
Why was he angry?

If Evangeline thought that ignoring Alexander's mischievousness would let her have lunch in peace, then she was going to be proven wrong in so many ways.

"Mr. Alexander, what are you doing?" Evangeline seethed through her lips as she pretended to sip her water.

"Hmm? Did you say something, Miss Evangeline?" Alexander asked, his voice loud and everyone looked at her.

"Please let me pour you some wine. It's an honor and my pleasure that you believed in me and went as far as coming to see my first performance. Though it was an official procedure and you were checking if I was the right candidate or not, it really meant a lot to me," Evangeline smiled at Alexander, who looked at her for a few seconds.

"Haha, that's good. You should always pay respect to someone who is going to decide your paycheck," Producer Lee said to ease the tension in the air since everyone was feeling wary of the presence at the table.

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