
Death Guns In Another World

Check out my new novel: My Seven Beautiful Sins! °°°°° Alexander Kael Touch, a self-made young billionaire, found his meteoric rise tragically cut short on a school trip. But fate had other plans, whisking him and his classmates away to a realm of swords and magic – a world where power manifested as unique: ''Gifts." While friends awoke to magnificent Gifts, Alex's Gift yielded only two enigmatic guns: one gleaming silver, the other shrouded in black. Worse, he couldn't use magic like his peers, drawing scorn and derision. Yet, fueled by an unyielding spirit and a burning dream, Alex refused to falter. In this new world, he craved not wealth, but the strength to forge his own destiny. One goal burned bright: to rise once more, not to the peaks of financial power, but to the pinnacle of strength and control. This is the chronicle of Alexander Kael Touch, the boy with two guns in a world of wonders. A tale of relentless struggle, forged in the crucible of mockery and doubt. A journey to the apex, where the scorned student will become the ultimate warrior. Whispers of the "Death Guns Master" stir, echoes of a legend rising from slumber. The world may have forgotten them, but they are coming back. †††††††††††† Nickaido's here with D-Guns, do not expect the smartest MC because he was once a billionaire, is still young, he has his flaws, he will learn and grow, so will the other characters. At the beginning other characters are stronger but worry not everything will change starting from around chapter 80 onward. Also sorry in advance because some of the female characters have strong backgrounds but it's for the sake of the future story, this book is just the start, I'm still improving. Sorry in advance, English is not my first language, so they may be grammatical errors and misspelled words. Please bear with me. I'm trying to improve to provide a better story. Starting from chapter 200th, I have started using Grammarly premium to help me with the English, so I think it's become better. As for the earliest chapters, I have started to re-edit them slowly; I will do more as I get more time. Maybe hire a professional editor when I can. Once again, this is not some sophisticated story; it has many flaws, which I'm trying to learn from; however, this doesn't make the story less enjoyable. Would you please give it a try? Discord Server: https://discord.gg/7MRsHg33tv

Nickaido · Fantasía
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1725 Chs

Chapter 3: Explanations

After a tense silence, the ethereal voice of Goddess Mea filled the air.

"You've glimpsed your potential," She announced, her gaze sweeping across the anxious faces.

"Now, let's delve deeper into the enigma of Gifts and unveil some key details."

"Gifts-" She continued, her voice laced with mystery, "-are unique expressions of your potential, intertwined with your chosen class. Think of them as reflections of your inner essence, manifesting into wondrous tools to forge your destinies."

As an example, she gestured towards a golden-haired figure. "Take our young hero here. His Gift embodies the legendary Excalibur, the holy sword whispered about in countless tales. This legendary blade speaks volumes about his path, guiding him towards a heroic destiny."

Goddess Mea's gaze landed on each individual, her lips curving into a gentle smile.

"Now, it's your turn to unlock your Gifts. Reach deep within, envision their presence, and let them materialize."

Following her instructions, a wave of anticipation rippled through the group. Alex, too, closed his eyes, feeling a warmth bloom within him as he yearned for his Gift.

As the light subsided, revealing the summoned objects, a jolt of surprise coursed through Alex. In his hands, gleaming with power, lay not one, but two magnificent firearms. One, crafted with intricate silver, resembled a Desert Eagle, its surface adorned with cryptic symbols in an unknown tongue. The other, a powerful black Taurus revolver, exuded an air of raw determination.

Disbelief washed over Alex as he stared at the twin firearms cradled in his hands. Guns. In a world of shimmering magic, clashing steel, and mythical beasts, they felt... out of place.

A jarring note in a grand symphony.

"What use are these?" He muttered, a bewildered frown etching his features. This wasn't Earth, where gunpowder reigned supreme. Here, fantastical forces held sway.

He stole glances at the others' Gifts, each a spectacle of fantastical power. Leonardo wielded the legendary Excalibur, its golden gleam pulsating with holy energy. The air around it crackled with such potent magic that Alex almost felt compelled to kneel. Yet, a strange sensation pricked at him. Was it... animosity emanating from his guns, directed solely at Leonardo's sword?

He dismissed it as a trick of the mind. Absurd. Magic wouldn't imbue inanimate objects with emotions. Still, the unease lingered, a discordant note amidst the burgeoning excitement.

Dodolus stood tall, his Gift a gleaming silver shield pulsating with holy energy. Kevin's fiery spirit took form in a radiant red longsword, heat shimmering off its blade. Camilla clutched a crimson staff topped with two vibrant gems, one like burning embers, the other emerald green.

Alex's gaze fell upon Maria, drawn to the ethereal beauty of her twin crystal daggers. Frost shimmered within them, a captivating counterpoint to their warmth in her hands.

Luna, like a vision of serenity, held a staff radiating purity. Its holy aura soothed and uplifted, calming the very air around her. Her blonde hair fell in golden waves, and her gentle eyes held a depth that transcended mere beauty.

Sakuya, embodying grace and power, unsheathed her katana. Green winds swirled around her, dancing to the rhythm of the ancient blade.

Alex was lost as he observed others's exceptional Gifts.

A sharp bark of laughter jolted Alex back to reality. It was Kevin, pointing and jeering.

"Check out that loser! Even his Gift's pathetic – two measly guns! Figures, coming from someone weaker than a goblin."

Alex met Kevin's taunts with a stoic facade. He wouldn't let a buffoon like him ruin his day. Leonardo and his entourage erupted in guffaws, bordering on hysteria.

"If you're bursting with energy," Luna's voice rang out, slicing through the laughter like a blade, "use it to plan your future, not belittle others. Besides," she continued, her gaze unwavering, "your target seems unfazed. You're the clowns here, not him. Spare yourselves the embarrassment."

The laughter died instantly. Leonardo clicked his tongue, avoiding Luna's piercing gaze. Camilla shot her a venomous glare, but Luna remained unfazed, continuing her conversation with Maria and Sakuya, who seemed unsurprised by her intervention.

Alex's surprise at Luna's intervention lingered. He studied her face, a flicker of familiarity tugging at his memory, just out of reach. He dismissed the feeling for now, focusing on his renewed determination.

Undeterred by his seemingly unconventional Gift, Alex vowed to forge his path in this new world. No matter the challenges, he wouldn't be defined by others' judgments.

Goddess Mea, ever enigmatic, observed the scene with detached amusement.

"Now that you've manifested your Gifts," She announced, her voice echoing in the hall,

"You may feel a connection to them. If not, it could signify two possibilities: either an exceptionally weak Gift, or one that remains sealed. Only the individual can unlock a sealed Gift."

Leonardo's group exchanged smug glances, their eyes lingering on Alex. The absence of a perceptible aura around him fueled their speculations, but they kept their jeers to themselves.

"Now, let's delve into your status panels," Goddess Mea's voice echoed through the hall.

"They resemble game interfaces, offering familiar parameters like Class, stats, and skills. Each plays a crucial role in your journey."

Clarifying further, she explained, "Intelligence affects spellcasting and knowledge acquisition, while Agility enhances dexterity and movement. Attack and Defense speak for themselves, determining your offensive and defensive capabilities. Luck influences the rarity of items you acquire, and Magic Power (MP) fuels your magical abilities, growing naturally with your level."

"Bonus Points, or BP, offer flexibility," she continued. "These valuable points let you customize your growth by investing in specific strengths like attack, defense, MP, or luck. Use them wisely, as they are finite."

She shifted focus to skills. "These abilities are deeply linked to your Gifts. Some of you possess basic appraisal skills, offering insights into items, while others wield advanced versions, revealing deeper details. Remember, information is power."

After a brief pause, Goddess Mea addressed titles. "Your current 'Otherworlder' title grants temporary advantages. Enjoy an accelerated growth rate, gaining more experience and mastering skills faster. Additionally, you'll receive double the BP compared to natives, who typically earn 10 BP per level, effectively doubling your growth potential."

"To ease your transition," Goddess Mea continued,

''You'll benefit from limited language comprehension, allowing you to navigate the basic communication on the other side. Just like you wouldn't expect everything to suddenly vanish from a box you close, your **Item Box** offers a timeless haven for your belongings. Stored items won't rot or decay, and its capacity grows as you gain experience. Simply voice the command 'Item Box,' and a spatial pocket will appear. Touch an item and mentally express your desire to store it, and it shall be done."

She paused, her gaze sweeping across the group.

"Leveling follows a linear progression. It takes 100 experience points to reach Level 2, 200 to reach Level 3, and so on, increasing by 100 points with each tier."

Her voice grew more solemn.

"Remember, this is not a game. Treat life with reverence. Should you perish here, it will be truly final. Embrace this opportunity to create your own path, free from any preordained destinies or battles against demon kings. My purpose is not to control you, but to offer a chance to forge your own destiny. Live richly, live fiercely."

Leonardo and his group exchanged satisfied nods.

Alex, however, remained unconvinced. The universe rarely offered free lunches, and Goddess Mea's patience, especially after Maria's outburst, seemed suspicious. 'Her true intentions will reveal themselves in time,' he thought, his mind already strategizing.

Maria, lost in similar contemplations, had also recognized the explanation as a veiled test. Now, having received the answers she sought, she harbored no illusions about the Goddess's sincerity.

As if reading their minds, Goddess Mea offered a knowing smile before enveloping them in a warm white light. In a blink, they vanished, transported to their new reality.


As the last glimmer of light faded, Goddess Mea was no longer alone. A shimmering figure materialized before her, radiating elegance that rivaled her own. It was Nyx, her counterpart, cloaked in darkness just as Mea was bathed in light.

"News from your garden, Nyx?" Inquired Mea, her voice calm and collected.

"Intriguing prospects," Nyx replied, a hint of amusement in her voice. "More seedlings show promise than on your side, though... one slipped through the cracks, it seems. Useless potential, wouldn't you say?"

Mea tilted her head, a thoughtful crease appearing on her brow. "Useless? I wouldn't be so quick to judge. This particular seed bears a sealed Gift, something familiar stirs within me... a memory, perhaps, of some ancient record... Ah, but it eludes me now. No matter how much I've tried to recall it."

Nyx's eyes gleamed with curiosity. "Sealed, you say? This piques my interest. But tell me, what grand design does the Supreme Being weave that necessitates our involvement? His motives remain an enigma."

Mea's expression turned stoic. "Do not presume to question his will, Nyx. It is beyond our comprehension. Ours is to obey and guide, not to understand. Now, come. The others await."

With a sigh, Nyx acquiesced.

"Such a killjoy!" She muttered as they both faded away, leaving the space quiet once more.


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