
Chapter Fourteen


Is the first thing that came to mind. It looks like heaven, the green grass and trees. People smiling and playing. Owners taking their dogs for early morning strolls.

I walk inside pass the gates towards the park. I enhale the fresh grass and so does Skyler.

"It looks so peaceful lizzy."I agree with her.

"I know, It does, let's just walk around for now."

With that said I just walk and look around at my surroundings. I see an old couple sitting on a bench peacefully just looking at everything while holding hand. They are so in love.

I see dog lovers in an area where their dogs are playing fetch while the owners flirt with each other. But the dogs come back for them to throw the stick and disk again.

You know that trick in programs a boy uses when he sees a girl that he likes at the park, he uses his pet or his little brother and sister to attract the girls attention. Well that's what it looks like to me.

I've decided to sit down on the grass for a while. When I lay down I can feel the soft fresh green grass in between my fingers and the earthy soil. I close my eyes and inhale and exhale the air. It helps to clear my mind. I can sence that Skyler is relaxed in this area. I just wish I could find a place so that I can let her out for a run. But there is no places around there to do so.

I open my eyes and look straight up at the sky. The few clouds that looks like it's moving and looks so fluffy. Imagine swimming and jumping on them. The soft feeling of them rubbing against your skin like candy floss.

I try to picture object in the clouds. I think and form pictures in my mind to what they look like.

One has a shape of a dragon and the other looks like a land with mountains on them. Funny huh, well my imagination is wild.

I close my eyes again and think about the freedom I now have. I'm free to do what ever I want whenever I want and no one has a say in my like now.

Everything was just so dark in my life but now it's like walking down a pathway that gets brighter and brighter. With no demons stopping me from living life now.

I suddenly open my eyes at the sound of an Ice cream truck passing by.

I get up fast and look at the right of me, a truck with pictures of different types of ice creams on it.

Because of this warm weather people are jogging over to the ice cream truck to buy something so tasty and also to cool cook them down. I even see the lady's who were working out buying ice cream, talking about watching your diet. I laugh at that. But shhhhh there loved ones won't know they are cheating on their diets if no one tells.

I begin to walk over and as I get closer I can can smell something a bit strange. It's a bit of a funny smell but something i can stand.

I walk closer to the truck and see the ice cream man sniffing the air also.

"Another wolf lizzy!" Shit I think. Thats when he spots me.

"His a rouge so don't worry liz." I let out the breath I did not even know I was holding and approach the man to buy ice cream.

When I reach the front I just nod my head and he does the same.

"Can I have a vanilla cone with chocolate sprinkles on it Please." I say

"Alright." He moves to the back to prepare it and comes back.

"How much will that be?" I take out money from the purse getting ready to pay.

"Don't worry it's on in the house. Anything for a fellow wolf." He say it a little softly.

"Thank you so much. My name's lizzy and yours?" I don't really see why must give my full name.

"The names Erik. Nice to meet you."

"Same here, well see you around. Bye" I wave him of.

"See I told you not to worry Liz. Come on eat the ice cream now."

"Yeah he seems fine." I take my first but of the ice cream and the sudden burst of flavours explore in my mouth. It felt so good eatting ice cream after so long, especially vanilla which is my favourite.

I walk while eatting my ice cream and that's when my phone decides to make noise. I hold the ice cream in my left hand and dig for my phone in the bag with my right.

When I take it out I see a message from Mr Sean. I get excited cause finally he sent the message that actually regards the job. I take a deep breath in and I open the message and see...

***To Elizabeth

Hi. So regarding the job that is in mind for you. I spoke to my grandson and he said that you can come in for an interview tomorrow for the job. You don't have to take any documents cause he already has them. May I suggest that you dress in a professional manner as he is really judgmental.

Here is the place:

KINGSTON INDUSTRIES and address is.......

Time: 10:30am. No later than that.

Goodluck and I hope you get the job.



I reply back saying

***To Mr Sean

Hi. Thank you so much. I will do as you said and will arrive on time. I also hope I get this job. Thank you again.



With that being said, I put the phone back into my purse and continue walking thinking about what tomorrow will be like.
