
Chapter Twenty-Two

So soft....

So warm....

Ugh what is breathing on me?!

I squint my eyelids open only to be met with sunlight in them. After recovering with a headache approaching I blink a few times and things start to become clearer. I feel so sore everywhere.

I look around only to be met with black walls. Black, yes, but it registered that it is not my black painted room.

I'm laying on my left side but I can feel something heavy like a ton of bricks weighing me down. Something holding me!

That is the beginning of me starting to panic. If only I was warned what I would see next. Oh, goddess!

Turning my head to look at the arm rested around waist I try to pray it off but it was no use with only my right hand.

Since I was not getting anywhere I turned my head to look at that person and ohhh moon goddess please help me. My life is officially over before it even began.

I was now looking straight at my worst regret...

My boss, Mr Kingston!!!!

Crap...no no no...

I try to pick Mr Kingston's hand off of me not really caring if he wakes up or not. Just so that I can get away from him.

At this moment many things were exploding in my mind. I begin to panic. I escape off the bed by ripping the silk sheets away from him to use them to wrap myself in them. I still have not checked if I was naked or not. My only concern was to get away.

I step away from the bed still processing what's going on. I began scanning the room not thinking of its worth. I rush to the corner pushing the laptop and table out of my way which crushed to the ground.

Noises of things breaking and crushing to pieces startled me even more. I place my back onto the wall by the corner and slide down, pulling my legs up and holding them. I hold onto the white silk sheet tightly, using them as protection from the dark figures in my head.

(Lucas POV)

Ugh My head hurts so bad. Both my temples feel like its beating. I stretch my body which was stiff. I've woken up to sounds of objects breaking and noises of whimpering and crying.

I lean up in my bed to find that I'm naked and only in my boxes with no blanket on me.

Shit where is she?

I wake up fast from the bed scanning the room only for my eyes to be met in the corner and I've spotted a broken girl.

Why is she acting like this?

She is crawled up in the corner crying her eyes out. She looks so scared and afraid but I'm sure I never do anything that she did not want.

I walk towards her and while I do, my bare foot steps on something which makes a noise.

This caused her to look up and her eyes are met with mine, so much pain.

(Elizabeth POV)

His walking towards me, starring me down onto the path of more shame, a place where I belong.

The way he does this make me remember that night I lost everything just because I was drunk and not in my right senses. Just like last night.


We all were having fun at the club dancing and drinking since I just turned 18. I was wearing a short black dress with sequence in it. It was shimmering with all the disco lights hitting my dress.

"Babe here's your drink."said Max, my mate. His so perfect and understanding. Since it's my 18th birthday I can feel the mate bond on full extent. I think I might love him but how do I express it to him? I have to tell him.

"No thank you, I've had enough and I'm already drunk."

"Oh come on it's your birthday. Okay this will be the last one. Just have it."


I drank the clear liquid and straight away that moment came crushing down. My body went numbed losing feeling of my senses.

"Babe you okay?" I almost fell but luckily Max caught me. I couldn't reply with this new feeling, so I just held onto him tighter, inhaling his woods and Mandarin smell mixed with alcohol.

"Lets get you home. Come on."

I felt myself being lifted soon placed in a car. As we made our way home, I turned my head from the window to look at Max and something was wrong. The look in his eyes was not like how it was in the club. It was black as if evil they were.

When we reached his house a bit far away from the pack house he took me back in his arms but for some reason I felt sick to my stomach wanting to let go of him.

"Don't worry Babe, I will take care of you." He whispered in my ears.

Soon I was thrown onto the bed, hitting my head onto the headboard. While rubbing my head I noticed through my eyes that he began undressing.

Once he was left in his boxes, he crawled onto the bed making his way to me. With those killer eyes I was so afraid. I tried backing away screaming no, but he caught my legs and pulled me.

I screamed for help but it was not use, no one was within a mile reach to hear.

"No no please Max don't. Please." While crying, I began to beg for him to let me go because he ripped my dress in half already.

With the lust in his eyes I knew it was over for me, all I did was scream.....

And everything went black.

(Lucas POV)

While making my way around the room towards her I notice my laptop and table that's now broken but that's not important now.

I notice her shaking and her eyes looking blank into space.

I made my way faster towards her crouching down, trying to make her snap out of it. She then began to scream and tears were falling from her eyes.

I held her in my arms waiting for her to carm down. I looked at her eyelids and it began to close. I shook her but still nothing. Her eyelids fell shut.

"Elizabeth, wake up. Wake up." I said while tapping her face. She must have black out.

I picked her up in my arms, making sure the sheet was still wrapped around her.

I settled her onto the middle of the king-size bed, tucking her into the silk bedsheets. I should make breakfast but first I should probably take a shower.

I went into the white marble bathroom and had a quick shower, no need to strip down of my cloths when I only have on my boxes.

I stepped into the hot shower water and memories of last night came flooding in.

We danced in such intimate position, I brought her home, we drank even more and one thing lead to another with her underneath me, filling her up to the brim.

Even though last night was so wrong, it was fucking amazing, her wrapped around me felt so good.

There is something about her that draws me closer, that wants her and only her, I just don't know why...

I only know that we cannot be together. Because she won't be able to handle the monster inside.