
Chapter 66: Leena's Goal

After ordering wine the two drink two cups each before she asked,

''Alex what's your goal?"

Alex did not immediately answer, he stayed silent a couple of seconds before asking back.

''Why did you ask that?"

''You want to know what I want and I want to know your goal,'' Leena answered.

Alex heaved a sigh and says, ''I want to be the strongest.''

''Why did you want to be the strongest?" Leena immediately asked.

''For myself and for people I care about. Simple as that.''

Hearing Alex's words Leena smiled as if satisfied with what she heard.

''Good to know.'' Leena praised then she said,

''You know I came into this town Five years ago with a goal in mind.''

''Which was?" Alex asked.

''I was waiting for someone and you came-"

''Wait you mean you waiting for me? That doesn't make any sense.'' Alex said not believing her.

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