
Let's finish this.

 His consciousness was slipping, but Julie's voice kept him awake.

"Hey, don't close your eyes"

Liam only groaned in pain, then something on his body being burned causing intense pain, which made him immediately wake up.

He raised his head and realized what happened, Julie used her fire magic to cauterize the wound.

"Thank you" He says as he tries getting up, but failing.

Julie says nothing but helps him, now standing both looking up and seeing the whale, a few dozen meters away from them, using Renewal to heal its injuries. On the ground it was the box, and the rope connecting it to the harpoon on the whale.

"What do we do now?" Julie asked.

Liam had no answer for that, he tried looking for one, but his attention drifted to Samuel's figure approaching the box, more specifically, the rope.

"I'm bringing you down you fucker" Samuel said as he grabbed the rope and used all his strength to pull down the whole beast.

The whale tilted with the sudden strength, but quickly started fighting back, and Samuel was clearly going to lose that battle, but he didn't give up, he kept holding that rope with all his strength.

Leo appeared in the same instant and released a 100% of output for a single attack, landing a powerful kick to the whale who fell even more, the whale felt the blow and fell even more.

But that didn't stop the monster, who used once more its countless lasers of light, and shot them towards Samuel and Leo. But the attack was stopped by two girls who appeared from a staircase leading to the sky.

Lena's arrows intercepted the lasers of light that came to Leo, while Emily used her innate magic to redirect the attacks coming to Samuel. 

The whale prepared to use another attack, but it was stopped by Lena who was faster and shot countless arrows towards the beast, as the arrows hit the creature, Lena noticed something.

'It took damage… my arrows are now damaging it'

She was not the only one who noticed it, everyone did as well, and the one who acted faster was Leo.

He grabbed a big branch of a tree nearby and a piece of stone, and used his innate magic to rebuild the two things into one, creating a hammer and imbue in his mana, and used it to attack the whale nonstop.

The weakened whale felt each attack from Leo, but his rampage ended very soon as the hammer he created didn't last long. It broke soon after, leaving him open to an attack from the monster.

Emily intervened and attacked the whale as well, using 100% of her output, each of her attacks caused the whale to fall even more, but that quickly made her tired and the monster took the opportunity to throw a ray of light at her.

Using her innate magic, she redirected the attack to her right side. At the same moment, she ran towards the attack, catching up to it and redirecting it once again, this time towards the whale.

The ray of light pierced the body of the whale, making the monster scream in agony. Samuel used the opportunity to use more of his output and pull down the monster with even more strength.

Without giving any second of time to the monster, everyone there started attacking it at the same time, Liam, Ella, Julie, Leo, Lena and Emily used all they had to kill the White Whale once and for all.

The whale was incapable of doing anything to stop those attacks, Lena and Emily are blocking its ray of light, and the monster doesn't have enough mana anymore to use ray of light in maximum output because of its current state. And the students knew that, there was no better moment to kill the White Whale than now.

But they failed to calculate a single thing. A single action that turned the tables in favor of the monster.

Open its mouth the creature created a single compressed and powerful ray of light, but instead of aiming at any of the students, it aimed towards the box that was pulling it.

The box was created using a Vow, a vow that unables the weapon to be effective with anything but the whale, in short, it's a weak weapon against anything else, but it's the ultimate weapon against the whale.

But that only if the weapon was not broken, Leo managed to fix most of the weapon, but he did not fix one thing, one thing that his innate magic can't reach, that is the Vow that makes that weapon powerful.

The vow is still intact, but not as potent as before. It remains highly effective against the whale, but due to its weakened state, the vow has lost one of its most critical effects: immunity to the whale's attacks.

Because of that, the whale's attack completely pierced the box, shattering the weapon and destroying it.

The students were all in shock as they saw the box destroyed, knowing what that meant, they tried keeping the whale there, and preventing it from flying away, but that was simply impossible.

The White Whale raised further and further in the sky, flying away from the students, and Samuel without option let go of the rope.

Watching that scene, Liam had a hard expression, the boy knew that if that thing leaves now it will be too much difficult to kill it later, even more with the box destroyed, he knows he can't count on Leo to fix it once more.

So he released his mana, and focused all himself on the whale, preparing it for a last attack. But something stopped him.

He felt electricity coursing through the area and his body, sending shivers down his spine. Looking up, he saw the whale being struck by lightning in the sky, followed by the rumble of thunder. The creature let out cries of despair as it plummeted to the ground.

Landing on the ground causing dust to rise, using mana, Liam looked through the dust, and saw a figure standing on top of the living whale, seeing him, Liam smiled.


The guy had an expressionless face, "What are you guys doing? Let's kill this thing"

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