
Chapter 58: My Heroes

~Toga POV~

This is so boring…

Listening in to my teacher again is really boring is this how school life was before I ran away?

I kind of regret coming here then if that is the case.

I miss the wild and random adventures with the group I hope another mission appears again.

Observing around I still see that my classmates are still hesitant of me because of my history with my previous school.

I don't blame them either.

I wasn't exactly in the perfect state of mind for that to which they have every right to be.

But it wasn't all bad after all I also made some friends after I return to my normal school life again.

Have to admit I when I first got to the Group Chat, I was hesitant to meet with people who understood me, but it was worth it.

I definitely got to meet with some interesting people but especially Tatsumi and Ruby.

For Ruby, we were both antisocial people, but we managed to click well with each other and even talk to one another from time to time.

Won't deny it felt good to talk to her about my problems to she and Ruby does the same, so we understood each other better.

And Tatsumi…


That young man took me for a ride for life and taste was certainly good and knows how to please a girl~

No bad Toga!

Shaking my head of those dirty thoughts and memory when Tatsumi had me all fours while…!

No bad girl!

Don't give in to your base thought I have it hard enough controlling my Devil Fruit urges for now keep yourself together girl!

That was when I was tapped on my shoulder as I was blushing when Midoriya asks me with some concern, "Hey… Toga are you okay there you are blushing very brightly?"

Glancing over my shoulder I see Midoriya a friend of mine since I came to his school ask me in concern.

Smiling and getting over my blushing I assured him of his worries, "Don't worry Midoriya I was just remembering something fun… so how are you?"

Midoriya smiles at me when I ask his concerns as he asks me, "Oh nothing much just seeing the usual-l seeing all the heroes moves with All Might, Endeavor, and Hawks on the news capturing villains…"

He he he he!

I laughed at Midoriya's response.

Got to admit Tatsumi was right to be friends with the dork he seems fun to tease and cares about me as friends.

I can see why he can become a hero in the future.

He's willing to give someone like me a chance even when the court news explained my predicament for the two cases of my family abuse and drinking another student's blood after being pent up for so long.

He will go far as a hero once he gets All Might quirk.

Even though Tatsumi has told me a few things about my world he told me there were a few free Quirks for the taking.

Although having All Might Quirk is cool and all adding with my Zoan Devil Fruit I for one don't want to see many people in my head as I want my head in peace and privacy.

As the class has ended, we both got up and got ready to leave for class but then his childhood friend and his bunch of misfit minions come around us.

Midoriya gets a little scared as I saw Bakugo was angry as usual, "Hey you damn Deku!"

Midoriya backs away from the remark from the angry head as he gets close seeing Midoriya book as I get in between him as I shot a glare at the bomb boy, "Hey Bakugo would you mind why you are going around Midoriya I thought I told you to piss off if you bully him?"

Yeah, when I became friends with Midoriya I happen to help me against bullies like Bakugo and his minions I couldn't understand how people like him the main characters from Tatsumi's words are in this world.

But I have dealt with them before since I have become friends with Midoriya.


These scrubs had a hard time against me with superhuman strength with [Aura] have to admit it was a nice feeling.

As I got in between Midoriya and Bakugo I see that the henchmen backed off as I got close to Bakugo as Midoriya show some concern with his childhood friend, "Kachan…"

Bakugo could only snort arrogantly as he sees me in his way getting Midoriya journal as he took his time to study them, "Snort… What's it to you extra! Can't you see that you are in my way teaching that Deku a lesson!!!"

Raising my eyebrow at him I also noticed that people with flashy quirks tend to be very arrogant with people who are quirkless.

Deciding to use my Devil Fruit natural ability to create [Illusions] solely at Bakugo and his flinches as they see me in my full-on Nine Tails Hybrid form as I had an appearance of cloths forming around my legs, chest, shirt, and tails revealing a bit of fur and nine tails behind me but I now have some golden fur at half my face as my legs change into hind legs as my arms grew out a bit but I revealed a nasty glare at them that made them sweat in fear from my illusion.

I simply told them in a 'nice' voice as they ran away from me in fear of trying to attempt to harm Midoriya, "Bakugo you let my friend go and I don't go full-on Naruto Kurama beast mode on your ass."

Seeing them flee as I turn off my illusion ability, I turn over to Midoriya as he tells me in a thankful but worried tone, "Thanks again Toga for helping me out with Kachan but aren't you worried about what he'll do to you?"

Ha ha ha ha!

Laughing at Midoriya response I gave him a big grin on my face as I reassured him about facing them is a joke, "Ha ha ha ha! Sorry Midoriya but those guys got nothing on me and besides a real hero helps those in need and what kind of friend would I be if I couldn't even help out a friend in need, not a good hero apparently."

Midoriya just looks at me surprised as he bows his head as he thanks me for the wise words of advice I gave him.

With that done with we both got out of class as we both head back home to the apartments as I happen to live near Midoriya's mom Inko.

She's a nice lady all and all for her kindness with my other family members and then there is Bakugo mom…

She is a very explosive personality like her son but whatever.

Like mother like son I suppose.

As we were walking our way home Midoriya was the first to ask me a question, "Hey Toga why exactly do you want to be a hero for anyway?"

Glancing over to my friend I smirked at him as I give him my honest reply, "Honestly? It's for the money for me I want to live my life in comfort and peace. Don't get me wrong here Midoriya it's just I want to live my life I don't want to spend it all the time-fighting villains all the time you know?"

Midoriya seems surprised at my answer as he asks me again but in a confused tone, "Really? From what I gathered you would be great hero material with the way you speak can I ask why do you do it for the money and not for pride if you don't mind me asking?"

I gave him my honest reply to my opinion to his question since it's selfish for me, "Easy it's because I want to have a family one day in peace. I want to live a life away from all this trouble when I grow up don't you have something you want Midoriya? What I want conflicts with my job, so I choose my life than my job because it's my life I follow you get me?"

Midoriya looks surprised.

I guess he was expecting something on the lines I do it for the people or I do it because I don't want others like me to suffer.

I'm not those kind people.

I'm a greedy person and choose how to live my life as I want.

Don't need to be a hero with a job to be happy just be happy what you want to do not what others tell you to do.

Midoriya looks at me still surprised but then I place a hand over his shoulder as I give him words of confidence, "I mean Midoriya your dream is to be a hero one day. Even if people say you can't or because you are quirkless you don't need a quirk to help people to be a hero. Just being in their lives is enough to change a person life for the better to be a hero to others while not as flashy doesn't mean you won't change someone's life for the better?"

He looks at me shocked as he processed my words to him.

Then he asks me another question that catches me by surprised as he asked me in a realizing tone, "Did… did something like that happened to you Toga? Did you meet your hero to help change your ways as well?"

Pausing at Midoriya's words I stopped and think who my hero was.

Smiling at the members of the group chat ran across my mind I turned around to face Midoriya face I stick out my tongue as I tease him, "Maybe or maybe not? If you become a hero first, then I'll say who till then you are in a need of training to become a good one Midoriya he he he…"

With that we ran towards our apartment homes as Midoriya tries to catch up to me.

I glanced over that a slime villain attacked Bakugo but I didn't care since it needed to happen but his question however…

Grinning at the thought who my hero was I could only grin seeing an image of the members come through my head pass by those people are my heroes.