7 Training

  "We're going to start off with something simple" dad said "your going to pick up this box and put it on the table like this" Dad hands started to glow a dark blue he points his hand at the box.

The box started to hover in the air as he moved his hand up the box was now higher in the air. It was the same height as the table he moved his hand to the side and down and then the box was on the table.

He moved the box back onto the floor "Azar you go first," he said. Azar did the same thing with the box, but her hands glowed a dark red. Agni went next and his hand glowed dark gray then Nico went and his hands glowed black.

"That was a good for your second time using your powers" dad said. "Now let's talk about your power since there only 4 of you how much power you got was divided he explained."

"Bianca had a fourth of my power Nico has a half Agni has three-fourths and Bianca has the same amount as me. If you practice with your powers you'll might even be able to take me down in a fight." Dad explained.

"Now another power is shadow travel to use it you will have to find a near by shadow. Step into it and think we're you want to go like this" Dad explained. Dad stepped into a shadow and the next thing we know he was behind us. "Ok now you three try" The tree of us do what he said and traveled behind him.

"Ok that's enough training for today let me show you three something" dad said. We walk around the castle until we came across a room we walk in and there was a three headed dog.

"Azar, Agni, Nico this is Cerberus. He guards River Styx, the entrance to the Underworld. His job is to only let the dead enter the Underworld, and to stop all from leaving."Dad said.

The three walk up to the three head and started petting it in response it started to lick them they started laughing. "It's around dinner so I'm going to go get dinner ready you three go wash up" dad said. "Ok" the three said together they walked out into there rooms and took a shower and changed their clothes.


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