


He is attacking again' said Dwark 'look towards the cloud there is no rain of hope

only clouds dark like coal'

Dark clouds all over in sky, sound of thunders look like heartbeat of sky, lighting

looks like sky was afraid of something.

Dwark looking towards clouds and said 'Where is our king? We need him, these are

dark time in Rofox, we need our king, we need ou-' Bysk cutoff Dwark words in

between 'Don't be foolish Dwark, I already told you he is gone, he'll never returns'

said Bysk in anger. He thinks his king betrayed everyone in Rofox. He turned to

Dwark looked in his eyes 'he is a coward Dwark, he don't deserve to be our king, he

betrayed everyone and escaped because he afraid to die, so he left us to die

instead of him' said Bysk like he was regretting.

Dwark raised his hand in direction of wind 'It's not true Bysk he not escaped, may

be he is on some kind of adventure may be he i-' Bysk again cutting his words 'you

have to understand this he is gone' said looking towards clouds.

'If what you are saying is true then we don't have any future here in Rofox, in

coming time we will die' said and turned to Bysk. Bysk 'what you are saying? We

don't have any future here why? We can run our village by our own, we know what

to do or what to not, "The one who don't know was our king" now he is gone so,

we can build our world like we want since we were kids, Do you remember?'

'No, we can't because without our king Rofox will never remain ours' said Dwark.

'why, he is not too skilled, he didn't even know how use water spells correctly' said

Bysk turning to Dwark. 'you are not understanding the value of our king' said

Dwark while looking away 'aren't you afraid of Dark Lord "Caracie" '.

'Don't say that name, for the sake of happiness' said Bysk in a frightened voice

'and don't phrase him "LORD" he is wicked, wherever he lives there is no

chance of happiness'.

'But thanks to our 3rd king who created a seal so he won't intervene in our world'

said Bysk 'He was the true king not like present one who escape'

'Do you know about seal powers? How it remains activate? How remains

stronger? so, Caracie never come here again' said Dwark

Bysk looked down to grass 'no' said to Dwark.

'we need our king to remains it activate, King offers his life energy to seal and in

return seals give him protection' said Dwark 'that means if your words are true so,

no one knows how much time we have, if our king will not return. So, Rofox again

willcomes under the darkness' Dwark looking pale then he was looking down into

the cliff.

He and Bysk was standing, where he saw darkness "ETERNAL DARKNESS".

Dwark and Bysk looked towards a village far and opposite site of that cliff suddenly

a lightning bolt strikes on village and within no time the whole village on fire, there

were only scream's, cry's and "help me! Someone help me!" sounds you heard.

Suddenly Dwark heard a voice, said "W-WH-WHO-WHO ARE YOU? YOU


ARE YOU DOI-" voice fainted suddenly lost in air. Dwark looked Bysk in very

suspicious way "what was that"said to Bysk.

After a while village fell silent no screaming coming, no crying sound left, it just

feels like time had stopped by somehow. It sounds empty, like no one ever lived

in that village. Only wind sound you can hear now.

Suddenly Dwark eyes caught on something that moving in village. He saw a black

shadow due to distance and darkness, He can't see that thing. What was that thing

he thought, he looked again towards village and he saw a sparking light not one

but two he guessed it must that thing eyes.

Again a lighting bolt fell on same spot, when Dwark looked again after lightning

boltthat thing wasn't there anymore. He feels or think that thing travelled with

that lightning bolt.

After that thunder sky looks clear. Dwark "we are in danger, we really need are

king or we are not supposed to lose our hope" said looking in Bysk eyes.

Dwark start walking somewhere but Bysk stand silent for a while and he turned

towards sky he saw a creature in could or he just saw cloud in creature shape

then he started walking where Dwark was going.


Weather was not good tonight, there was a storm in Quark. Raining very hard and

sound of wind seems like someone roaring or screaming.

In night Dwark was sitting on floor and thinking about that incident of afternoon.

The room filled with yellowish light falling from a lamp hanged on the corner of

wall. Bysk was out and Dwark don't know where was he.

He just said I have to go, its urgent and vanish with help of cart.

Dwark terrified cause he know what going on in Rofox. He loves Rofox and care of


Rofox is a world in another universe where lots creature are lives, creature no one

can imagine, there lots of plants and trees grow. Plants and trees gives food,

medicine and lots things for survive.

Bysk enters in house soaked and shivering Dwark give him a towel and asked

'Where have you been?' Bysk didn't reply him. He changes the clothes and sit near

the hearth.

Bysk lie on floor and fell asleep. Dwark awake whole night and thinking about that

village. Next morning Bysk said 'Dwark we have to go somewhere, we can't stay

here'. Dwark smile and asked 'why?'.

Bysk eyed him 'Because you know the condition of Rofox, weather is not same as it

was. I'm afraid that we don't have too much time'.

Dwark stared Bysk 'I know what you're saying but we have to stay here'.

Bysk started walking 'come on, I have something to show you' said to Dwark.

Dwark frowned and followed him.


Both were standing in back of their house and Bysk was digging a big hole. Suddenly

a click sound came from the hole.

'what is this thing and where you get it' said Dwark.

Bysk took the brown old bag in his hand and started opening it, when the bag

opened a white light came from inside of the bag.

'It's the sword of Caracie' said Bysk. 'what are you sane? why lord Caracie sword is

in your hand?' said Dwark 'what are you planning with this? where you get it?'

Bysk take the sword that blade was pure white reflecting sunlight and that darked

black hilt with a stone of green coloured shining, in his hand 'Do you remember

the story of war between Rofox 3rd king and Caracie' said Bysk and Dwark nodded

'In the end of war our king had won and Caracie have to gone from Rofox, while

he leaving Rofox, his sword fallen on Rofox but before he can take the sword back

he was outside and the shield was made, so he never gets his sword back'.

'We have to hide it' said Bysk. Dwark looked him with confused eyes.

'why we have to hide it' said Dwark 'we can keep it and when our king returns we

will give him'. Bysk looked him with anger 'How many time I have to told you that

he is gone' said Bysk 'so, we have to hide it and by any chances our king will back

to Rofox then we will give it to him, fine'.

'tell me where you find this sword, First' said Dwark with curiosity.

'last time when I visited the king palace I had found a book wrote by our 3rd king

where I found about this sword and with the help of maps and magic I found it'

said Bysk with feeling proud 'But we have to hide it cause the whether is not right

in Rofox we can't afford if a wrong person finds it'.

If that will happen, that means only disaster in Rofox' said Bysk with sadness.

Dwark looked confused 'But….. Where we gonna hide it?' said Dwark.

Bysk 'In the cave of "OLD DRAGON"' said with doubts. Dwark looked frightened 'I

heard rumours, that cave is haunted, AR-AR-ARE YOU SURE?' said Dwark

'It the best place to hide it and we can't afford it to loose even though we'll die in

our journey' said Bysk 'we have to take that risk for our Rofox Dwark'

Dwark looked at him 'You're right we have to for our Rofox' said looking towards sky

'we have to do this'.

Bysk smile 'we will leave tomorrow morning' said to Dwark.

Dwark still thinking about that village and that lightning bolt, but he excited too for

his new journey.