
chapter 2

Audrey dialed the contact yet again and waited with her anxious heart, for him to pick the call but there was still no response.

""Oh no!"" Beads of sweats formed on her forehead.

"Desmond, please pick up" she begged as if he could hear her as she redialed the contact that she had saved with 'my heartbeat' with an heart emoji to it.

She had been calling him the entire day but he was not picking up her calls still.

She had sent several messages to him but he was not responding to her messages either.

"He... He probably got into some trouble. He would be back soon" Audrey tried to tell herself but she knew that was most probably a lie to comfort her aching heart.

Desmond was her first boyfriend, he was her first love and they had been dating for two years. Desmond was not so well to do and she was the same. They both had average lives except for the fact that her average was better than his average.

For the past six months, Audrey had heard different advise from her friends, telling her to dump Desmond as he was only using her and was also going around with some other ladies but her stubborn heart would never listen to the words of any other person than Desmond. She loved him too much with her innocent heart and she would never believe that he was simply dating her to be able to get the little money that she had but now she was starting to believe it.

She was in the small apartment that she shared with Desmond and she could not find any of his things in the apartment anymore, but that was not the worse thing. The worse thing was that she could not find her debit card and Desmond very well had the code to her debit card.

The money in that account was all that she had, and she had been hoping to use it to pay for her ailing grandmother's surgery. Her grandmother was in the hospital at the moment, definitely thinking that she was going to be back soon to deposit the money but here she was.

No Desmond, no card. She shot up from the old sofa like the maniac that she was fast turning into. She wiped away the sweats off her forehead with the back of her palms, knowing that she could not just stay here.

She had to get to the bank as soon as possible to have them block her debit card before Desmond would take it all from her.

Running her hands through her hair that she had messed up herself a few minutes back, she grabbed her bag and rushed out of the apartment.

She looked up at the sky, it was cloudy and the clouds were pregnant with rain which she knew would fall soon.

She rushed back into the apartment and grabbed an umbrella forgetting it was faulty. She ran out of the apartment, not bothering to lock it up.

She ran as fast as her tiny legs could carry her until she heard a beep on her phone. She had a message.

She badly hoped the message would be from Desmond, reassuring her that he only had urgent business and was only going to take a little from the money. She picked out her phone from inside of her bag and with trembling hands and a pounding heart, she opened the message and it was not from Desmond.

It was a debit alert.

Every single penny in her bank account had been wiped away. Her eyes filled up with tears in an instant as she stared at the phone screen in her hands.

Her hands shook and the phone dropped from her hands as well as the umbrella.

With a loud scream and the tears in her eyes gushing out, she began to race down the lonely alley that she had been walking through.

She had nowhere in mind to run to but her legs just kept moving and she could barely stop it just like she could barely stop the tears in her eyes.

The rain suddenly began to pour turning the old lonely alley slippery but Audrey never stopped running. She didn't know what to do if she stopped running.

Would her life come to an end right now?

She knew she was going to be doomed. She continued running until she slipped on the now slippery slope and fell to the floor, her head hitting the floor with a hard bang that made her ooze out red blood.

Her eyed dimmed as the cold rain continued to pour on her gradually weakening body.

As she felt life draining out of her slowly, Audrey closer her eyes herself, wanting death to take her away faster.

There was no use anymore because she was sure of one thing, her grandmother was going to die without the surgery and if her grandmother died, she would be left with no one.

No Granny, no Desmond. She could as well. just choose death now.

Her hands slowly lost grip os she drifted into unconsciousness.

A few minutes later, wind blew wildly in the rain, sweeping rain to a side as someone suddenly appeared in the middle of the alley. He has his back turned to her and he had an umbrella in his hands that was raised above his head.

The wild wind blew his black jacket and then the wind came to a stop while the rain turned heavier. The man turned back towards the body of Audrey.

He was lord Adonis.

He glanced at the unconscious body of Audrey and wondered why he had come here suddenly. If someone was going to die, his death angels could take care of it. Why had he suddenly teleported here for no reason?

He decided to walk away but as soon as he tried teleporting away, he found himself back there, at that same spot that he had began from.

His dark brows arched, wondering what was going on. He looked back at her and finally decided to see to her. He walked towards Audrey who was still on the floor, being drenched by the rain in her unconscious state.

Raising his other free hand up in the air, Adonis shifted her body so he could see her face.

It was not yet her time to die and so he would not be taking her away but Adonis knew leaving her in the rain would bring her name up the death list and in no time, it would be her turn to die.

He crouched down beside her, removed his black gloves from his hands and touched her skin. He could still feel the warmth from her skin and as he did so he could feel her troubled soul.

He looked back at her face and took his cold fingers to her face, caressing her face under the pouring rain. lord Adonis felt something he had not felt for all of his existence.

Was it.... Warmth?