
Chapter Thirty-Five: Olivia

"Hello? Hello? Aiden?" I was practically yelling into my phone.

The line was still scrambled and I could barely hear him, eventually the call ended leaving me with only a repetitive and annoying beeping sound.

My phone battery read 1% and I looked around, there was nobody inside for at least the next 500 m. It was a lonely dark street.

I decided to try Liam's number again to see if it would go but his phone only rang with no reply. Maybe I should just text Aiden instead, after all he had just picked my call, which meant that he was probably available.

After typing out my location, I sent it to Aiden. The message was loading and taking time to deliver so I had to start moving around, stretching out my arms so my phone could be higher and probably get a better signal.

"Yes!" I said under my breath when the text was sent. However, my phone screen went blank immediately after that, my battery was dead.