it.

A kick is launched towards me but I let it hit me with my sword slash his chest but he parried ut with his sword.

" Tch. Tough bastard." He said to me and we both jump backwards.

"You too old man," I said to him and we continued to fight with each other.