
Chapter 5: What is going on?

With a frozen face, I went to sleep. That one time during this story, I slept like a baby. Like a junkie after morphine. Or maybe sleeping pills. I slept to live a new day. I craved change. Even though I did not want to lose all the security this job was giving me, I wanted to quit. I felt like I was missing all the fun stuff that I could've done. I wanted to have fun and not think of the consequences of it. I wanted to go to clubs as a part of my job. Just as I used to when I was a student. I slept so that I could wake up in another reality. As I know now, I did. I did wake up in another reality. I went to sleep as an employee who had helped his boss, but woke up as the traitor who had leaked the numbers of his company to all the foreign companies. I knew that my boss had set me up for that. He did not want me to get a promotion. Because that would mean that I would have his job. And he would be fired. I knew I could not go to the office to face all the people I had wronged. I could not go back and become the reason people would not get a proper raise they deserved.

My head was spinning. I did not feel like my life coming crashing down. I did not feel that I had done something wrong. I only knew that the only right thing in the course of my life was the wrong thing that I had done. I could be imprisoned for the treachery I had committed. I wanted to seek vengeance against my boss. However, I was just a boy, not a man. I was a person loved and respected by all, yet no one wanted to be near me. The boy who had always worked hard and well. In addition, did I wish to get on a good side with them? Yes. I very much wanted to. I wanted to explain to them whatever was going on with me.

Why did his world come crashing down? What did he possibly do? Tune in for the next chapter. 7 hours to go!!!!!!!

VaishnaviGuptmcreators' thoughts
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