
Deal with the devil.

Everyone around him was getting there powers as the earth was turned into a game like world. But what is this, why is his character screen all black, why are there strange symbols all over it and why is his title THE DEVIL. Follow our protagonist as he becomes the devil and then builds his empire helping hot chicks around the world, in exchange of eternal slavery.

Ash_Blake121 · Fantasía
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29 Chs


Ash was asleep on the bed, Nadia was laying beside him, her head on his chest and sleeping peacefully. Willow and Donna had left after their session and they had gone to bed just like that. The sky in the shadow realm was always dark, whether it was day or night could only be guessed by the lights and people in the streets. The market outside their window was quiet and a cool wind was flowing in from the window. Then a woman appears at the same window and looks at the two naked figures lying in the bed. They were covered by the bedsheet from the waist down but it was thin and left little to the imagination. The big woman watched over the sleeping couple for a few minutes then she went inside the house to check on the other inhabitants of the house. The house was quiet everybody was asleep, she went from room to room trying to find out what the two devils in this house had from an alliance. She then came across a room, two women were sleeping in there, one of them had darker skin and the other looked identical to the women she had just seen before with Ash. She then noticed some papers lying on a table on the other side of the room. Finally, she had found something that might tell her about their mission, she went over the books and scrolls quietly, she had in her early days explored plenty of ancient quests to know that all these books and papers had something in common, some hidden truth that the system wanted its players to find out and made a quest out of it. It took her a little more time to figure out that it was a weapon, a very powerful weapon that could kill most. Why were they looking for that?

"Why Ash? What are you going to do with it my son?" the woman spoke quietly in the dark. No matter what he was doing, if he was making so much noise already, if he found this weapon then he would definitely come in the notice of some very dangerous people that could hurt him and she couldn't let that happen after all she had done to protect him. So she very meticulously added some fake clues among the real ones to ensure they don't find out about the weapon. She then left the same way she had come after staring at her son for a little more.

Ash woke up feeling really satisfied, he had a really nice sleep after a long time, all thanks to the woman sleeping beside him. He gently pushed her arm over him and got out of bed.

"Master," came a small voice from the woman, but Ash turned and saw that she was again sleeping. He heard a little commotion outside, he couldn't tell what the time was from looking out at the sky, but he had to be up very late. He went outside and felt and heard that something had changed. The women inside the house were in a hurry, gong from one room to another. Ash spotted Thea who was carrying a bag forward, and he hadn't talked to the woman one on one yet, so he called her when she came closer.

"What's happening?" he asked.

"Oh!" she seemed surprised that Ash was talking to her. Ash hadn't decided whether he liked the woman or not, he was upset about the fact that she was the one who was teasing Sarah all the time, but it might be just Maya's orders. "We are packing, Maya discovered something, she thinks she knows now where to go, we were getting ready to go and check it out. You guys were sleeping really deeply so we thought if you won't wake up we'll go ourselves first" explained Thea. Gone was the role of the dominatrix Thea had adorned while teasing Sarah yesterday, she seemed like Maya now, bordering on annoying.

"You don't call Maya Master?" he asked.

"That's what you are going to ask after all of what I told you? Maya might have just solved the most difficult quest of all time, and no she doesn't especially order us to call her master, although she deserves it, more than some" She added the last part quietly but loud enough that Ash had heard it.

"I'll wake up Nadia, we'll be coming too," said Ash ignoring her comment. He will show her one day. He went inside the room, Nadia was already up she was yawning and rubbing her eyes like a child, she looked so much unlike the tough and mean girl personality she usually carried around. She looked up at him when he approached, and that's when Ash realized he was naked still. Nadia seemed to remember the last day's event slowly and her face turned red.

"How are you feeling Nadia? Hungry I bet, well we should hurry up and get some food we'll be leaving for the mountains in a while, It looks like Maya might have found something" said Ash to Nadia.

"Okay, Master," she said the last word and blushed even more.

They dressed up quickly, and Willow made food for them. Then the party of Ash and the seven women left for the mountains. Maya had arranged a carriage for them. The driver was Donna, and inside there was not enough room for all of them.

"You might have to fly above us, Ash, keep a look out for any danger too, there are reports of bandits on the path we'll be taking," said Maya. Ash didn't like her ordering him like that so he activated his God's eyes and looked miles ahead where they were going.

"Don't worry I have traced out a path to avoid any bandits, so I'll sit with Donna and make sure we are going the right way" said Ash and he took his seat beside a red-faced Donna. The animals that were pulling the carriage were green and smelly, they looked like a cross between a horse and a crocodile with ears like a dog.

Donna tugged on the weird horses and made a noise, and they started moving. Donna remained quiet for the first fifteen minutes of the journey. Ash was busy looking at the new sites and places. Then she leaned a little closer to Ash and spoke, "That way goes to my village, Master" She pointed to a path on the left. Ash used his god's eyes to look in that direction and after some time of zooming, he saw the village with people like Donna moving around. The women were big like Donna but the men were rather smaller.

"Yeah, I can see it," he said.

"You can? From here? Is that a skill?" she asked?

"Yes, it is," he answered, and Donna again went quiet.

"You must have trained a lot to get this powerful," asked Ash after some time.

"Yeah, I was a quiet kid, so I just used to spend my time training," replied Donna.

"How did you meet Maya?" asked Ash.

"She saw me in a tournament I was participating in and well I was in debt, she offered to pay it for me for free, but I didn't take it and well rest is history," said Donna.

"About yesterday," he said; he wanted to ask her why she had done what she had done yesterday when it was so unlike her. But she blushed at the mention of yesterday and looked around uncomfortably; Ash put an arm over her and leaned her in. Donna relaxed and leaned against him and expected his side hug. Ash felt the woman burning like a furnace.

"I don't have much experience in these things," said Donna shyly "Maya never bothered me with such things, but that doesn't mean I don't have needs you know, I am not into women either so If the master wishes to lay with me I would be happy," said Donna.

He was about to reply to her by kissing her, but then the carriage stopped abruptly. Donna tensed up as Ash tuned in as saw that they were suddenly surrounded. How had he not sensed them coming? He was too distracted by Donna to activate his God's eyes. There were people surrounding them on the land and in the air, and standing in front of them was a man who was clearly a devil as he had two big red devil horns coming out of his head. Maya and the rest got off the carriage.

"Shit!" said Maya "That's Wayne; he works directly under the Ice Devil, he is kind of his executor, he loves killing especially devils, looks like they have finally found out that Gorin was killed by another devil."