

Born with an unusual birthmark, the shape of a skeleton’s head with rose patterns round about it on her neck, many believed she would only bring bad luck to those around her. This belief was solidified when two of her suitors died unexpectedly right after a visit to her home. Such a thing should come as a bother to any woman but the same could not be said about Nyx. She didn't care if the beliefs about her were true or false. She never liked any of her suitors. Her heart had always been longing for a certain man whom she was very familiar with in her childhood but ceased to appear before her the moment she entered adolescence. Since she knew him one thing was very certain about him, he was not human since he never aged. Not even once. Believing he would one day come again, Nyx was prepared to wait until the day they would meet again. But not everything goes as planned. Having a sickly mother whose only wish was to see her daughter get married and an influential suitor who didn't mind the deaths around her, Nyx soon found herself married off and her mother passed away leaving a father who dreaded her existence and a husband she never loved. **** From a distance he watched her grow, keeping his distance from her, staying within the shadows. As she aged slowly into adulthood, the mark on her neck became more prominent and so was her scent. He wanted her to grow, but when she finally came of age, he thought she would be better without him. But as time wore on and other men began to show interest in her, he could not hold back nor could he let them have her. He discarded those who had an interest in her but one of them slipped through his fingers while he was away and took her. He waited to see if she was happy with her life, with that man, if she was, then he would let her be. She would be able to live a happy life this time unlike the previous one, but everything changed when the forces from the underworld learned of her existence and her connection with him. Her husband was killed which he permitted and her life was in constant danger. Keeping the distance was no longer an option and he once again appeared before her.

Blessing_O · Fantasía
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57 Chs

Not his daughter

"What if… what if I want to go with you?" Nyx asked. She didn't want him to leave even though he said he would be nearby. Skye was not a bad person, she knew, but he was exactly honest with her. She didn't know him, and she didn't want to spend her life with someone whom she would always be wary of.

"I don't want you to leave me."

He stared into her eyes for a while and then picked her up. He walked to the bed and sat down, cradling her in his arms. "Life with me will never be an easy one for you. You do not know this, but it will be harder than your last life. I do not want to see you unhappy. Life with my will bring unhappiness and constant pain to you," He said while she nestled her head on his shoulder. Just as always, they were not a heartbeat in there, but it was as comfortable as it always was when she was younger.

"Do you promise to never leave again?" She asked, and he hummed. "You will be there whenever a call?" He hummed again, and she nodded her head. "I will try to be happy. This is nit a guarantee," she said and raised her head to look at him.

"Tha is fine by me," he replied and kissed her forehead. She shut her eyes, feeling his cold hands on her cheeks and his lips. Although cold, they felt warm. "I have some news for you," He said as she opened her eyes.

"Good or bad news?" She asked, bracing herself for the worse possible news.

"It depends on how you see it. To me, there is no good or bad news. It is all just news," Reaper replied.

"Okay, met me hear it then," Nyx said. She understood that nothing mattered to him, so it only made sense if he did not consider anything as good or bad.

"Martha is no more," he said her body stiffened immediately.

"When?" Was all she could say. She has expected that news to come at any time, but she was still unprepared for it. It still hurts, and somehow, the pain felt so familiar, like something that she had experienced in the past, but she knew nothing like losing a mother had ever happened to her before.

"Just before I came to you," he replied with her nose buried in her neck. He could feel her emotions and knew she was hurt, but he didn't know how to comfort her. He didn't know what to say or do. All that he could do was to just reply to her questions as they come.

Nyx didn't know when tear left her eyes, but she felt them trail down her cheeks. She was not nice when her mother came to her room earlier. They both knew her time was long over due, but they had been trying to live with each other, making sure that they never argued with each other, but nie, on her very last minutes, they fought. Now she was no more, and there was nothing she could do to apologise.

She stood from his hands and walked a little distance between them before she stopped. "I want to go and see her. You can come along if you'd like to," she said, and he nodded. She then asked into the closet to find something wear.

A moment later, they were in the room rhay Martha used while she stayed there. Inside were Mr. Anders, Skye, and a few others whose names Nyx didn't care to remember. All eyes fell on her as she walked in, with her footsteps being the onky audible sound in the room. Behind her was Reaper, but just like whenever he was with her in the past, no one could see him.

"Sorry I am late, Father," she said to her father, but the man did not reply to her. He onky gave her anglance and then looked back at the woman whise will never see daylight again. He held her hands and said a few incoherent words before looking at Nyx.

"You can have the room to yourself," he said and stood up. He walked towards the door and stopped a foot away from it. He turned around and asked, "Did you speak to her before she passed away?"

"Yes, we had an argument. After that, she left saying I should decide what to do next on my own," Nyx replied, and Mr. Anders nodded his head.

"She will be buried in the morning," he said and proceeded to leave the room. Martha must have already known that she would die. That was why she went to find Nyx. He thought as he shut the door. He stopped outside and leaned on the wall just beside it with his eyes closed. He didn't mean to be so distant from the child that he had his blood running through her veins, but he could not help the knowledge that she was not his true daughter. That one died even before she could be called a baby, and now someone else took her place.

Since then, he couldn't let himself get closer to her than he already was to her. Whi knew what she would be like in the future because of her, Martha was already suffering so much, and now, she was gone. He pushed himself off the wall, massaged the space between his brows, and sighed. He walked away no longer having any reason to be here.

Immediately he left, two other people who were inside the room came out as well. It seems they have finally been sent out.

Meanwhile, inside the room, Skye stood at the corner just watching her. He didn't knownwh to nor could he bring himself to say anything to her. After their fight inside their bedroom, he didn't know if he should be the first to speak or not. Nyx ignored his presence in there, and as soon everyone else was gone, she drew closer to Martha's bed.

She stood there, unable to speak, still feeling bad about arguing with her just moments ago. She could only apologize many times in her mind but nithing cake out of her mouth.

"I am sorry," Skye's voice reached her ears. Her head snapped in his direction and found him looking at her. She looked behind her and found it empty. He was gone without even telling her. She sighed and looked back at Skye.