
DCG Adventure (Dropped)

Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s) A person gets killed and reincarnated as the main protag of Akame ga Kill Tatsumi trying to live his life with a group of others how could this go? Probably something.

Jovami6729 · Cómic
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82 Chs

Chapter 61: Round Two One Piece!

~Tatsumi POV~

Alright, it's already the next day since we all heard the announcement of the mission.

I have to say it I was very surprised to see a mission pop up after a few weeks have passed from the other one but this one is certainly unique.

[Ding! New Quest of the Dimensional Chat Group.]

[Participants: Everyone in the Group Chat.]

[Quest 1: Save or Kill Portgas D. Ace.]

[Quest 2: Obtain 0/5 Devil Fruits.]

[Quest 3: Invite one person.]

[Rewards: 30,000 points, System Update, and one random reward.]

[Ding! Ruby, Toga, Erza, Ryuko, Satsuki, and Echidna has joined the chat!]

Well, this is going to take some explanation to them.

Ruby: Ok can someone explain to me what exactly is this mission this time?

Toga: Wait a minute… oh what the hell.

Erza: Seriously haven't we have already cleared this one and why does it even exist I thought we cleared it!

Tatsumi: I'm with you right there Erza I thought we prevented something like this from happening so how the hell did this happen!

Echidna: Uh… I'm sorry but am I forgetting something, or am I missing some context here.

Ryuko: Yeah it sounds like to me that you have been there before or something.

Satsuki: Would you four care to explain to the rest of us why you seem to be very frustrated about all of this?


After hearing Satsuki's words, we began to explain to the new members our reason since the first mission we ever received was going to the One Piece world and killed the Blackbeard Pirates to ensure that War of the Best doesn't happen…

However, we underestimated the plot of that world by a lot that Ace was captured and was getting ready to be sentenced to death for being born into a world that was a crime for him.

It was truly a mistake of justice for Sengoku to do.

I can understand what they were trying to do but killing Ace because of his heritage is just wrong no matter the reason.

You can't just blame a guy for a death sentence for having been born to Roger it's not right.

After we were done explaining the situation to them the three had different reactions to this mission.

Ryuko: Not going to lie this will probably be brutal as hell but it's going to be very fun to cut loose that's for sure but having a Devil Fruit that is like every One Piece fan dream I'm going to give it my all!

Satsuki: While hearing the story of your endeavors is fascinating, I have been slacking off from my swordsmanship I guess I could use a freshen up of my skills.

Echidna: This will certainly be interesting and learning the 400-year lost period that no one has ever heard of is even more tantalizing to read so no arguments from me and these Devil Fruits sounds like a fun experiment to do.

Ruby: Well at least you guys are accepting the idea of all of this but now we come to another problem.


That problem being is where will be sent to is the question if it Sabaody Archipelago then it might be a while but if its Impel Down then we are going to experience some literal trouble of the worst kind.

Tatsumi: Yeah but that is assuming if were in Sabaody Archipelago first or Impel Down depending on where we land in the locations and both those options aren't good for bad reasons.

Ryuko: Oh… that is very bad then but hey didn't you have the Authority of Greed aren't you already OP with that?

Satsuki: Yes I believe it was stronger than Reinhard if the author confirmed anything of our world.


Wow, I actually kind of forgot about that ability and I already have the weakness taken care of actually if I remember correctly giving my Heart to Toga.

Tatsumi: Agreed although my [Authority of Greed: Stillness of an Object's Time] and the [Authority of Greed: Lion's Heart] could be a hard counter to practically anything since I have finally gotten rid of the 10-second weakness.

Erza: Huh? When did you get rid of the weakness?

I was just blushing and took a glance towards Toga as she blushes as well since after we had sex I gave her my heart to make me use the full power of my Authority of Greed to the fullest.

Everyone else in the chat group looks towards Toga as she blushed really brightly at being stared at for this long.

Toga: Fine!!! He gave it to me are you happy now!

But it only quickly caused Ruby to grin as she had a chance to make fun of Toga.

Ruby: I ship you! Toga x Tatsumi!

Erza: Ship! x 1

Echidna: Ship! x 2

Ryuko: Ship! x 3

Satsuki: Ship! x4

Tatsumi: Ship! x 5


Tatsumi: Here's the better question why not?

That left Toga blushing at the scene of my words as she couldn't handle the embracement it was fun teasing her but after that, we got back to the original topic of how should we handle this.

Tatsumi: Yeah, since we have talked about what was needed what we need to do is prepare for anything and pack some clothes into your subspace and most importantly bring in a lot of free fruits.

Echidna: Why is bringing fruit the most important part?

Erza: Don't worry I'll explain later but be prepared.

Tatsumi: We can worry about the System Update later for now though it's time to start packing!

With that everyone left to get prepared for the upcoming shit show that is going to happen but at the very least we have some strong members as well as awesome abilities from the last time we went there.

Although one can never be too sure of what is going to happen next at the very least we won't be out-powered but the question now comes next.

What kinds of Devil Fruit I should get next?

Should I get the More More fruit from World if I go to Impel Down or get Whitebeard when he kicks the bucket in Marine Ford and play as Blackbeard dual-wield Devil Fruits oh the possibilities…

That will have to wait on which one should I get I don't mind a Mythical Zoan fruit either but which one would be a good question?


Another time for later but right now time to start packing…

After I got everything ready everyone on the chat got all their belonging and any fruit they have available into their subspace using the magic of [Re-equip] we all got ready as we all got sent to One Piece world.

Time for round two…

~Third POV~

Impel Down, also known as the Underwater Prison or the Great Prison, is a government-controlled stronghold in Paradise together with Marine Headquarters and Enies Lobby.

It is the World Government's maximum-security prison for the most dangerous criminals and pirates.

It is located underwater in the middle of the Calm Belt and part of the Tarai Current.

Impel Down is a large submerged tower-like structure whose foundation is at the very bottom of the sea bed.

Due to it being built within the Calm Belt, the entire structure is constantly surrounded by gigantic Sea Kings swimming below the water along with these beasts, the prison is guarded by a force of Marine battleships.

Within the dark confines of the prison are various cells and torture chambers that are used for the prisoners.

The cells are all made from seastone to keep those with Devil Fruit powers from escaping.

The torture chambers are used for all sorts of brutal, unspeakable acts.

Among these include continuous whipping, brutal beating to death, boiling cauldrons for burning and drowning, and spiked pits used for impaling.

A prisoner's assigned level is usually determined by the bounty value on his or her head.

Exceptions can be made, however, when the Government acknowledges their strength is obviously superior to their bounties, such as Crocodile whose bounty was removed a long time ago, and Bentham.

Along with various groups and solitary cells to keep inmates, each level possesses a unique form of torture.

Because of these unspeakable acts being performed, each level is given the title of hell with each descending level, the tortures worsen.

Wild Beast Hell is the second level of Impel Down in which prisoners are kept.

Buggy once commented that every prisoner that was imprisoned on Level 2 and escaped alongside him holds a bounty higher than his own.

It contains various wild beasts of all sorts prisoners kept here are forced to be chased by them through the corridors of the level.

Because of the fearsome danger, prisoners often either lose the will to go on or refuse to escape even when their cells are unlocked.

On this level is when seven people appeared as if out of thin air as the prisoners thought they were hallucinating the whole thing.

These seven people are the Group Chat members as they looked around to see that they were inside Impel Down.


But what caught their attention was a big monster of the Basilisk is a gigantic snake born from a chicken. It is a feathered mutant that possesses both snake and chicken traits.

However, what caught their attention was two iconic people running away from it…

Yes, the two people in question are none other than Captain of the Strawhat Pirates Monkey D. Luffy and the other an infamous pirate that once served under the Great Pirate King Gol D. Roger the Mad Clown Buggy.


The both of them saw the members of the Chat Group as they were confused to see other people around but that was when Tatsumi had an idea, 'I wonder if I should change Buggy using my Semblance to make him a badass pirate that he was meant to be? It should be fun to get a serious Buggy like Shanks?'

Seeing as the Basilisk was coming towards the nine of them Echidna smiled at this as Beatrice appears next to Echidna as they both use [El Minya] as 80 crystalized shards attacked the Basilisk apart turning into a crystal then destroy it easily.

Luffy seeing this gets ready to fight not knowing they were friend or foe but Tatsumi threw him over a loop as he says in an innocent voice, "Tell me are your Ace brother because we are his friends trying to get him out!"

Luffy seeing this automatically agrees to their assistance since he only wants to save his brother as he introduces himself, "Hey I'm Monkey D. Luffy are you here to help Ace too! Also, would you like to join my crew!"

The rest of the Chat Group members and Beatrice had a single same thought across their minds seeing this, 'This can't be that easy to agree to suspicious people!!!'

Unfortunately, these people despite their high intelligence severely underestimate the mind of one Monkey D. Luffy and his stupidity!

Quick question what Devil Fruit do you think that Tatsumi would get Paramecia or Zoan?

If so then which one would you recommend as well as the other Members who don't have one?

Jovami6729creators' thoughts