I’m a new author so don’t expect much Also this is an AU so some stuff is going to be very different This is a person who was reincarnated as Deidara In BNHA
1. He will have all of Deidara's abilities ( limited amount of clay like in Naruto )
2. He will get an extra ability where if he holds something for long enough ( depending on size ) he can transform it into clay
3. He will have all previous knowledge of MHA ( that he knew when mc was alive )
Most fanfiction starts when Deku and them go to U.A but I wanted to do something different so he will be starting when All Might and Aizawa went there and I might make him a teacher at U.A sometime ( i think he would like Bakugou's quirk )
Another thing is that I am new to this so it probably won't be very good especially fighting because I have never done it before
"" is him taking
Man- "" is the other person talking
' ' is thoughts
A/N is author note
[] is action ( if i remember to do so )