
Dee The Dark Lord

A prophecy says that a child would be born to rule. A child who would be born with darkness,an immortal. Dee Leigh was born,he was the child of the prophecy. He was known as the dark lord,ruthless and heartless. People say he doesn't have a heart,they say he was surrounded by darkness not until a light came into his dark world. And that light was Una Dwight. ********************************************** She was his light and he was her darkness. She was the enchantress and he was the enchanted. ********************************************** He placed her hand on his chest and told her "This is what you do to me,you made my frozen heart beat again and you brought light into my dark world Una." The way he said her name made her heart melt. "I love you,Una Dwight" Her eyes widened at his confession .

Author_zahra1 · Derivados de obras
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2 Chs

The Prophecy

In the house of the Leigh's,a woman voice echoed in the whole building.

"Ah,I don't think I can push anymore."

"But my lady you have to push a little harder, the baby is almost coming out" said the midwife.

"Wa wa" the cry of a baby is heard in the house.Many gasps were heard in the room "He is the child of the prophecy" someone shouted.The child eyes were black,only demons have black eyes and there is mark on his back,the mark looks tatoo-like.

"Henry,what are we going to do with him,we can't kill him you know I will not allow my own child to be killed just because he is a demon."

The lord was silent,he didn't know what to say,never in his entire life did he think his own child would be the one from the prophecy. He couldn't kill him because his wife wouldn't allow it,a thought crossed his mind.

"I think we should send him far away from here so that he wouldn't bring problems to us."suggested the lord.

"No,we shouldn't send him anywhere, we should keep him,please"begged his wife.

He sighs"But Ava you know is a demon,a creature forbidden in our family, we are humans and giving birth to a demon would bring problems, can't you see,he is born with darkness"said the Lord.

"Henry,please we should keep him until he is already six years of age then we would send him away from here" suggested his wife.

Seeing that no amount of persuasion can change his wife mind,he agreed "Alright we would keep him but before that six years, if he shows any signs or ability we would send him away."

"Okay" his wife reluctantly agreed.

From today he shall be called"Dee,Dee Leigh"said the lord.

And that was how he was born,a child born with a frozen heart,an immortal, a demon born from human parents.